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UOSAClassic client not working


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I have downloaded the UOSA classic client ; I know where I have put it ; when I double-click it installs ; then asks me if I want to update direct X (sometimes I have said yes, then I said no as they don't need update) ; then the Stygian Abyss screens appears ; then the terms of agreement ; I click yes, I accept ; then nothing happens : the game doesn't load.
I've even tried to disable my firewall to get it to work but did the same thing exactly.

I'm wondering if the "new" 2D client (not "enhanced one") might not work any more on my computer when the current 2D will be patched for SA ...

edit : my computer is a laptop, so I haveno way to update for example the video card...

Tina Small

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RoseBlue, no Terms of Agreement screen comes up with the SA-enabled "classic client" you use to access the Retribution shard.

It sounds like you may be trying to use the Enhanced client.

Try this: On your Windows desktop, click just once the icon of the client you're trying to launch and verify how it is labeled. It will either say, "Ultima Online Stygian Abyss" (for the Enhanced client) or it will say, "Ultima Online Stygian Abyss Classic" (for the old 2d classic client).

If you're actually launching the Enhanced client (which I think you are because it sounds like you're getting a Terms of Agreement screen), then you may not have authorized the correct executable in your firewall program. Also, the Enhanced client is terribly slow to load sometimes, so if you are using it and decide to stick with it, just be patient when it starts up. If it takes more than a few minutes to load, toggle out of it and confirm your firewall program isn't blocking it.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The 2D client will also be patched up later on to play SA expansion.


Lore Master
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Also if your running vista you have to run in admin. mode


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Thanks to all for your replies.

Tina, the exact label for the Application I downloaded is :

So, Frarc, you sure I'll be able to continue playing with my current 2D client once it"s updated to SA? I hope so!

Also, I'm not running Vista nor XP but Millenium (and the current 2D client works extremely well with it).

I'll try what you suggest Tina : wait more for loading but in fact my firewall doesn't get the application on it, whatever I try...(this is why I disabled it).

Oh, I just hope I can continue playing UO in 2D, even if I don't get the expansion!!!

Tina Small

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Stratics Legend
Rose, a number of us are already using the 2d client to check out the expansion content. I downloaded the 2d client for that purpose a month or so ago as part of the beta, so I'm not sure if that's the appropriate path. Check the names under the icons on your desktop and just make sure you're using the right one and don't try to log on to Retribution with either client if you're using a trial account.