Every time the inquisitor Resolution gloves are due on a lot of shards you can track a char that is using ninja form as like for example rat,rabbit, or whatever else they choose. When you track for human you will never track them no matter how high or low your tracking is unless you track animal form. I have no problem in this but, you can never ever get that chars name only what form they are in. Here is where the problem is..........The GM's we have are so untrained/lazy/stupid (can be any or all the above). They are afk running a unnamed program in which everyone knows what the hell it is but yet we can not speak of it. What they are a doing is bowing every few mins thanks to that program to never time out (how I know this is sometimes they die due to others fighting area effect monsters around them and the area damage reveals them and they die and you can watch the ghost bow over and over every few mins but yet they just stand there a bowing as the body slowly decays and will stand there sometimes as long as 8 hours without knowing they are dead but yet still bow every few mins like old faithful) while the program will set off a alarm to alert them when the gloves spawn and they are in that room in a matter of mins. If you try and page on them all you will get is we need a name since we are so untrained/lazy/stupid to figure this out on our own and even if you do supply the name of the cheater of course "they will look into it". After 3+ years of this crap it is time for someone for one to "look" into this. I have emailed jermeny when she was around about this and it fell on deaf ears and also I have emailed chrissay or whatever her name is about this several times and yet this still goes on. They need to change tracking where it show a players name and not form when you track since its used to abuse the flawed system to avoid begin paged on. I am sick and tired of these people snagging every single gloves on several shards and getting away with it.