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Changes to Imbuing

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Id like to suggest an allowance to imbue enhanced/special material items. As it is now, its suuuuuper hard to make an imbued set of armor thats worthwhile, because you have to enhance AFTER you imbue, and the success rate with leather and metal is really pretty low, so you could have to waste 5 or 6 fully imbued items before actually getting it enhanced, and if you don't enhance it the resists will be super low.

I don't see why this would be a bad thing so long as the proposed caps are put into play. And as it sits now you can make some really uber wooden items really easy because wood almost never fails to enhance.

This change would make the system MUCH more useful if you ask me.
if you can use enhanced [barbed etc.] kits with normal materials, then I think you should be able to at least use a normal/plain tools with coloured ore/leather/wood as a base item for imbuing. So you don't screw over those who have taken the time to gm lumberjacking/mining.


I'd even say allowing 300% on an item to be imbued is too much.

Means all you need is a spined kit, and then you can imbue.. It's not really doing anything in the end.

200% would at LEAST make it to where there's some benefit to using high end runics over spined kits/copper runics.

I'd really like to see imbuing limited to 200% on the total amount that can be imbued, or even 250%. 300% just seems a little high to me, given that spined kits can make 2 mod 200% intensity total items.

I hope my post is read and looked at. Personally, I don't want to see Imbuing completely bring us back to PreAOS where everyone has VERY equal gear and is easy to obtain. While this may not be popular here, think about the game's health. If everyone has the best gear, you're taking out a big portion of why to play. If you already have the best gear, why would you need to spend the time hunting or anything? People will get bored quick if they have all the best gear. Everyone would play Test Center if this is what they wanted.

Please take my post into consideration. Thank you.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd even say allowing 300% on an item to be imbued is too much.

Means all you need is a spined kit, and then you can imbue.. It's not really doing anything in the end.

200% would at LEAST make it to where there's some benefit to using high end runics over spined kits/copper runics.

I'd really like to see imbuing limited to 200% on the total amount that can be imbued, or even 250%. 300% just seems a little high to me, given that spined kits can make 2 mod 200% intensity total items.

I hope my post is read and looked at. Personally, I don't want to see Imbuing completely bring us back to PreAOS where everyone has VERY equal gear and is easy to obtain. While this may not be popular here, think about the game's health. If everyone has the best gear, you're taking out a big portion of why to play. If you already have the best gear, why would you need to spend the time hunting or anything? People will get bored quick if they have all the best gear. Everyone would play Test Center if this is what they wanted.

Please take my post into consideration. Thank you.
Imbued items can not have powder of fortification used on it, they will break, requiring them to be replaced.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Also while Gems are too difficult to obtain for their intended uses (lets see 20 Fire Ruby's to enhance - time to dig up 20 Fire Rubies? Like 200 hours of mining) - some of the other stuff is too easy.

For example I killed 6 blood elementals (which give pretty weak loot overall) and I unraveled all of it. Result? 29 Magical Residue and 8 Enchanted Essence. Now there were no relic fragments - but not everything requires those.

I think there should be some sort of 'minimum' intensity to unravel otherwise you get nothing.

As it stands here - i could kill bloods for an hour and have hundreds of the MR and EE ingredients. Not very hard to obtain.

Which leads me back to Gems as being the hardest part of the imbuing equation and the one most likely to be scripted.


Imbue Hit Fireball 50% on a weapon

Enchanted Essense (5) - Took 5 min of bloods
Ruby (10) - Store bought - zero time
Fire Ruby (10) - About 40-50 hours of mining to get 10 FR's


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What about the balance issues involved with gargoyles being unable to wear crimsons, lieutenant guard sashes, etc? I mean, I can see the point here, but gear-wise, the extra jewelry mods were their one advantage. Otherwise, they seem pretty gimped.

Not sure how I feel about this change. I kinda liked imbuing the way it was, but I could sympathize with those who thought it was overpowered. On the other hand, it looks to be a right pain to level up, so if it's taking a nerf, I hope that it will be a less horrific skill-up experience than I'm expecting.
Perhaps my understanding is flawed, but at the moment I have a couple of other concerns regarding incentives of players using gargoyle characters that's a bit similar to what Gumm posted.

As it is currently, I can say that while gargoyles are not suitable for all templates, there's an appeal to play them. They can't use alot of the current freebie equipment slots, but that's balanced by the extra customizations they get from earrings and necklaces.

With the earring and necklace changes, Gargoyles will be a tad weaker since they can't use these freebie equipment slots. Can items like the crimmy, sash, or even glasses etc be made available to gargoyles?

Besides that, if earrings and necklaces are considered armour, will they be given base resists? These 2 items, in theory replaces the hat and gorget slots respectively, which gives some base resists even if non magical. Of course, this can be countered by the higher base resists from gargish armour. But there is 1 potential issue when altering generic armour - more on that later.

Next, remember we have to alter existing armour to fit gargoyles, and we can't alter them back to their human/elf equivalents (or is there a way I haven't found yet?). So making armour for gargoyles is something of a one way process.

Currently, crafters tend to make generic human male leather armour that can be used by different characters. This raises another question - when you alter say, leather armour to gargish armour, does the base resists increase to the gargish armour levels or remain at leather armour levels? If not, it won't be able to cover the loss of resists from the necklace and earrings slots.

This is further hampered a little more by the new 200/300 limits on imbuing which means you can't customize a non-runic piece from the ground up. To get on equal footing with other races, I will be limited to runic crafting or looting gargish-type armour for my gargoyle characters. Armour that cannot be used by my non-gargoyle characters.

Combined with the lack of mounts, there is a lack of incentives to play as gargoyles in general. There are a couple of very limited templates that a gargoyle is competitive in. For a new expansion that introduces the ability to play a new gargoyle race, this might be a concern.

The Scandinavian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Wilki,

it was a good change that its now possible to imbue 300% intensity.
And the funny thing is that it was my plan from the beguining to start with low end runics.

I agree with Theo in the sense that it should be some kind of limit on how many times you can try to imbue and item before breakage,otherwise time(very short) is the only factor before everyone have their super items.

Im a smith at heart so I see a little chance that this might bring back smiths to the forges.I mean pvpers want to kill things,smiths like to bang metal.
With your proposal people actually have to put some time and effort before imbuing the GODLY item.

Last thing:
I really would like the latest list of property weight.

The Scandinavian


I like the fact that it now brings crafters/looters into the mix ximply because this promotes interdependability within the game.

I mean, we're playing an MMORPG - what we don't want is to continue to develop structures where you can do it all yourself. Sure, most of us have crafters and all of us have PvMers but at least this gives the potential for interaction.

In regards to removing item properties - it would be a good idea but it should come at a cost. GM only, perhaps? and then only one Mod? We want to reward people for investing heavily in the development of a skill, right? and not just hand everything to everyone straight off the bat?

Look, imbuing isn't a perfect system (and never was going to be) but we should try to look at this holistically and not just chuck in a system that is going to make everything ridiculously easy for every player to do. If I had my way the system would have been much more complex and would have relied much more heavily on a collection of different types of players (crafters, PvMers, PvPers etc).

I don't like Imbuing but I do think this tweak makes it less unpalatable than what it was before the tweak.


Couldn't read it all...too early in the morning and my coffee hasnt kicked in yet!

2 things.

1) i like this idea of item enhancement.

2) Has there been any word on increasing item intensity on loot?

(ill read the rest later...maybe :p)


I don't like this at all :(

I was planning on putting imbuing on my crafters. My crafters can't kill a dang-blasted thing, because well... they are crafters ! They enjoy staying home and crafting things.

It doesn't sound good for my tinker either, who of course was going to be doing MOST of my imbuing, at home. To be honest, it kind of kills the entire idea of imbuing for me. I thought Imbuing was going to be an item creation skill, and if it's not i likely won't take it.

That said, I already have a storage problem, I certainly don't need a skill that's going to cause me to save any MORE loot and use MORE storage ! Being able to create things on an "As needed" basis, is preferred. Not everyone has a bunches of runics lying around.

Looks like it messes up things for gargoyles too :( That makes less of a reason to make gargoyles doesn't it ? That would mean less of a reason to buy the expansion over all.

So, less of a reason to buy SA for my crafter account, less of a reason to buy it to make gargoyles in general.. less of a reason to buy the SA expansion over all.

Probably not the best idea.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Question (answer in idiot-speak please, my brain don't like math):
If I make a 'recipe' item, for example a wounding assassin spike (except quality + gm armslore di bonus). Where does that fit in to the scheme of things as to what I can add to it? Can I increase the hit harm 15% that comes from the gem used? What could it potentially be turned in to?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Question (answer in idiot-speak please, my brain don't like math):
If I make a 'recipe' item, for example a wounding assassin spike (except quality + gm armslore di bonus). Where does that fit in to the scheme of things as to what I can add to it? Can I increase the hit harm 15% that comes from the gem used? What could it potentially be turned in to?
Hit harm 15% = 33%
(15/50 (intensity) x 1.1 (weight take from the table) = 33% final intensity)

Exceptional 40% DI = 80%
(40/50 x 1 = 80% final intensity)

Your item now has 113% worth of properties on it. You can further imbue 300% of properties on it. Even with that extra 300%, the total is 413%. Since it does not exceed the 500% absolute cap, making this is fully possible.

Now, imbuing hit harm will replace that base 15% hit harm you have from the receipe (it does not add to it, I tested with luckblades). So if you want to imbue max hit harm

50% hit harm = 110%
(50/50 x 1.1 = 110% final intensity)

Couple with the 40 DI, your assasin spike is now a 190% intensity item. (110% + 80%)

However, you have used 110 "points" from the 300 "points" you have for imbuing. You are now left with 190 "points" for imbuing that item. In other words, you can now only imbue properties that is worth up to 190%.

Tip, if you plan to imbue a certain property, for best results, use an item that do not already have that property.


Question (answer in idiot-speak please, my brain don't like math):
If I make a 'recipe' item, for example a wounding assassin spike (except quality + gm armslore di bonus). Where does that fit in to the scheme of things as to what I can add to it? Can I increase the hit harm 15% that comes from the gem used? What could it potentially be turned in to?
From what i can make out of it, i would assume that you could make it what ever you like with hit harm.

Im left a little confused with all this, i thought it was alot easier when they just said...ok you have this cap on intesity you can add, this will be up to the max intensity of 500% and 5 properties.

So, that although you cant Imbue a 500% item, you can take a 2mod 200%item 15hci 15dci bracelet for example and make it a 5mod 500% item adding DI LMC And EP for example...this is all way to confusing the way it is...i had enough of number crunching when i left school!


Or were you hoping for clearly identifiable "commodity" suits (identical stats each time you go to buy a replacement piece)?
I think this would be a huge concern (tinkering and jewels aside). These items break. If you can't replace the item with another item exactly like it, then you've got an entire suit that's messed up. This was what imbuing was supposed to cover.

That said, Tinkering is going to need a really hard look if this change were to go into effect. The amount of gems required to craft rings/braces with not only the exceptional tag, but also having desired properties at a high enough intensity, will be staggering.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think this would be a huge concern (tinkering and jewels aside). These items break. If you can't replace the item with another item exactly like it, then you've got an entire suit that's messed up. This was what imbuing was supposed to cover.

That said, Tinkering is going to need a really hard look if this change were to go into effect. The amount of gems required to craft rings/braces with not only the exceptional tag, but also having desired properties at a high enough intensity, will be staggering.
Wait so it's ok for you to put together a unbreakable great suit rightnow, but it's not OK for you to create a GODLY suit with inconvience of having to replace it after you wear out your 255/255?

For your record, it's been a few months since they added durability to all faction armor piece which works on the same system as imbuing armor (non-powderable). I PvP HEAVILY almost everyday and have NEVER REPLACED A SINGLE PIECE of my faction armor so far. And my lowest piece is at 229/242 durability... So a GODLY "unpowderable" piece of item that's crafted to your liking that will last for at least a year or 2 under HEAVY use before you have to replace it again is a BIG NO NO? It's too much for you to handle because you might have to replace a piece of armor/weapon after two RL years?

Are you kidding me rightnow?

Now I understand what people mean when they say "Give them a fish, they want a whale, give them a whale and they want two". How much easier you want to turn UO into? What about just ask the developers to allow players just type what mods they want and it will appear in game without spending any time/resource. How about turn all UO subscribers Game Masters, so they all can make anything they want? Even if they DO give everyone GM item creation power, you will probably be here asking for ingame godmode.


Wait so it's ok for you to put together a unbreakable great suit rightnow, but it's not OK for you to create a GODLY suit with inconvience of having to replace it after you wear out your 255/255?
I did not say this. You're blowing things out of proportion.

For your record, it's been a few months since they added durability to all faction armor piece which works on the same system as imbuing armor (non-powderable). I PvP HEAVILY almost everyday and have NEVER REPLACED A SINGLE PIECE of my faction armor so far. And my lowest piece is at 229/242 durability... So a GODLY "unpowderable" piece of item that's crafted to your liking that will last for at least a year or 2 under HEAVY use before you have to replace it again is a BIG NO NO? It's too much for you to handle because you might have to replace a piece of armor/weapon after two RL years?

Not knowing how often you're actually "in" a combat situation, or what character type you play, I can say that I can easily blow through a durability point or 3 on every piece of my suit with only a few hours of PvM. Depending on what I'm fighting, that number can increase easily. With this in mind, an entire suit can need to be replaced every few months. Your gaming experience is not my gaming experience, and neither of us have the same gaming experience as the next guy. You can't judge the entire system by what you do. I think the average will fall somewhere in between, which still means replacements are going to be needed on a fairly regular basis, at least for those that play templates that tend to take a lot more damage than others.

Are you kidding me rightnow?

Now I understand what people mean when they say "Give them a fish, they want a whale, give them a whale and they want two". How much easier you want to turn UO into? What about just ask the developers to allow players just type what mods they want and it will appear in game without spending any time/resource. How about turn all UO subscribers Game Masters, so they all can make anything they want? Even if they DO give everyone GM item creation power, you will probably be here asking for ingame godmode.
Troll much? :coco::next:


Apart from all the calculations, which i dont like...its already a number game!

I kind of hoped that this imbuing would take UO away from the item dependant game we operate at the moment...allowing players to all be having the same type of suits(with individual preferences) thus skill would become the overwhelming factor.

I had hoped that the durabilities would be dropped to that of replicas to make them wear out quicker...I mean most of us have pretty much suits to our likeing, all we need is one or 2pieces. As it stands even with the new changes, that one piece will be very easily obtainable.

However, newer players who wanted a decent suit could...before change...go and pay to havea custom suit built around there playstyle. It would drain quickly but would give them a taste of what they wanted to play with...then they could go out and make a permanent suit, eventually cutting out all the imbued items.

I guess i was wrong.

They took a good idea and trounced it making it overcomplicated and unviable.

Stupid Miner

Just realized... Runics that can create 2 properties at 100% are going to be in more demand.

And the necessity for Exceptional items for higher level Imbuing will make Damage Increase a required mod.

Question: will 150% Faster Casting round up to 2 FC or are we stuck with 1 FC?


However, newer players who wanted a decent suit could...before change...go and pay to havea custom suit built around there playstyle. It would drain quickly but would give them a taste of what they wanted to play with...then they could go out and make a permanent suit, eventually cutting out all the imbued items.

I guess i was wrong.
Exactly. I outfit a lot of newbies and returning vets. The way I thought I twas going to be would have allowed me to make a suite with mods that were good for newbies to Gain skills and not die quite so much. I'd find out what they wanted to be, and start from scratch and life would be easier for them. With this proposed change I won't be able to do that.

That would make me very sad. :sad2:

Ole Cheapy

It's no wonder UO has lost all it's veterans, what a chickenhead.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well, I am not as thrilled with the 300% vs. the originally proposed 200% ... but that *could* be bias ;)

I am very eager to test this and see how it looks in practice. For all I know, 300% could be a perfect number.
The originally proposed 200% would have created MUCH better balance. Sorry, but at 3 x 100 intensity mods on top of something that already has 2 x 100% mods is just not far enough and will alter very little the current situation, and I am not bias :). (On a personal basis, ie as in the potential for me to prosper, I would leave it as it is, assuming that I was wanting to banksit and just rake in money.)

If it was up to me, in terms of game play and longevity of skills, imbuing and all other crafting skills, which most of you will probably be glad it isn't, lol, it would be ONE mod at up to 150% with a cap of about 400 on crafted stuff and 350 on looted stuff. However, I would allow you to imbue special material gear, like barbed, spined, verite etc items so that those materials don't become worthless as people using kits will only bother to craft in plain resources or risk not being able to imbue. Thus making all other resources redundant. I just wouldn't let you 'unravel' them for ingredients.

You need to remember each character has a MINIMUM of 8 slots to imbue, so potentially, and with the current EASE of adding those mods, that is 24 maxed out mods on TOP of the other 16 mods that are on the items already. Add to that a 'weapon/shield (also able to be imbued) and/or spellbooks that can already have some UBER mods, with crimmy, cloaks, boots, robes and basically it will still be 'everyone' sitting around in fully maxed out gear within less than 6 mths. Not counting those 'arties' such as orni etc that already have super high % intensities on em.

ATM I find you can create a suit to cap most mods with just 3 mods maxed per item and if your careful with what 'base' items you start with you can pretty much get your resists up into the high 60's with little trouble.

Dexxors under this system will always have that 'uber' weapon and it will be so easy to 'craft' another when one runs out that it wont be an issue.

Petra has already shown in the SA beta forum that 'training' imbuing is not going to be that hard or expensive, I expect we shall have 120 imbuers within the first week (probably 2 days) of this going live onto production shards. I give it maybe just 6 mths, even with a drop to 300%, before people are standing at the bank wondering what to 'do' as nothing they will loot or craft will be better than their existing 'imbued' gear.

PVP'ers won't care as it is a different 'game', most only want the 'best items' yesterday and don't care how they get the items, however anyone who plays a pvm game for loot and enjoyment is going to wonder why they are playing. Once you have all the 'uber' gear, and there is nothing to 'kill' to get anything 'better' or nothing 'left' to surprise you with 'wow' I finally got the 'perfect' ring or the 'perfect' set of arms for my char, what are you going to do with your time?

It took me 7 yrs to get my ladies in suits (and to build up a selection of nice armors/jewelry to be able to take advantage of changes to skills/mods etc) that are comparable to what I can create with an imbuer in a few HOURS.

If imbuing had been around when I started UO I guess I would of played for 6mths til I maxed them all out then quit. Same as what I did in WOW. Played it for 6 mths to get a char to lvl 80 in wotlk, realised that once I ground out rep with xyz faction for this item or that item (the 'best' item for my class) then I would have 'everything' I needed. I walked, too easy, not much point in going and defeating 'this boss' or 'that boss' when there was nothing 'better' to get. Not only that, you looked at my char then someone else's and another's' and they were all identical accept for hair color.

Be interesting, if nothing else, to see how this pans out. I wouldn't take bets on people wanting any 'artifacts' anymore tho, cept for ones with 450-500% of choice mods on em to start with tho.

Be very careful what you 'wish' for ppl, it may come true.


The change sounds acceptable but if you do this please change Item Id to indicate what % intensity the item is at.

Also please change the regent requirements to allow a random peerless reg for :heart:99 mods to cut out the scriptors.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I did not say this. You're blowing things out of proportion.

Not knowing how often you're actually "in" a combat situation, or what character type you play, I can say that I can easily blow through a durability point or 3 on every piece of my suit with only a few hours of PvM. Depending on what I'm fighting, that number can increase easily. With this in mind, an entire suit can need to be replaced every few months. Your gaming experience is not my gaming experience, and neither of us have the same gaming experience as the next guy. You can't judge the entire system by what you do. I think the average will fall somewhere in between, which still means replacements are going to be needed on a fairly regular basis, at least for those that play templates that tend to take a lot more damage than others.

Troll much? :coco::next:
Ok, lets do some calculus. You said you play a few hours of pvm and you will lose 1 to 3 points of durability on each piece of your armor... OK lets crunch some numbers.

Assuming you start all your item at 255/255 durability and first repair you do it at 0/255 and lose 1 durability and become 254/254 and next time you repair it at 0/254 and so on until the item reaches 0/0 and go poof. (also assuming you never fail repairing and it always lose 1 max durability per repair)
So we get
Sigma(x+1, x, 1, 255)= This means you will have 32,895 total durability points.
You might whine and say no one repair at 0 and (if you are smart) you repair it at around 10 durability left (for 100% successful repair chance with 120 skill) you will lose out around 2600 (i round it UP for you) of total durability.
32895-2600 = 30295 total durability.

Lets assume your "a few hours" mean 1 exact hour of nonstop PvMing and you lose 3 points. So an imbued item/non-powderable item will last you 3366 hours with YOUR excessive wear and tear gameplay. And lets assume you play UO and PvM at this rate 24 hours a day, such item will last 3366/24 =140.25 days.

So according to what YOU said, where you pvm a few hours and lose 3 durability per piece you would have to play 24 hours a day for 140 RL days straight assuming you dont sleep/shower/pee/poo/eat and UO shard never go down for maintanance.

Ok lets look at more realistic level and assume you pvm in UO 6 hours a day, 255/255 will give you 560 days of advanturing in UO. Thats almost a year and half where you do NOT have to replace it.

Unless you LIED in your own post otherwise I just proved it to you (scientifically and mathmatically) how long these "breakable" imbued godly armor would last you, ASSUMING what you said in YOUR own post is true.

If you think a year and half is not long enough, I do not know what to say to you.

I present you a mathmatical prove based on your arguments. Looks like no one is trolling but you.

also, you might make an excuse by saying the 3 points you lose is the max durability, meaning you have to repair your item 3 times every few hours, this means within a few hours you ran down 762 total durability points per piece, then sorry but I would have to call it a completely non-sense bull****. :coco:

the 4th man

Lore Master
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We are aware this is the 3rd "nerf" imbuing has had in like 2 weeks? Lol. I went from "OMG IMBUING IS GONNA BE SO WORTH THE PRICE TO TRAIN!" to "Oh well it'll be pretty good" to now, "Uhm it looks like a waste of money.."

It seems to me the lower level ecomony is complaining because all the high level rich people will get the "perfect" items first and you feel left out bc you can't afford it (or get it right away and will have to wait a month or so for the trickle down effect). Then it was nerfed to this..

So now, instead of waiting a month for everyone to have "perfect" items, the rich people will buy the 2 perfect mods weapons (Or make them with Runics, etc..), and get the perfect items ANYWAYS, but now they are even harder to come by for the lower level people, so instead of having to wait a month for you, you have to wait 6 months to get it && a lot more money (if you buy it from the richer people, making them richer.)

Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose? I thought Imbuing was basically the way to give everyone perfect things, so the playing field is COMPLETELY BALANCED (as far as items, since everyone will have there maxxed modded items). I think you just opened a bigger gap between rich/poor by limiting, because the rich can afford ANYTHING, while as the poor cannot.

Just my 2 cents about it.

People........the games still in beta. How can it be nerfed?? You may see it as a nerf and thus a disappointment, but let these guys finish the product first befire we all go on our crying jags.

120 scrolls mustn't be allowed to exist.....there has to be another way other than that. Not all players have player versus player characters to do champs, nor are there players sitting on untold millions in gold. (also not paying real life money to buy gold either, that's plain assanine.)

I see this as a chance to let real crafters back into the game before age of shadows popped up...........



Lets assume your "a few hours" mean 1 exact hour of nonstop PvMing and you lose 3 points.
You can't base mathematical equations on assumptions. When I say a few hours, I mean a few hours if not even more. That's non-stop, killing the same thing over and over again. With high end creatures, that's a beating your gear takes, much less swords and such.

I won't waste any more time on all of the other assumptions you based your half assed arguments on, nor will I waste my time with someone that insinuates another is a liar when they have no idea what the other person does or does not do. Using insults to reinforce an argument does nothing to prove it. I'm sorry if you feel I don't have a right to post my opinion, but I'm going to do so anyway, regardless of how you might feel about it. It was asked for after all, and I'm hardly the only one that feels the same way about the proposed changes.



Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Your blacksmith or tailor will first need to make an item that has some properties on it. With the 300% cap, you should be able to use a spined runic kit or equally low runic hammer to get your base item. You will simply have to use them with plain materials.
This sounds like an excellent change to Imbuing. Items from my crafter's (with their low level runics) will be in greater demand. I will need that "base" item with the 1-2 properties I am looking for then improve it.

This will make oak and ash kits more useful off the start. Before this change, the item market would have been dominated by resource gathers and would have further isolated crafters and thier goods.

This change is an great blend of both crafter and imbuing. It builds on the changes you have made to runics.

Stayin Alive,


*I know I am post #126, but I think this point needed to be stressed, so here is hoping I get read*


Babbling Loonie
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This is EXACTLY what is wrong with the current system!
I dont see anything wrong :p

Just calculating out the total durability for a 255/255 item is well over THIRTY THOUSAND total durability. Anyone saying THIRTY THOUSAND is not enough is basing their arguments on ASSUMPTION (or argue without knowing the facts). Math (summation in this case) is science not assumption, some people are just clueless.

You dont even need calculus, one can get a calculator and punch in 255+254+253+254+...+1 :D

IMO the weighted system isnt complicate and makes a lot of sense. If hit 50 magic arrow weights the same as 50 hit fireball/lighting there's no reason to do magic arrow is it. Another alternative is to cap individual property. Like 30 for hit lighting, 35 for hit fireball, 40 for hit harm and 50 for hit magic arrow, but this system is not flexible, and will end up drawing more whines.

300% is already over my expected imbuable cap. (it was set to 200% before Wilki's uhall post today). That cooped with 255/255 pre-powderable, imbuing is very amazing.

Stupid Miner

@ Connor: Just be sure to keep a back-up suit that's unimbued if you're that worried.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
So now I need to script BOD's and gems?

Make it easier for me to get gems and runics or finally revamp loot.

If it wasn't for the mindless hours of mining I would need for this I wouldn't care to be honest. I can solo enough peerless or DF's to get items that will work with 300% additions.

Please don't give this system to the script players. There are so many ways to give real players a chance you guys just have to use them. NOT JUST SA CONTENT EITHER!!


Seasoned Veteran
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I remember the '90s where we were fihting dragons with GM crafted weapons and armors.

Back then, before Evercrap turned MMOs into loot centric games, driving in selfish and greedy people who spoil every game they log to, UO was about skill, tactics and socializing.

If I wanted to play a game where every patch brings new overpowered stuff, requiring to grind raids to get them, I could reactivate my WoW 6 level 80s account.

Just my 2copper.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
You can't base mathematical equations on assumptions. When I say a few hours, I mean a few hours if not even more. That's non-stop, killing the same thing over and over again. With high end creatures, that's a beating your gear takes, much less swords and such.

Yet another inaccurate assumption. I won't waste any more time on all of the other assumptions you based your half assed arguments on, nor will I waste my time with someone that insinuates another is a liar when they have no idea what the other person does or does not do. Using insults to reinforce an argument does nothing to prove it. I'm sorry if you feel I don't have a right to post my opinion, but I'm going to do it anyway, regardless of how you might feel about it. It was asked for after all, and I'm hardly the only one that feels the same way about the proposed changes.


You based your arguments on assumption and made YOUR post. I used the info you posted and made a scientific calculation, if anything then it's YOU who's basing their arguments on assumptions.

I didnt even type up your 2nd block quote, where did you find it? Were you trying to quote someone else because I didnt type it.

Making **** up already? :coco:



Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I was of the opinion that Imbuing was designed to give the populace a choice:
  1. Go play the current random lottery system - hunting, crafting with runics, and trying to enhance - and slowly accrue items that, although they may not be exactly, perfectly what you want, are still very powerful and will never break.
  2. Make items with Imbuing and get very powerful items that are pefectly what you want, but require large quantities of disparate resources to make, and must eventually be replaced.
Now, the "Imbuing negates the need for crafters except for the making of an exceptional item and the actual act of Imbuing" argument is understandable. Imbuing requires relatively large quantities of materials that must be collected by resource-gathering and combat characters. However, replacing 2/5 of these resources with an item with 2 100% intensity properties doesn't particularly change this fact.

It is also possible that the prevailing view of the ease with which Imbuing can churn out incredibly powerful items is slightly distorted. Most of the testing of SA has been conducted in Test Center environments - a place where maximum skill and infinite resources can be acquired with just a few typed commands.

My personal predilection is for the original system of directly creating custom items. To me, the proposed changed is simply saying "Guess what? If you want good items out of Imbuing you have to play the same annoying, arbitrary, random lottery system you've grown to execrate, except now you don't even get an unbreakable item at the end." This proposed change takes Imbuing from a skill that could possibly come to define the dominant paradigm for crafting useful items to just a glorified version of Arms Lore.

(Edit: I also agree that making items wear down more quickly would go a long way toward balancing Imbuing in its original incarnation.)


I dont see anything wrong :p

You dont even need calculus, one can get a calculator and punch in 255+254+253+254+...+1 :D

Again what wrong...Why do i need to calculate all this crap, all i want to do is play a game not take another maths lesson!


I dont see anything wrong :p

Just calculating out the total durability for a 255/255 item is well over THIRTY THOUSAND total durability. Anyone saying THIRTY THOUSAND is not enough is basing their arguments on ASSUMPTION (or argue without knowing the facts). Math (summation in this case) is science not assumption, some people are just clueless.

You dont even need calculus, one can get a calculator and punch in 255+254+253+254+...+1 :D

IMO the weighted system isnt complicate and makes a lot of sense. If hit 50 magic arrow weights the same as 50 hit fireball/lighting there's no reason to do magic arrow is it. Another alternative is to cap individual property. Like 30 for hit lighting, 35 for hit fireball, 40 for hit harm and 50 for hit magic arrow, but this system is not flexible, and will end up drawing more whines.

300% is already over my expected imbuable cap. (it was set to 200% before Wilki's uhall post today). That cooped with 255/255 pre-powderable, imbuing is very amazing.
well, there are creatures that can destroy items fairly fast, as well as macing in general. the bedlam peerless can break items with the acid, and to a lesser extent, slimes and acid elementals.


Yeah. If we're going to allow them to be imbued to such high numbers... they need to break FAR more often than once every 6 months if you're playing 6 hours a day.

That's why I was saying it was too much in my first post. These items will last WAAAY too long.


How about changing it to

75 durability??

Half of the current replicas??

Then though i would like to see it easier to improve/replace the items.


You based your arguments on assumption and made YOUR post.
No, I didn't. I stated my own gameplay experience. You're the one with "assume" and "assumption" riddling your post.

I used the info you posted and made a scientific calculation, if anything then it's YOU who's basing their arguments on assumptions.
Nope. That's you again, and you can't make a "scientific calculation" from assumptions, or all you end up with is an assumption as a result. Since most of your facts are incorrect, that would make it an incorrect assumption.

I didnt even type up your 2nd block quote, where did you find it?
My mistake. I must have accidentally rolled the mouse wheel without realizing it. I'll edit it so as not to confuse anyone.

Making **** up already? :coco:

Nope. Again, that's you.

That said, I'm done feeding the trolls. You may return to whatever bridge you came out from under. :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No, I didn't. I stated my own gameplay experience. You're the one with "assume" and "assumption" riddling your post.

Nope. That's you again, and you can't make a "scientific calculation" from assumptions, or all you end up with is an assumption as a result. Since most of your facts are incorrect, that would make it an incorrect assumption.

My mistake. I must have accidentally rolled the mouse wheel without realizing it. I'll edit it so as not to confuse anyone.

Nope. Again, that's you.

That said, I'm done feeding the trolls. You may return to whatever bridge you came out from under. :thumbsup:
Alright little troll baby. All your BS aside the 30000+ total durability is true, is it not? And you are complaining about having a possible 30000 durability is not enough, thus all the QQing.

Thought so. Trolls thesedays.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
well, there are creatures that can destroy items fairly fast, as well as macing in general. the bedlam peerless can break items with the acid, and to a lesser extent, slimes and acid elementals.
Yes I realize that. But you dont always fight those critters do you? Same as you dont always fight a macer. These are a minor part of the game. You can even wear down 100+ points per trip, you do have 30k points total to be spent (and hopefully you are also making a profit using these godly imbued items).

Also you are saying it like when imbuing come out all the existing armor/weapon will go *poof*. I mean if you are planning to do something right, you must have the right tools. SA dungeons will allow you use powderable items in there, and you already have a few sets that you are already using on prodo servers. You get the idea? And again I am in faction and is in a heavy pvp guild, I get hit by macers here and there, and its been 3+ months I have yet to have an faction item that go below 240 mark.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would it be a sign of geekiness to point out that you made a typo in the 4th term in your ∑series ?

Dear Mr. Geek, you got me.

How you do math notations on a basic US keyboard on a forum?
I know how to do it in office but not here. Looks like someone beat me in geekness. :thumbsup:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Theres another mistake with that calculation. :D
Depending on what and where he hunts the time between two repairs somewhat close to the end of that series is too short to be anyhow fun to hunt with.
But there are more mistakes in this argumentation ...
First of all, you dont need to imbue an item. If you can hunt now for hours higher end monsters with your equipp, you wont have any direct advantage from using imbued items.
Second if you hunt for hours and hours high end monster, you probably should have the neccessary resources to simply replace an imbued item. Imagine ... you use an item down from 255 max durability to lets say200? 180? You still would be able to sell that item for a good amount to another player for a good price and therefore reducing your costs to replace that item.
And Third imbuing is still under heavy balancing discussions. What is now might not be what it is on launch.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't care what anyone says, with this change coming in I will not be

buying the expansion. It was a pain to me as a less than leet player to get

runics and such before and now it will be that more of a pain. You had finally

created a system where I could compete and so that prices could reach a

level that anyone could afford and then you just pull the rug out because

people don't like it. Oh well, let those leet players keep paying your bills for


Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I dont see anything wrong :p

You dont even need calculus, one can get a calculator and punch in 255+254+253+254+...+1 :D

Again what wrong...Why do i need to calculate all this crap, all i want to do is play a game not take another maths lesson!
You dont need to calculate anything here. What WarUltima is trying to show is that an item with 255 points will last a really frickin long time. You still only need to know that the lower the number, the less time it will last. When the number gets too low, you will need to start looking for a replacement. No calculations needed, no math required... Just keep playing as you do today.

Just be glad he kept his example simple. He did not include that at you do not always lose points when repairing (if it is not too damaged). There is a chance it will lose the durability, so he could have thrown in Probability too (I hate Probability). It would have been a mess to read, but what it would have said is that is that simple: Your item could last alot longer with proper care.

Stayin Alive,



Yet through all of your example of calculating you fail to pick up on the calculation that is really important.

I have x amount of minutes to scan x amount of items, these all have x amount of properties with x amount of intensities.

I should just be able to look at item a see it has x amount of intensity and know i can enhance it with x amount of properties. Not look at it and have to try to calculate each property with there weight to know if i can enhance what i want.

Takes a while for each item, now take into account that alot of champs are in fel(well what i do is anyway) you then have to take into account the fact the gate drops in x amount of time and xguild could be coming anytime soon.

Too many x's!!!

Just give me an item that i can see what intensity it has...by looking at it! And give me a skill that i can see what i can enhance it with...by looking at it!

Trebr Drab

You need to farm arties to do this? *groans*

I understand that farming of some sort is where everything is going in UO. But it's such a powergamer laden game so much more so now, with heavy implications. At this point it's probably unavoidable. I guess I need to look for another game.


You need to farm arties to do this? *groans*

I understand that farming of some sort is where everything is going in UO. But it's such a powergamer laden game so much more so now, with heavy implications. At this point it's probably unavoidable. I guess I need to look for another game.
Arties wont do you any good because they have over the x amount of intensity required, you need basic loot from mobs as far as i can work out.