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Screwed up using a Soulstone : Is there any hope to get help ?

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Always Present
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Well, it was a tough day with all of the posts and stuff and when back into the game I messed up bad using a couple of soulstones.

I needed to swap my 120 spellweaving on my character with 100 Herding on a soulstone.

I mark the 120 spellweaving to go down planning to put it on a empty soulstone and mark Herding to go up loading it from another soulstone which I had it on.

I am not sure what got in my mind, tired of all the mess of the day Forums and not and instead of downloading onto the Soulstone first the 120 Spellweaving I loaded up the 100 Herding from the other soulstone.

Well, needless to say the game put 100 herding on my character but wiped out 100 Spellweaving of the 120 I had leaving only 20 on my character (yes, was at 720 CAP).

So, now the 120 Spellweaving I had and for which I worked very hard to get has become 20.......

I know it is stupid, but when tired stupid things can happen.

Question is, is there any chance that I might get help somehow ?

I mean, does a GameMaster have a way to detect that my character actually had 120 spellweaving on it till before the incident and help restore it ?

I feel kind of depressed at the feeling to have to retrain Spellweaving all the way again to 120 when I already went through the pain for long.


Eyes of Origin

I've done this before too :( Unfortunately, I had to retrain the skill from the start.


Sorry it happened, Popps, but i suspect you're out of luck on this one.


Well, it was a tough day with all of the posts and stuff and when back into the game I messed up bad using a couple of soulstones.

I needed to swap my 120 spellweaving on my character with 100 Herding on a soulstone.

I mark the 120 spellweaving to go down planning to put it on a empty soulstone and mark Herding to go up loading it from another soulstone which I had it on.

I am not sure what got in my mind, tired of all the mess of the day Forums and not and instead of downloading onto the Soulstone first the 120 Spellweaving I loaded up the 100 Herding from the other soulstone.

Well, needless to say the game put 100 herding on my character but wiped out 100 Spellweaving of the 120 I had leaving only 20 on my character (yes, was at 720 CAP).

So, now the 120 Spellweaving I had and for which I worked very hard to get has become 20.......

I know it is stupid, but when tired stupid things can happen.

Question is, is there any chance that I might get help somehow ?

I mean, does a GameMaster have a way to detect that my character actually had 120 spellweaving on it till before the incident and help restore it ?

I feel kind of depressed at the feeling to have to retrain Spellweaving all the way again to 120 when I already went through the pain for long.

Nope, the skill points are gone forever. If you'd spent more time playing and less time posting this probably wouldn't have happened. It's a hell of a lesson to learn. :thumbsup:


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Well, if I have not been the only one to screw up perhaps introducing a "reverse" button would not harm...

That is, when a player realized after the incident that they wrongly wiped out points they still can reverse that wiping say, for like 15 minutes after the incident ?

I don't know, I just don't feel it as right that for a stupid mistake one has to go all over again to retrain a whole skill back up to 120......

There should be something there to be able to reverse the accident.

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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It would be nice of life came with a rewind button but it doesn't. I think one on soulstones would be a very low priority with all the devs have on their plates.


Well, if I have not been the only one to screw up perhaps introducing a "reverse" button would not harm...

That is, when a player realized after the incident that they wrongly wiped out points they still can reverse that wiping say, for like 15 minutes after the incident ?

I don't know, I just don't feel it as right that for a stupid mistake one has to go all over again to retrain a whole skill back up to 120......

There should be something there to be able to reverse the accident.
There are a few warnings asking if you want to proceed before completing the skill transfer, no need for a reverse button.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, the skill points are gone forever. If you'd spent more time playing and less time posting this probably wouldn't have happened. It's a hell of a lesson to learn. :thumbsup:

Well, if that is the case can I at least comment that it is unfortunate and that the game should have safeguards to reverse accudents like this to happen ?

Retraining a whole skill up to 120 is not a joke.

Imagine if it had happened to 100 taming.........

If other players before me got into the same accident then the current safeguards seem not to be enough and they should be bettered.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well it doesn't really matter what you think on this subject.

You selected to load the skill, it even brings up a warning saying "Are you sure?".

Though I'm sure you'll reply to my post with:

"But why can't there be some sort of a reversal option? It isn't fair that I have to re-work this entire skill."

My pre-emptive response is: "Because".


