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[SPOILER ALERT!!] The Tomb of Kings and The Underworld In Pictures

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Here are a variety of maps and screenshots from the Tomb of Kings and The Underworld. Kind of a whirlwind tour with no comments, just pictures. Sorry the darn GD was in almost every shot. Was my first time going through both places today and I wasn't sure what to expect.

The Tomb of Kings

The Underworld



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice screenies! Using the classic client I see, me too :p

Top left and Bottom center screenies on the last pic, are those broken stone bridges/thingies only crossable by gargoyles?

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Nice screenies! Using the classic client I see, me too :p

The maps are from the Enhanced Client's atlas.

Top left and Bottom center screenies on the last pic, are those broken stone bridges/thingies only crossable by gargoyles?
The screen at the top left is just below where you go into the Abyss. I suspect gargoyles can fly over that set of ruins (old bridge?). Everyone else can use a sparkly gate in a room just to the east of the top of the ankh room.

The bottom center screen is a pretty cool maze that has two exits--one leads into the Ankh room and the other takes you off to the far southwest corner. I completed it a couple of times with my human character, once dead and the other times alive with an anxious GD that I finally parked on top of a column to get it out of the way. Once you're in that SE corner, there's also a room with a sparkly gate that takes you back over to the west side of the Underworld on the bottom level in the Greater Poison Elemental's spawn area. From there, you can run to yet another sparkly gate that brings you back up to the main level in the room with skeletal mages and skeletons.


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Cool. Nice presentation. :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice screenies! Using the classic client I see, me too :p

Top left and Bottom center screenies on the last pic, are those broken stone bridges/thingies only crossable by gargoyles?
Yup Gargoyle only bridges.
Also keep an aye out for 2 sparklies together as they singnify a secret gargoyle only route ;)

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yup Gargoyle only bridges.
Also keep an aye out for 2 sparklies together as they singnify a secret gargoyle only route ;)
A good tip. Also keep your eyes peeled for another type of "sparkly." Didn't die to it (that darn minefield of a bridge did me in....getting smacked in the head with boulders, poisoned, lanced, and struck by lightning was quite an experience). However, the nuisance sparkly did make life interesting and I'm sure will be a major PITA for stealthers with poor self-healing methods.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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I replaced the map C and D images with updated ones that include new shots of the kracken beach, Navrey, iron beetles, and the special fountain near the beetles.


thx for the screenies good photoshop skills...

what you don't see in the 2d client is all the little "bees" buzzing.. that's where gargoyles can fly over many of the places where you got hung up being on foot. What I wonder tho, if a garg w/ greater can both fly over those places?


Always Present
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RL is keeping me out of game far more than I'd like, so thanks very much for all the nifty screenshots! :thumbsup:

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I logged into the Enhanced client and went back to the ruined bridge just south of where the Abyss entrance is in the Underworld. Did not see any "bees." Maybe my computer isn't displaying the effect?? Tried to wander around a bit more but I really can't do dungeon crawling in the Enhanced client. It is so jerky, with lots of rubberbanding and slow/no response to mouse clicks. The graphics are stunningly beautiful and seemed to have sharpened up considerably recently. I just can't handle playing in it...too frustrating.

Maybe someone else that has seen the flight path indicators in the Enhanced client can post a sample shot or two.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I never saw anything of an indicator when I was on the other side of that bridge.

I just more or less intuited that I should go to fly mode and give it a try.

I did fly across it and several other broken bridge structures down there


I apologize ahead of time.. my photoshop and imbedding a photo skills are well worse than worse.. But I went to Tina's bridge area and took a screenie of the bees. You can find these all over, not just in the underworld. Where ever you see them, gargoyles can fly over them!


OMG! I did it! Wheeeee!


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
*Shrug* Thanks Yalp for pointing those things out. I have seen them all over the place. I was on the other side and well never noticed them. It could be the contrast between them and what they are overlaying is not really conducive to allowing them to be seen as they are in your south and eastern side of the bridge.

Personally I may never have noticed them on that side if you had not drawn the circle around them :)

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It seems that the flight indicator "bees" are a gargoyle-only thing. Took an unarmed almost naked gargoyle back to the ruined bridge area and got screen shots in both clients. She has no night sight gear on, so it's all very dark. (I even bumped up the brightness on the classic client shot.) However, if you squint perhaps you can see the "bees" in both shots. (The critter glaring at her from the south side of the bridge is a gremlin. I guess they can't fly.)

Gah! I have to post the full screen shot below. It's just too pretty not to.



yeah the term "Bees" is a misnomer. Good to know it's garg only race that can see them. The bees from the honeycomb beehive (Spring cleaning item), in SA are exquisite. I guess these are more closely related to the stingers the meer's throw at ya that you need a torch to dispel.. but "bees" might be the name that sticks! hee.