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SA & PvP... Concerns....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1) Flying Gargoyles with Greater Dragons & Dreadmares in tow... This is different than animal form in that a Flying Garg. can cast spells & use special moves... BROKEN.. needs to be fixxed B4 SA. goes live..

2) As far as I can tell the Mysticism spell does not properly check the targetted opponents magic resist. I simply created a Gargoyle with 0 Mysticim / Imbuing (though I realize they get Jack of all trades or something close with those skills) and I tested it vs a Human w/ 120 Magic resist. The first 10 castings of pure magic ALL
succeeded in removing the Bless spell vs a 120 Magic Resist character.... I think at 120 Magic resist pure magic shouldn't work at all....

IF anyone else has anthing major post it..


Crazed Zealot
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flying gargoyles and people in animal forms should all take 1 control slot.
sleep should have no impact in pvp.



Please dont **** over PvP once again. ML bows, bokutos, 4/6 fc/fcr anyone? Ever since AoS they ****ed up pvp somehow with every expansion.


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Hmm.... I haven't really made up my Mind on the Sleep spell. If you have 120 resist I think it shouldn't work (just like paralyze), but then again I don't think ANY pvp'er could get away with NOT have 120 resist with the sleep spell out there.... So the question becomes, should you be forced to have 120 Magic resist to have a Valid PvP character? If the answer is no what would balanced Sleep in PvP ?? (perhaps removing the Forced Walk speed maybe.. need to think about it more)


-Forced Walk speed
-No casting
-No attacking
-I believe it still imposes a HUGE (like -45%) DCI Factor..
-Roughly casts @ Harm speed (2nd circle) aka SPAM IT!
-Is Broken by Dmg. (even with a T-box I think I could negate a 0 Magic Resist character just by spamming this. It would effectively function as a paralyze -walk spd.- that casts 2x as fast,with alot of extras til they hit the Tbox)


Babbling Loonie
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Purge Magic is definitely broken.
Should be something like 120 eval vs 0 resist 100% chance to remove a magic buff. 120 eval vs GM resist = 20% to remove, and 120 magic resist make you immune to stuff like purge magic and sleep.

Currently you can still omen sleep people. However sleep only seem to last about half of te duration of what paralyze lasts, which should be a bit ok.

Flying with GD would be very ********.

Stam regen is not really a counter measure, because animal form have EXACTLY THE SAME SYSTEM with higher stam regen on running forum. So both animal form and flying needs at least 6 stam regen (not like its hard now you get imbuing or you can just slip on ring of vile and ur covered), yet animal forms take high ninjitsu skill flying take zero skill. animal form cannot do specials flying can, and animal forum cant cast and flying can. Animal form takes mana, flying is free. Animal form can fizzle, flying is always cast. Animal forms can be purge magiced, flying is immune to purge magic. You need 4/6 casting to cast animal form as fast as flying.

And now we see clueless people saying animal form doesnt take a control slot why should flying? I know why, read the above paragraph and tell me in straight face how exactly animal form is superior or even on par with flying. :coco:


So if I want to escape a pvper I just need to make em fall asleep? GREAT!

(Good for me but, bad for the PvPers)


1) Flying Gargoyles with Greater Dragons & Dreadmares in tow... This is different than animal form in that a Flying Garg. can cast spells & use special moves... BROKEN.. needs to be fixxed B4 SA. goes live..
So what do you propose?


Flying should take up on slot like ridables do with other chars.


Grand Poobah
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so they can't be flying around with a greater dragon. As if dragons in pvp wasn't bad enough, making the tamer move at mounted speeds realllly sucks, with the ability to use specials and cast.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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so gargoyles can't be tamers with 5 slot pets?
They'd have to dismount (stop flying) first in order to command a 5 slot pet.

But meh, I say let 'em keep their no-penalty flying ability.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
They'd have to dismount (stop flying) first in order to command a 5 slot pet.