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
There are a few warnings asking if you want to proceed before completing the skill transfer, no need for a reverse button.

Still even with the warnings accidents like mine seem to have happened before.

Perhaps the warnings are not enough ?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Well it doesn't really matter what you think on this subject.

You selected to load the skill, it even brings up a warning saying "Are you sure?".

My problem was that I had also selected Spellweaving to go down.

I should have FIRST put down weaving onto the empty soulstone and THEN loaded herding on.

Instead, I did by mistake the other way around and loading herding sucked up 100 of my 120 weaving.

The warning only asked me if I wanted to load the 100 hearding, it made NO MENTION that it was going to cost me 100 of my weaving points.

Had the warning said that, I would have STOPPED right there and not do it.

This is what the warning messages are lacking, the warning of what those points loaded up are going to cost.

It is something missing, IMHO, as a safety measure. And infact, I am not the only players it seems to have messed up with them.

The Message should have said something like :

"You REALLY want to load 100 Herding points and LOOSE 100 Spellweaving points which are marked to go down ??"

This Message would have put the brake on me and stopped from continuing.

Instead, it only asked me confirmation if I wanted to load 100 Herding points.


Still even with the warnings accidents like mine seem to have happened before.

Perhaps the warnings are not enough ?
They are for most people and if they aren't no worries because mistakes often make very good teachers.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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There comes a point where the game developers have done all they can and the player has to accept responsibility for his own actions. They can not safeguard against carelessness.


Perhaps the warnings are not enough ?
Perhaps you should just pay more attention to what you're doing. As has already been said, you are already giving a warning. If you choose to proceed without reading the warning gump, that's your own fault, with no one to blame but yourself. I have 30 full soulstones and 8 fragments that I use almost on a daily basis, and I make sure I read every gump every time. I'd think that would be common sense when messing with days, sometimes even weeks and months worth of effort, to double check each step.

I guess some people just have more common sense than others. Which category do you fall in? :coco:


It is something missing, IMHO, as a safety measure. And infact, I am not the only players it seems to have messed up with them.
So you want the DEV team to use their time to make an idiot proof system for soulstones; I have a better idea, when transfering skills be sure of what you are doing; the skill cap has been in place since the game began, you marked spell weaving down, if you try to gain points in another skill they have to come from a skill marked down; this is not rocket science!

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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Every day people make mistakes, I lost millions of gold by forgetting to check if I'd locked down a chest when I was redecorating. Two complete sets of Tokuno dyes, a dozen potted plants, vet rewards etc. it happens when you're careless or over tired. Can't expect people to rush in and fix our mistakes every time we make them.


I can also see cases where the 15 min reverse thing could be abused...

"Hmmm... no 2nd soulstone... I'll just wipe my 120 spellweaving, grab my other needed skill, use it, then reverse the skill trades..."

No thanks on Soulstone changes.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Perhaps you should just pay more attention to what you're doing. As has already been said, you are already giving a warning. If you choose to proceed without reading the warning gump, that's your own fault, with no one to blame but yourself. I have 30 full soulstones and 8 fragments that I use almost on a daily basis, and I make sure I read every gump every time. I'd think that would be common sense when messing with days, sometimes even weeks and months worth of effort, to double check each step.

I guess some people just have more common sense than others. Which category do you fall in? :coco:

Connor, the Warning merely asked confirmation whether I wanted to load the 100 points of Herding which I wanted to.

It was my plan to pick up the 100 Herding.

The part missing in the warning is that it did not tell me, or remind me if you will, that the loading up of 100 Herding points was going to cost me 100 Spellweaving points since Spellweaving was marked down because I was planning to download them onto another empty soulstone.

Had the warning told me about my Spellweaving set to go down I would have stopped right there and done the weaving first and herding after.


Connor, the Warning merely asked confirmation whether I wanted to load the 100 points of Herding which I wanted to.

It was my plan to pick up the 100 Herding.

The part missing in the warning is that it did not tell me, or remind me if you will, that the loading up of 100 Herding points was going to cost me 100 Spellweaving points since Spellweaving was marked down because I was planning to download them onto another empty soulstone.

Had the warning told me about my Spellweaving set to go down I would have stopped right there and done the weaving first and herding after.
It gave an appropriate warning: Basically - "Do you want to do this?" From there, it is up to you to check and see if you have available skill points. Sorry for the loss, but this one is human error - not programming.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can also see cases where the 15 min reverse thing could be abused...

