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Why is nothing done about this?



Every time the inquisitor Resolution gloves are due on a lot of shards you can track a char that is using ninja form as like for example rat,rabbit, or whatever else they choose. When you track for human you will never track them no matter how high or low your tracking is unless you track animal form. I have no problem in this but, you can never ever get that chars name only what form they are in. Here is where the problem is..........The GM's we have are so untrained/lazy/stupid (can be any or all the above). They are afk running a unnamed program in which everyone knows what the hell it is but yet we can not speak of it. What they are a doing is bowing every few mins thanks to that program to never time out (how I know this is sometimes they die due to others fighting area effect monsters around them and the area damage reveals them and they die and you can watch the ghost bow over and over every few mins but yet they just stand there a bowing as the body slowly decays and will stand there sometimes as long as 8 hours without knowing they are dead but yet still bow every few mins like old faithful) while the program will set off a alarm to alert them when the gloves spawn and they are in that room in a matter of mins. If you try and page on them all you will get is we need a name since we are so untrained/lazy/stupid to figure this out on our own and even if you do supply the name of the cheater of course "they will look into it". After 3+ years of this crap it is time for someone for one to "look" into this. I have emailed jermeny when she was around about this and it fell on deaf ears and also I have emailed chrissay or whatever her name is about this several times and yet this still goes on. They need to change tracking where it show a players name and not form when you track since its used to abuse the flawed system to avoid begin paged on. I am sick and tired of these people snagging every single gloves on several shards and getting away with it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Learn to type with punctuations and paragraphs pleasssssse i cant even be bothered to read that huge mess of words



Learn to type with punctuations and paragraphs pleasssssse i cant even be bothered to read that huge mess of words

Then don't bother reading. I'm sorry I didn't know I was gonna be graded on it.


I know what you mean.

My friend knows someone who has 85 pairs of Inquis from this garbage.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know what you mean.

My friend knows someone who has 85 pairs of Inquis from this garbage.
85 pairs.... thats what 1 month more than 7 straight years of getting them, assuming he hasn't just been duping them, if i was EA i would ban anyone that had 85 pairs of inquisitors and delete them all, the chances of obtaining that many by legal measures are extremely slim and i would go with the hunch that they duped them all


I know what you mean.

My friend knows someone who has 85 pairs of Inquis from this garbage.
85 pairs.... thats what 1 month more than 7 straight years of getting them, assuming he hasn't just been duping them, if i was EA i would ban anyone that had 85 pairs of inquisitors and delete them all, the chances of obtaining that many by legal measures are extremely slim and i would go with the hunch that they duped them all
They are doing this on many shards, not just 1 shard.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Block said scripter in with Boxes / Bagballs... Go get some spellcasting monsters & let them dump you right next to him... The Demons in Doom have necro so poison strike is just a matter of time. Once said scripter is revealed you have their name.... page on them.. getting someone who's not even their revealed 1 time isn't impossible...


Block said scripter in with Boxes / Bagballs... Go get some spellcasting monsters & let them dump you right next to him... The Demons in Doom have necro so poison strike is just a matter of time. Once said scripter is revealed you have their name.... page on them.. getting someone who's not even their revealed 1 time isn't impossible...
Yeah but, that is considering luring and I could get banned for that so that is not a option. If the GM's would learn to read pages problem would be solved. Plus tracking needs to be fixed to where you can get a name not a form when tracking other chars.

the 4th man

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know what you mean, and it's pretty sad, a company as big as EA, proves themselves to be lazy slugs, by not doing jack about it.

Oh, and btw, I made it through your one paragraph rant. No, I'm not grading you....just implying, it looks very uneducated.:dunce:



Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have been waiting for MANY years to see something serious done to stop cheating, duping, hacking and scripting in this game.

I am still waiting..............

Will we ever see a Ultima Online free of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting ?

Even though my patience as a player who has always hated these things has really grown thin, I still hope that finally something to eradicate what I think has ruined a great game will be done.

Though, I am no longer holding my breath over it.

Personally, I think that it would have been better if the sales of anything game related for real money among players, had been stopped when they started.

I feel that if any and all sales among players of anything game related for real money had been forbidden, Ultima Online would have been a much better game.


I have been waiting for MANY years to see something serious done to stop cheating, duping, hacking and scripting in this game.

