Sounds like a job for Item Identification!Yet through all of your example of calculating you fail to pick up on the calculation that is really important.
I have x amount of minutes to scan x amount of items, these all have x amount of properties with x amount of intensities.
I should just be able to look at item a see it has x amount of intensity and know i can enhance it with x amount of properties. Not look at it and have to try to calculate each property with there weight to know if i can enhance what i want.
Takes a while for each item, now take into account that alot of champs are in fel(well what i do is anyway) you then have to take into account the fact the gate drops in x amount of time and xguild could be coming anytime soon.
Too many x's!!!
Just give me an item that i can see what intensity it has...by looking at it! And give me a skill that i can see what i can enhance it with...by looking at it!
Would be the perfect skill to add these things to.