"Hmmm... no 2nd soulstone... I'll just wipe my 120 spellweaving, grab my other needed skill, use it, then reverse the skill trades..."

No thanks on Soulstone changes.

Well, perhaps the reverse would not be needed if at least the current Warning Message was more accurate.

As of now, when loading up skills it only asks confirmation whether one really wants to load up those skill points.

It mentions nothing of what skill points might be lost in the change when one is already at or near CAP.

Perhaps a better Warning Message could contain information of what skill points the loading up is going to cost ?

That alone could save a few players from incurring in an accident like mine.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
popps, it's a mistake. Your mistake to be more precise. There are enough warnings before using soulstones. It is your responsibility to make sure you have the correct skills chosen to go down to make room for your new skill. It is your responsibility to make sure you know what skill is being introduced.

Your learned the hard way that you must pay more attention when you are changing skills. Everyone makes mistakes.


It mentions nothing of what skill points might be lost in the change when one is already at or near CAP.
Did you even have any other skill marked down? If not then they had to come from spell weaving!


Connor, the Warning merely asked confirmation whether I wanted to load the 100 points of Herding which I wanted to.
And you made the mistake of loading a skill before removing one. The warning gump should have prompted you to double check what you were doing before you continued. You did not do so, therefore you ignored the warning.

Petra has it 100% correct:

There comes a point where the game developers have done all they can and the player has to accept responsibility for his own actions. They can not safeguard against carelessness.
You're responsible for your own carelessness in disregarding the warnings. Devs can't program for carelessness, and no, being able to revert yourself is not something that should be considered. What should be considered is you paying more attention to what you're doing. The Devs can't and shouldn't try to make the game idiot proof. At some point you have to accept responsibility for your own actions, or lack thereof.

the 4th man

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I know your pain. I did that once with a theif skill, man, I was kickin my own behind for a week.

Saddly, it's a lesson learned. Pay attention to what you're doing.

Just recently I reverted my crafter from an elf back to human and had to fight them efreets and ice fiends........had to remove skills, borrow from other chars and what not.........you bet I paid very close attention.

I beat the ice fiends too btw ev's and hiding.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You're responsible for your own carelessness in disregarding the warnings. Devs can't program for carelessness, and no, being able to revert yourself is not something that should be considered. What should be considered is you paying more attention to what you're doing. The Devs can't and shouldn't try to make the game idiot proof. At some point you have to accept responsibility for your own actions, or lack thereof.

Forget about the reverse button, as I said, a more detailed Warning gump REMINDING the player that there are skills marked down which will COST points when loading up a skill from a Soulstone could help wonders.

Sure, it is a player's responsibility to make sure but it would not hurt to have a better, more detailed and comprehensive Warning Gump that refreshes players' memory about what using that Soulstone is going to cost them...

I mean, why this refusal to better a system even further ?

If something CAN be improved to players' benefit why this refusal to improvements ?


Forget about the reverse button, as I said, a more detailed Warning gump REMINDING the player that there are skills marked down which will COST points when loading up a skill from a Soulstone could help wonders.
You want a reminder about something that you'd just done, minutes, if not seconds earlier? Like I said, the Devs can't and shouldn't try to make the game idiot proof. Pay attention next time and you won't have this problem.

If something CAN be improved to players' benefit why this refusal to improvements ?
Dev time does not need to be wasted on something players should be doing for themselves. There are many more things that they should be doing, none of which has anything to do with covering your ass for stupid mistakes.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have done this before. I lost all my animal lore and a few points off of my GM lockpicking. I would have cried if it had been the other way around, as it was I still had to train back animal lore (and I was stuck with the pet I was on till I got it high enough thanks to my now reduced stable slots). I figure I got off easy, really. I mean out of all the skills to lose that has to be one of the easier ones to get back up.

Anyways I came to the boards to find out if there was a decent way to get my lore back up quickly, and now when I swap out skills I am super extra careful.

Life is a balance between what we are responsible for and what other people should be responsible for. Recognizing which is which is a sign of maturity and growth. When you make a mistake, your first thought should not be how it was someone else's fault that they didn't work with your mental parameters in mind.

If this was a group issue requiring a dev response there would regularly be posts on U Hall saying "I lost my GM blah blah cause of soulstones". There are not posts like this, it is not a group issue but a personal one.