I am still waiting..............

Will we ever see a Ultima Online free of cheating, duping, hacking and scripting ?

Even though my patience as a player who has always hated these things has really grown thin, I still hope that finally something to eradicate what I think has ruined a great game will be done.

Though, I am no longer holding my breath over it.

Personally, I think that the biggest mistake was not having stopped it right away when the sales of anything game related for real money among players, started.

I feel that if any and all sales among players of anything game related for real money had been forbidden, Ultima Online would have been a much better game.

If you're so against duping, why are you duping your post over and over?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
To me tracking players should track all the players in the area no matter what stinking form they are in.

So that makes me wonder... what happens if they use demon form with polymorph?

I don't know what to say other than you are right... very lazy indeed.

Shame of it is you can't get a GM to come investigate anything anymore.

As for 85 pairs... that's just so utterly wrong that it's beyond comprehension.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you're so against duping, why are you duping your post over and over?

Perhaps I consider those things as harmfull to the game overall as well as to many players ?

What is your opinion, if I may ask, about that in the game ?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As for 85 pairs... that's just so utterly wrong that it's beyond comprehension.

The question is, why so many ? What for ?

All a player needs to play the game is 1 pair, perhaps 2..... But more than that ?

The answer to that question might give an idea as to what perhaps could be the problems of this game.........

Problems, which I think should ring more than a bell for Developers to address these issues as the #1 Priority right after the release of the upcoming expansion.

At least, that is my opinion about it.


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Every time the inquisitor Resolution gloves are due on a lot of shards you can track a char that is using ninja form as like for example rat,rabbit, or whatever else they choose. When you track for human you will never track them no matter how high or low your tracking is unless you track animal form. I have no problem in this but, you can never ever get that chars name only what form they are in. Here is where the problem is..........The GM's we have are so untrained/lazy/stupid (can be any or all the above). They are afk running a unnamed program in which everyone knows what the hell it is but yet we can not speak of it. What they are a doing is bowing every few mins thanks to that program to never time out (how I know this is sometimes they die due to others fighting area effect monsters around them and the area damage reveals them and they die and you can watch the ghost bow over and over every few mins but yet they just stand there a bowing as the body slowly decays and will stand there sometimes as long as 8 hours without knowing they are dead but yet still bow every few mins like old faithful) while the program will set off a alarm to alert them when the gloves spawn and they are in that room in a matter of mins. If you try and page on them all you will get is we need a name since we are so untrained/lazy/stupid to figure this out on our own and even if you do supply the name of the cheater of course "they will look into it". After 3+ years of this crap it is time for someone for one to "look" into this. I have emailed jermeny when she was around about this and it fell on deaf ears and also I have emailed chrissay or whatever her name is about this several times and yet this still goes on. They need to change tracking where it show a players name and not form when you track since its used to abuse the flawed system to avoid begin paged on. I am sick and tired of these people snagging every single gloves on several shards and getting away with it.
the guy who does it on Great Lakes plays many shards his chars on great lakes are Braya, Rhey, Rheyben Saunders, Heist em harry, Sally of slime, peek-a-boo and he watches the room on the back side in the form of a bullfrog. How he is able to play so many computers to get them on great lakes, honestly I have no clue. The only time I ever see this player is the 12 days that the gloves are due. He has bullfrog watching and the other guys are loged out on the lever pads, or 1 tile off the lever pads.


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To me tracking players should track all the players in the area no matter what stinking form they are in.

So that makes me wonder... what happens if they use demon form with polymorph?

I don't know what to say other than you are right... very lazy indeed.

Shame of it is you can't get a GM to come investigate anything anymore.

As for 85 pairs... that's just so utterly wrong that it's beyond comprehension.
I have stolen a total of 3 pairs in my life, and the only reason i was able to steal them was the guy who went in died inside from the poison becasue the gloves spawned on the sarphageous and a gm had to be paged to move them the guys ghost sat at the titan statue dead for hours after i had taken the gloves with the gm finally showing up after haveing to go in and out of the room a total of 33 times, the poison damages you very fast after being inside over 2 minutes. funny thing the gm moved the gloves but did not initiate chat or else i would have asked if the ghost could be investigated

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Plus tracking needs to be fixed to where you can get a name not a form when tracking other chars.