But meh, I say let 'em keep their no-penalty flying ability.
If thats the case, i see no reason why i, and many others, would not be running around, with their primary combo being, exp all kill flamestrike, on a gargoyle. Least now they have to be on foot, and you can take them out before they can run away.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My Suggestion to fix the abuse that a Flying Gargoyle with a Greater Dragon or Dreadmare in Tow will cause is.....

When a Gargoyle begins flying all of his pets are effectively given the
All stop & All follow Me commands....

While Flying trying to give any commands to your pet results in the system message
"The Roaring Wind drowns out your words" (aka your pets will only follow you when your flying)


Gargoyles require 6-8 stam regen on their items.. this is the cost of not having a control slot taken while flying. This hasn't been extensively tested.. after all, who will dedicate themselves to a template without an extended playtime?

I'm sure this is on the eyes of the devs once SA goes live. Trust me, those armor mods used for stam regen could be better used elsewhere on a non-gargoyle. It's all a matter of finding the right balance. Don't discard this offhand, wait until you know for a fact it is overpowered.


Legendary Assassin
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gargoyle tamers will be the first thing that will need adjusted.

while in gargoyle form when you get dismounted after the 5 sec timer.. there is NO TIMER TO REMOUNT YOU ARE ALLREADY IN FORM AGAIN AND MOVING AT FULL SPEED. no penalty to remount.

anyone else see this? that is way way to much...


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
uh uh, this is sooo cool, now my tamer is gonna be even more overpowered..
Ty DEVs best expansion ever :)
I only think its fair that i can fly as a garg, with my greater dragon. Most so called pvp'ers hack/cheat/scam anyway so i dont see it as an unfair thing at all..

(best thread ever...lol)


gargoyle tamers will be the first thing that will need adjusted.

while in gargoyle form when you get dismounted after the 5 sec timer.. there is NO TIMER TO REMOUNT YOU ARE ALLREADY IN FORM AGAIN AND MOVING AT FULL SPEED. no penalty to remount.

anyone else see this? that is way way to much...
Aside from the remount-(same as ethy) remount timer... no. But as I said, wait for it before you complain.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Aside from the remount-(same as ethy) remount timer... no. But as I said, wait for it before you complain.

It takes 2 to 3 seconds to mount an ethy and to go back flying is about 10 times faster than that. And you can't mana drain or mana vamp to keep them out of "flying" nor can you purge magic people out of flying where you can purge magic people out of animal form.

Try it. :thumbsup:


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When a Gargoyle begins flying all of his pets are effectively given the
All stop & All follow Me commands....

While Flying trying to give any commands to your pet results in the system message
"The Roaring Wind drowns out your words" (aka your pets will only follow you when your flying)
As a wimpy Tram tamer, I see no problem with this idea.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As a wimpy Tram tamer, I see no problem with this idea.
I am mainly a fel hogger but when I sometimes do take my GD out farming I'd kill to be able to control a GD while keeping running speed with zero skill investment.

But I dont think it will be a good idea to let that happen in Fel. I mean we already had capable PvP tamers when all they got was beetle & mare/bake, but they throw in dreadmares OK fine, and super dragons... grrr ok at least they are forced to spend points in ninjitsu if they want super dragon and running speed and at least they cant be armor ignoring and exp fs while running mount speed w/GD. GD w/ flying... *speechless*

DEVs should get on a character set their skill and turn off their yellow name god mode and come to fel and fight my tamer mage and/or my tamer dexer and see how they feel... Try it DEVs before you make things even more ********. :coco:


Stratics Veteran
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Sweeny Said:
But as I said, wait for it before you complain.

1) I'm a 12 Year Vet and been PvP'ing since the days of Halberds and naked mages...so I have a clue and imho, can indeed tell when somthing is BROKEN...aka O.P. / Gimp / L33T etc... lol

2) I'm in the Beta and HAVE played with Flying Greater Dragon Tamer/Dexxers & Tamer/Mages ... They are BROKEN... and fixxing them Before it all goes live is Waaaaaay better than waiting around till SA and trying to squeeze this MAJOR PvP unbalance FIX in with what I'm sure is going to be a landslide of other things that need tweaking...