For what it's worth I am sorry you lost your spellweaving skill. It sounds like a horrid skill to train, and I bet next time you will be extra careful with soulstone skill swapping.


Forget about the reverse button, as I said, a more detailed Warning gump REMINDING the player that there are skills marked down which will COST points when loading up a skill from a Soulstone could help wonders.

Sure, it is a player's responsibility to make sure but it would not hurt to have a better, more detailed and comprehensive Warning Gump that refreshes players' memory about what using that Soulstone is going to cost them...

I mean, why this refusal to better a system even further ?

If something CAN be improved to players' benefit why this refusal to improvements ?
So...... sirens, and make the "Are you sure" blink red and larger font? I've never had problems seeing it before and I always check to make sure just to be safe lol. You can actually open up your skill menu while you are waiting to accept the skill transfer so........


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ill feel sorry for ya.

I also agree that maybe there should be a gump that says you will decrease a skill if you do this action. Since many people are switching skills around that are even trades.

If everybody were perfect like Connor, we could save a lot of money in the US by not idiot proofing bridges by adding guard rails. Hey if you are stupid enough not to stay in your lane, you get what you deserve.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Forget about the reverse button, as I said, a more detailed Warning gump REMINDING the player that there are skills marked down which will COST points when loading up a skill from a Soulstone could help wonders.

Sure, it is a player's responsibility to make sure but it would not hurt to have a better, more detailed and comprehensive Warning Gump that refreshes players' memory about what using that Soulstone is going to cost them...

I mean, why this refusal to better a system even further ?

If something CAN be improved to players' benefit why this refusal to improvements ?
It doesn't need to be improved. Most, if not all players (excluding you), know to check their skills BEFORE they add more! Not to forget that most players don't set skills they don't want to loose to go down! If you have no skills set to go down and no room for a skill it will not transfer that skill over.

The soulstone system has been in place for a long time! You're the first person I've seen to come here complaining over the system because you didn't look at your skills before adding another.


I have done this before. I lost all my animal lore and a few points off of my GM lockpicking. I would have cried if it had been the other way around, as it was I still had to train back animal lore (and I was stuck with the pet I was on till I got it high enough thanks to my now reduced stable slots). I figure I got off easy, really. I mean out of all the skills to lose that has to be one of the easier ones to get back up.

Anyways I came to the boards to find out if there was a decent way to get my lore back up quickly, and now when I swap out skills I am super extra careful.

Life is a balance between what we are responsible for and what other people should be responsible for. Recognizing which is which is a sign of maturity and growth. When you make a mistake, your first thought should not be how it was someone else's fault that they didn't work with your mental parameters in mind.

If this was a group issue requiring a dev response there would regularly be posts on U Hall saying "I lost my GM blah blah cause of soulstones". There are not posts like this, it is not a group issue but a personal one.

For what it's worth I am sorry you lost your spellweaving skill. It sounds like a horrid skill to train, and I bet next time you will be extra careful with soulstone skill swapping.
This is the perfect reply, I envy you for that oO.


Adding more redundant layers is not improving the system... it is just adding more confusion for those that learned how the system works.

I don't want to have to learn a new sequence of keystrokes/clicks to change skills. It works great for me.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i dunno why it allows you to use a soulstone when you're at your skill cap already


My sympathies would be greater if this was a newbie posting this the first time they have ever used a soulstone. Man up, dude.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Life is a balance between what we are responsible for and what other people should be responsible for. Recognizing which is which is a sign of maturity and growth. When you make a mistake, your first thought should not be how it was someone else's fault that they didn't work with your mental parameters in mind.

I am not saying I did not make a stupid mistake.

I did and I said it. I am only trying to make a point that perhaps, thanking to the beauty of programming, mistakes like these could be reduced by many folds.

You said it yourself and you got lucky it was animal lore more than lockpicking.
But what if it had been lockpicking instead ? What about someone losing 120 taming over a stupid mistake like this ?

I mean, is it really so bad to actually improve the Warning Gump and also have it mention that the loading of a Soulstone is going to cost skill points in this and that other skills marked down ?

I mean, in just half hour in this thread we already have several players who had an accident like this happen to this.

This shows to me that this kind of problem is rather common, unfortunately.

Therefore why not improve the Warning Gump so that these incidents get minimized the most possible ?