Actually, not being able to distinguish between a tracked "real" cat and a character that is in cat form (just an example) is part of the fun of playing a tracker, and I'm sure is part of the allure of using ninjitsu animal forms while stealthing. I would really hate to see all that lost. It would remove a bit of the fun and challenge out of factions. Would rather see some other solution found to this problem that you're discussing.


the guy who does it on Great Lakes plays many shards his chars on great lakes are Braya, Rhey, Rheyben Saunders, Heist em harry, Sally of slime, peek-a-boo and he watches the room on the back side in the form of a bullfrog. How he is able to play so many computers to get them on great lakes, honestly I have no clue. The only time I ever see this player is the 12 days that the gloves are due. He has bullfrog watching and the other guys are loged out on the lever pads, or 1 tile off the lever pads.
He's running multiple instances on one computer. He might even be running bot scripts/programs to control the other accounts.

By the way, this thread does open up the larger issue of cheating in general. No game is free from cheating/duping, not one! That being said developers of other titles have taken various steps to mitigate those issues and keep them to a minimum based on what they've learned with preceding titles which is one of the reasons why no other game is designed like UO.

The problem is that Ultima Online wasn't designed to address those issues since its one of the first games to encounter them. It would take massive changes to gameplay and the underlying technology to help prevent those issues and that costs money. And lets face it, UO is not a big earner anymore. Mythic inherited UO after its been passed around, they didn't build it, so who knows what code changes have been made. It's going to take them time(and money) to go over everything and yet the studio has other products which it must focus it resources towards. Small additions to the game such as new items, skills and events don't cost as much as overhauling the underlying technology to try and prevent cheating. You would need a larger team with people dedicated to the task and sadly uo is not a title worth that much attention anymore.

Face it, UO is so old that its a secondary project at best. I'm just happy it's getting any sort of update at all let alone the great work that mythic is doing.

But in the end its just not realistic to expect MYTHIC (not EA) to correct these issues.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the people who are concerned about this issue (which should really be all of us), please consider making a character or two (one that can hide by whatever method) and exploring the Underworld dungeon on the Retribution shard. I think the developers may have hit upon a solution for this problem. And if the "solution" becomes too much of a pest for you while you're investigating the Underworld, don't do like I did and assume it is just a feature of the dungeon that you can't avoid Remember that area effect spells, potions, etc. are your friend!


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
For the people who are concerned about this issue (which should really be all of us), please consider making a character or two (one that can hide by whatever method) and exploring the Underworld dungeon on the Retribution shard. I think the developers may have hit upon a solution for this problem. And if the "solution" becomes too much of a pest for you while you're investigating the Underworld, don't do like I did and assume it is just a feature of the dungeon that you can't avoid Remember that area effect spells, potions, etc. are your friend!
I wish that the solution would take up its life sucking home in doom, it woudl definately make camping something that must be watched or else monochrome will be the now look


I am just a little bit confused. The dev already counter needing the inquisitor already. Im surprise it's still selling ar even being botherd to be aquired. Do we not have the inquisitor resolution at demand for a mere 5k silver whenever we want which is worth around 500k gold the most with much better resist?
Or am I missing something special about the originals that make them worth so much other than the fact that it doesn't break and is transferable? Oh faction requirement but easily curcumvented.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
By the way, this thread does open up the larger issue of cheating in general. No game is free from cheating/duping, not one! That being said developers of other titles have taken various steps to mitigate those issues and keep them to a minimum based on what they've learned with preceding titles which is one of the reasons why no other game is designed like UO.

Perhaps 100% cheat safe is not reachable but at least something could be done to get close to that......... yet, for years upon years I have seen the problem even getting worse, sometimes, rather than better......

In regards to the inquisitor's resolution gloves something that could perhaps limit the problem of the hoarding of them could be to limit the possibility to get them, 1 pair every six months PER ACCOUNT. Sorry, trial accounts NOT good.

Or even one pair per YEAR per account. When I say 6 months or 1 year, did I mention that the account HAS TO have been active for 6 or 12 continuous months since the last pair gor received ?

All a player playing the game needs is 1 pair, perhaps 2.

At least other players would have a chance and the hoarders would need to have to pay on a separate account 6 or 12 months subscriptions to get another pair. Not worth it.

What I am trying to say, is that "perhaps" if they are thought of, solutions may be found to make it harder for hoarders, and easier for regular players, to have a chance at them.

But in the end its just not realistic to expect MYTHIC (not EA) to correct these issues.

How about seeing it as an investment ?
That is, if cheating, hacking, duping, scripting could be eradicated from the game "perhaps" many would come back to playing it and so increasing the number of subscrptions ?

Over the years I played I met MANY who left it in disgust because of the rampant cheating, duping, hacking, scripting.

How can one PvP against others who use hacks and cheats ?

Or work against those who script as if there was no tomorrow ?

It is NOT fun to compete in such an environment and, MANY left without wanting to have much to do about it.

I would imagine that if the war against these things was won, a number of players would reconsider playing the game again.

So, it could be seen as an investment to better the game's number of subscriptions.

At least, that is how I think.

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah but, that is considering luring and I could get banned for that so that is not a option. If the GM's would learn to read pages problem would be solved. Plus tracking needs to be fixed to where you can get a name not a form when tracking other chars.
Hello there

well I strongly agree and disagree with you, here's how

I am a stealther and use ninja form in fel alot, i do NOT want anyone to identify me in animal form, thats why i use it, so that would be a nightmare

I do agree that the timer scripts should be addressed, well all scripts and i am not shy in moaning about it:)

however you can page on a different reason, and try to explain thet you cannot identify the person involved, maybe, just maybe you will lucky to get a GM to look


Problem is that GMS do nothing about anything. See how many people that are running around with speeder on in PvP, nothing is done too it. They dont care.

On EU people dont even deny running speedhacks anymore. Now its just a trend.


Yeah but, that is considering luring and I could get banned for that so that is not a option. If the GM's would learn to read pages problem would be solved. Plus tracking needs to be fixed to where you can get a name not a form when tracking other chars.
Hello there

well I strongly agree and disagree with you, here's how

I am a stealther and use ninja form in fel alot, i do NOT want anyone to identify me in animal form, thats why i use it, so that would be a nightmare

I do agree that the timer scripts should be addressed, well all scripts and i am not shy in moaning about it:)

however you can page on a different reason, and try to explain thet you cannot identify the person involved, maybe, just maybe you will lucky to get a GM to look
It doesn't matter how you page. I have paged many times every way you can and they will 100% send you a message saying we can not look into them unless a name is giving. They are too lazy/stupid to read the page and get all the info they need since it's only 1 char afk,hidden,in rabbit form at gloves from server up to server down.

I have emailed many of the staff about this,uo bugs,FoF, and and many many many pages yet 3 years later not a thing has been done about it. It is like they are supporting cheaters by doing everything they can to not catch them.


I`ve started questioning the speed hack thing.I`ve read other threads about the speed diff in SA/KR compared to the 2d client.Since I have 2 computers and 2 accounts I thought I`d check it out myself.

I logged into 2d on one pc,than logged into 2d on my main,ran around and watched myself runnin on my second comp.Looked normal,nothing stood out and all looked fine. To the contrary I logged into SA on my main pc (while staying in 2d on 2nd pc),ran around and watched myself on my 2nd pc. Big difference,looked like I`d skip here and there as I zipped around clearly faster than 2d.Also I noticed when I changed direction or did a 180,it looked as if my toon skipped a couple frames.

After watching the very noticeable difference of SA speed and movement on a 2d client (2nd comp) I can see where the notion that speedhacking is a huge problem.I think its a difference in clients myself.There may be some speedhacking,but not nearly as much as one would think.

I tried this using 10mb cable connection,secondary comp has 2.2 AMD 512 Nvidia card and 2 gigs of ram 100mb HD.
Main comp is 2.4 AMD 512 nvidia 9800gt 4 gigs of ram and 120 gig hd
both run win xp pro.

Very obvious difference between the speed of the 2 clients....at least the the speed of the SA client viewed thru the 2d client....just my 2 cents after a quick test.


they should make elite items like that random drops on spawns that noone does. like grizzle or the spawn in twisted weald or the minotaur spawn.

that would solve scripting for them and give more people that don't have theives a chance to get them honestly. not to impugn being a theif but outside of rico and chad who fight the good fight, there pretty much nerfed anyways.

take the orny. still giving all the crafting options and even the upcoming imbuing skill, the orny remains pretty much the must have item for a good mage suit build. point being any honest player that wants to put the time in to running the gauntlet has an opportunity to get one. those gloves in my opinion are seen in the same light, if u don't want to join factions that is.

my opinion.


