How to get the manual:
for get the manual you have to speak with him, and he give you a quest/mini-game to complete in a short time!
the game start when you double click the cloakwork assembly inside your pack (no special skills is needed)
when started the game, over your head say the name of a special ingredient located in the sutek laboratory remains. You have to double-click it in about 30 seconds or you have to resign and restart the quest again.
The items will change every times and the number of items is 20-25 (maybe more)
The quest can be done unlimited times and the reward is the "Mechanical's Life Manual" that allow you to make the new mechanical pets!!!
For build the new pets you have to use the tinker tools an then double click the new cloakwork created for raise the pet.
This creatures are bio-mechanical and can be healed like every pet (not like golems) and do not requires taming.
Between the building of one pet and another there is a cooldown of few minutes.
Here the characteristics of every new pets:
Leather wolf:
REQUIREMENTS: 100 leather, 3 oil flask
Can be stabled and has the Canine pack instinct.
Special ability: can summon as many wolf as it can while engage a combat (if you have only him, he ca summon up to 4 wolf)
Cloakwork Scorpion:
REQUIREMENTS: 100 bronze, 10 gears
Can be stabled and has the Arachnid pack instinct.
Special ability: poisoning
Gargoyle Pet:
REQUIREMENTS: 50 leather, 25 white dragon scales
Can be stabled.
Special ability: firebreath and has magery!
BUG: in the enhanced client is invisible
Here the images with animal lore gump: