Ok its a simpleish post, i just wanted to get peoples impressions on how they would like imbuing to go...as we are still in beta i thought we should poll it.
Post your reasons if you wish just interested to see the results
Option1) this was how it was at the beginning of beta
Option 2) how it is currently being implemented with item weights and cap's determined of that etc
Option 3) Simple cap...350% can be imbued up to a 500% intensity, no weights no maths...SIMPLE
Option4) If you have another option Please post. If i see it getting more options ill try to edit the poll.
Further info on option 3
The simpler option 3 is pretty simple. There is a hard cap of say 300% intensity allowed to be imbued on an item.
So you could take a plain weapon and imbue 3 max mods on it.
However, rather than all this weighting crap it is just that 3max mods(or how you choose to split it)
If you find a weapon with a single mod you desire you can add 4mods to it with a max intensity of 300%
If you find a 2mod weapon you can add 3 mods with a 300%max intensity.
If you find a 3 mod weapon you can add 2mods at a max of 300%intensity(following the 500% hard cap basically)
If you wish to enhance a mod the extra enhancements will come from your total imbuing %
So a simple one, say you wanted to take FCR 1 (33.3%) to FCR3 it would cost you 66.6% of your 300%
All caps at present remain as they are;
50HLD/HLA/Hit Spell
Whatever it is on HLL/ML/SL
Post your reasons if you wish just interested to see the results
Option1) this was how it was at the beginning of beta
Option 2) how it is currently being implemented with item weights and cap's determined of that etc
Option 3) Simple cap...350% can be imbued up to a 500% intensity, no weights no maths...SIMPLE
Option4) If you have another option Please post. If i see it getting more options ill try to edit the poll.
Further info on option 3
The simpler option 3 is pretty simple. There is a hard cap of say 300% intensity allowed to be imbued on an item.
So you could take a plain weapon and imbue 3 max mods on it.
However, rather than all this weighting crap it is just that 3max mods(or how you choose to split it)
If you find a weapon with a single mod you desire you can add 4mods to it with a max intensity of 300%
If you find a 2mod weapon you can add 3 mods with a 300%max intensity.
If you find a 3 mod weapon you can add 2mods at a max of 300%intensity(following the 500% hard cap basically)
If you wish to enhance a mod the extra enhancements will come from your total imbuing %
So a simple one, say you wanted to take FCR 1 (33.3%) to FCR3 it would cost you 66.6% of your 300%
All caps at present remain as they are;
50HLD/HLA/Hit Spell
Whatever it is on HLL/ML/SL