Every time the inquisitor Resolution gloves are due on a lot of shards you can track a char that is using ninja form as like for example rat,rabbit, or whatever else they choose. When you track for human you will never track them no matter how high or low your tracking is unless you track animal form. I have no problem in this but, you can never ever get that chars name only what form they are in. Here is where the problem is..........The GM's we have are so untrained/lazy/stupid (can be any or all the above). They are afk running a unnamed program in which everyone knows what the hell it is but yet we can not speak of it. What they are a doing is bowing every few mins thanks to that program to never time out (how I know this is sometimes they die due to others fighting area effect monsters around them and the area damage reveals them and they die and you can watch the ghost bow over and over every few mins but yet they just stand there a bowing as the body slowly decays and will stand there sometimes as long as 8 hours without knowing they are dead but yet still bow every few mins like old faithful) while the program will set off a alarm to alert them when the gloves spawn and they are in that room in a matter of mins. If you try and page on them all you will get is we need a name since we are so untrained/lazy/stupid to figure this out on our own and even if you do supply the name of the cheater of course "they will look into it". After 3+ years of this crap it is time for someone for one to "look" into this. I have emailed jermeny when she was around about this and it fell on deaf ears and also I have emailed chrissay or whatever her name is about this several times and yet this still goes on. They need to change tracking where it show a players name and not form when you track since its used to abuse the flawed system to avoid begin paged on. I am sick and tired of these people snagging every single gloves on several shards and getting away with it.

Well I page everyday on the same people running through bagballs, candleabras and anything else i can find to throw down, nothing is ever done. Just the same canned response they like to send to everyone. Also in the ShadowLords base you can cast an energy field on yourself log out and back in and be in the sigil room. This has been happening since the beginning and nothing has been done about it. If no interest is put into stopping these bugs I don't see them fixing a skill that most people do not use.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
Once again I'm forced to bring this up.... EA/Mythic or who EVER can Easily STOP 90% of it and could ban 99% of all the scripters if they did one VERY simple thing...

NO player I don't care who they are can be logged into their character 23.5 hours a day everyday for 14 days...

What UO needs is some sort of underlying code that "flags" any and every account logged in more than 12 hours a day... and 2 GM's to go and investigate the account.

IF the account is "shared" different characters or whatever will log in and log out and they would NOT be just standing there at a spawn site like a statue frozen waiting for something to spawn.... they would be PLAYING UO...

Ban everyone who is investigated to be Scripting/macroing/ and otherwise using illegal gameplay. Talk to the ones who are suspect and mark the account for "watching".

Don't just BAN scripters especially unattended mining bots and lumberjacking bots... BAN the CC used. Ban the name and if the same "named" characters keep getting banned or the same IP address keeps getting banned BAN the IP.

After that it would either take way too much expense to run unattended bots on enough accounts to keep under the "radar" or it would make it FAR more difficult and expensive for them.

Most normal players do not ever keep logged in for hours on end doing nothing.

Now I'm no programmer or anything but I don't think it would be that difficult to implement some sort of "flagging" system to flag accounts that are logged in for > X # of hours in a 24 hour period.

Of course all this would depend on EA/UO doing something like paying GM's to investigate... and for cripes sakes don't do it on GM's.... do it on normal player characters. Which would mean whoever investigated would need to have more than the bare minimum of game play knowledge.


Once again I'm forced to bring this up.... EA/Mythic or who EVER can Easily STOP 90% of it and could ban 99% of all the scripters if they did one VERY simple thing...

NO player I don't care who they are can be logged into their character 23.5 hours a day everyday for 14 days...

What UO needs is some sort of underlying code that "flags" any and every account logged in more than 12 hours a day... and 2 GM's to go and investigate the account.

IF the account is "shared" different characters or whatever will log in and log out and they would NOT be just standing there at a spawn site like a statue frozen waiting for something to spawn.... they would be PLAYING UO...