Why should players get frustrated over accidents like these when they actually want to play the game to enjoy and relax ?

The Warning System CAN be improved and quite some, why not do it for the benefit of players then ?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
By the way, if anyone plays Catskills and is willing to help me out donating Spellweaving SOTs to at least help me get through the hardest part of the training (above 100) that woul be greatly appreciated.

In case you feel helping me PM me.

Thank you very much.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Adding more redundant layers is not improving the system... it is just adding more confusion for those that learned how the system works.

I don't want to have to learn a new sequence of keystrokes/clicks to change skills. It works great for me.

I am not suggesting a new layer warning.

I am suggesting additional informations within the same one Warning Gump we already get.

That is, rather than have it only ask us as it does now whether we want to load up X points of a given skill, the SAME EXACT Warning Gump will also mention that this loading will COST US Y points in the skill ABC which is marked down.

So, no additional layers.

Still the same one layer only having more informations to reduce the number of this accidents.

Does not sound to me such a terrible thing to ask when it is for the best interest of all players.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
It doesn't need to be improved. Most, if not all players (excluding you), know to check their skills BEFORE they add more! Not to forget that most players don't set skills they don't want to loose to go down! If you have no skills set to go down and no room for a skill it will not transfer that skill over.

The soulstone system has been in place for a long time! You're the first person I've seen to come here complaining over the system because you didn't look at your skills before adding another.

Uhu ?

Only in this one thread over 30 minutes or so I counted like 5-6 other players who mentioned the same accident happening to them.......

I can only imagine how many more can be out there who had the same accident happening to them, then.

How can you say I am the only one it has happened to ???


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mine wasn't something i did, but one time i stoned 100 inscription to a soulstone and it wiped my other soulstone's inscribe. Was same style soulstone with same amount of charges, etc. So dunno if there was a bug there or what, but a gm ACTUALLY fixed it for me. I was freakin pumped lol.


Hey Connor, we all make mistakes. Sorry for your loss popps.
Yes, we all make mistakes, but we all don't make posts on Stratics asking the Devs to rewrite the game so that we don't have to pay attention to what we're doing.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mine wasn't something i did, but one time i stoned 100 inscription to a soulstone and it wiped my other soulstone's inscribe. Was same style soulstone with same amount of charges, etc. So dunno if there was a bug there or what, but a gm ACTUALLY fixed it for me. I was freakin pumped lol.

I guess you got extremely lucky, in my case the GM did not even hear my problem, it directed me to a web address with generic information about Soulstones.

I could not even much explain what had happened to me since the small Help window only allows a very brief message to be typed.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, we all make mistakes, but we all don't make posts on Stratics asking the Devs to rewrite the game so that we don't have to pay attention to what we're doing.

It is not about not paying attention, it is about helping us to reduce the number of mistakes even when we are tired, had a bad day, are sleepy and so forth.

I mean, if it happens to quite a number of players and it can be improved than I cannot understand why there should be resistances to something made better which otherwise, left as it is, can get players frustrated over it.

I can only imagine a player losing all lockpicking or taming or some other extremely hard to gain skill.

It could be enough to get them quit the game losing their subscriptions.

If it can be avoided or at least quite reduced then why not ?

Why it should not be done if it can ?


If everybody were perfect like Connor
I never said I was perfect. I do however, take responsibility for my own mistakes and don't ask someone else to do something to the game so that I don't have to pay attention to what I'm doing the next time I perform that same action again.

And btw....your analogy was terrible.


"Are you sure you wish to perform this action"

Uh....no, but let's go ahead anyway and see what happens....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It doesn't need to be improved. Most, if not all players (excluding you), know to check their skills BEFORE they add more! Not to forget that most players don't set skills they don't want to loose to go down! If you have no skills set to go down and no room for a skill it will not transfer that skill over.

The soulstone system has been in place for a long time! You're the first person I've seen to come here complaining over the system because you didn't look at your skills before adding another.

Uhu ?

Only in this one thread over 30 minutes or so I counted like 5-6 other players who mentioned the same accident happening to them.......

I can only imagine how many more can be out there who had the same accident happening to them, then.

How can you say I am the only one it has happened to ???

I never said you're the only one this has happened to. I was referring to checking their skills before adding a new one with a soulstone. Clearly you didn't otherwise you wouldn't have lost your spelleaving.
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