Re: Any idea on how to make being red a bad thing
On production shards, there is NO REAL penalty for being red. Lets look at the current "penalties" for being red:
- No Tram... whoopty do. Accounts have 5-7 character slots. I think most can keep one blue char to access Tram content. So how is this a penalty?

- No buying... again, with 5-7 character slots, how is this a penalty? Especially if the account has a Fel based house to swap items around.
- Freely attackable... okay... most reds WANT to be attacked... so how is this a penalty?
I also don't agree with the current murder count burn off system. Especially as evidenced by all the "PvPers" that unattend burn at Luna. Yup, ping-ponging counts is alive and well.
To me, the murder system should do what it currently does: identify people who kill blues. It currently partially succeeds. They need to remove the ping-pong count ability after some point. Maybe a new counter of "total kills". Once the total kills count reaches a certain point, you turn perma red... doesn't matter if you never turn red or not.
But there still needs to be a REAL penalty for being red. Maybe not something permanent like the old stat loss or completely barring the player from "normal player" activities like accessing a house or soulstones. Maybe temporary stat loss like factions is one theory.
I mention that I am red because it does bare some on the issue. If a red can look at a system and say "something is wrong", you can be sure there more than likely is something wrong