Ban everyone who is investigated to be Scripting/macroing/ and otherwise using illegal gameplay. Talk to the ones who are suspect and mark the account for "watching".

Don't just BAN scripters especially unattended mining bots and lumberjacking bots... BAN the CC used. Ban the name and if the same "named" characters keep getting banned or the same IP address keeps getting banned BAN the IP.

After that it would either take way too much expense to run unattended bots on enough accounts to keep under the "radar" or it would make it FAR more difficult and expensive for them.

Most normal players do not ever keep logged in for hours on end doing nothing.

Now I'm no programmer or anything but I don't think it would be that difficult to implement some sort of "flagging" system to flag accounts that are logged in for > X # of hours in a 24 hour period.

Of course all this would depend on EA/UO doing something like paying GM's to investigate... and for cripes sakes don't do it on GM's.... do it on normal player characters. Which would mean whoever investigated would need to have more than the bare minimum of game play knowledge.

An even easier solution would be for the GMs to simply take two minutes out of their day and spectate known scripter spots. Really wouldn't take that much work even for people who are so lazy all they can do is copy/paste a canned response over and over..

Amber Moon

Seasoned Veteran
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An even easier solution would be for the GMs to simply take two minutes out of their day and spectate known scripter spots. Really wouldn't take that much work even for people who are so lazy all they can do is copy/paste a canned response over and over..
Don't put out too much bad juju towards the poor schmucks doing this job. My bet is they are rated based on the number of calls they handle per shift.

It is far more likely that company policy prevents them from spending their time chasing down the scripters and likely no reward or recognition if they do.

Blame lies with the suits and the narrowing profits of an aging game.


Don't put out too much bad juju towards the poor schmucks doing this job. My bet is they are rated based on the number of calls they handle per shift.

It is far more likely that company policy prevents them from spending their time chasing down the scripters and likely no reward or recognition if they do.

Blame lies with the suits and the narrowing profits of an aging game.
Then things should change for the sake of the game.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
An even easier solution would be for the GMs to simply take two minutes out of their day and spectate known scripter spots. Really wouldn't take that much work even for people who are so lazy all they can do is copy/paste a canned response over and over..
Don't put out too much bad juju towards the poor schmucks doing this job. My bet is they are rated based on the number of calls they handle per shift.

It is far more likely that company policy prevents them from spending their time chasing down the scripters and likely no reward or recognition if they do.

Blame lies with the suits and the narrowing profits of an aging game.
First off it wouldn't do a bit of good because believe it or not 99% of the people running said scripting programs also run a script that has them bail at the first sign of a GM. (Yes they do have these!).... so the GM would pop in and NO one would be there...

Hence why I said they need to do it using some GM's playing on actual Player characters... not GM characters.

And the "blame" so to speak lies in the consumers who pay for the crap scripters sell.... as well and every bit as much as in EA/UO and the DEV's... for allowing it to continue..... as well as their policy of allowing hackers, scammers and other scum to continue doing what they do without any recourse.... driving away most of the decent players who aren't hacks, cheats, and scammers.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Actually the blame lies in us "the players" for continuing to pay EA money for our accounts. EA had the chance to put punkbuster in but all the vocal cheats cried "security issues" etc. The fact is EA has let cheating go on so long that the vast majority of players use some kind of cheat or another whether its just a program that repeats an assist macro over and over or other well known script and speedhacking programs. Problem is people want scripts and speedhacks dealt with yet they still wanna use thier own cheats even if those cheats dont affect other players(unattended macroing for example). EA is not interested in stopping cheats. It would cut into to much of thier subscription numbers. Unless a large number of players set up some kind of boycott that ends thier subscriptions at least for a period EA will continue to do nothing except once in a great while say that they take cheating seriously(which is obviously false). They will continue to pump up Stygian Abyss even though its going to do nothing to change the way cheats dominate this game both in pvp and in farming resources and high end items. UO is a cheaters paradise and has been for a long time. EA doesnt look at potential revenue(players that would return if cheating was reasonably dealt with) they simply look at how much instant revenue they would lose if accounts started to get banned. Ive now learned that coming to these boards does nothing to influence these game developers when it comes to cheating no matter what they say. If it did influence them cheating would have been dealt with years ago. My suggestion if these things bother you so much is to just start cheating yourself. Why not? its not as if thier going to do anything about it.