Ermmm...I haven't been lucky enough to see a whiff of Luna being invaded. Not even corpses of dead mobs/players...
I've always had terrible luck participating in EM events...Can I suggest the EMs be allowed to run automated events like the Melissa cloak event? Where it's active throughout the day and the players gets the cloak by killing the boss?
Harlequin, don't feel bad. Of the five people in the guild I belong to, I am probably the only one who has spent any time in Luna at all for this event, and that consisted of a whopping 75 minutes or so over the first two nights it was active. No one else plays early enough in the evening to participate. I've been very busy with other stuff (lots and lots of family time and some beta testing) and haven't had much time for it.
I'm also still almost boycotting EM-run events. I have nothing against the EMs or Mesanna. I'm sure they are all wonderful people.
However, I dislike a game system that, for the majority of the EM-run events, favors people who can play when the EMs are available and leaves everyone else who pays the same subscription fees with nothing. The +10 stealthing cloaks are the only one of the recently-introduced cloaks that even interested me. However, as soon as I saw the announcement that said they would be handed out by the EMs, I knew I wouldn't be getting one unless I buy it. For a day or two late last week, I was considering caving in on my decision to boycott the event; however, reading the descriptions of how the distribution process was being handled strengthened my resolve to avoid the whole situation. I decided I wouldn't let myself become angry or sad about the situation because the darn things are in the end, just pixels and not worth the emotional investment. I simply decided to just walk away and let the whole thing pass.
There are some intelligent people working on and supporting this game; however, once again, we see a process that feels as if it was cobbled together, possibly at the last minute. I feel badly for the people that undoubtedly voiced their objections about its flaws, but had no choice but to go ahead and try to make the best of the situation.
I doubt my boycotting the event and not being one of the people standing around waiting for a cloak on any of the shards where I could participate will carry any weight with the decision-makers. However, perhaps I can make a difference by saying that while I applaud Mesanna and the EMs for trying to do something that provides a lot of person-to-person interaction, I hope they will learn many useful things from this experience and use that knowledge to craft better and fairer ways of handling future events.