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Gargoyle COLOR are we going to get more options ?

Gargoyles color

  • add new colors

    Votes: 36 67.9%
  • dont add colors

    Votes: 10 18.9%
  • allow us to change color in game

    Votes: 7 13.2%

  • Total voters


I was hoping for hues of gray brown orange like the start up page and art work ...

My kids love the colors anything less cartoon like would be a nice option ..

I added this if you look close you can see yellow and orange why not green white gray black and ya with matching horn colors i guess.

some colors that adults / uo players want not wow ?

guess im just the minority here then again the poll reflects otherwise but im sure the devs will not listen once again to the players


Giving this a bump would like to here from you all on this one hopefully a dev


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I definitely want more colors! More for Elves too! I need browns for Elves... how can I be a proper woodland elf without brown skin? Like a tree?

And as for the gargoyles.. I was hoping for way more colors for the horns.. and a black for sure. As well as a brown..... or two... Yellow would be awesome too.....

Also... fire colored.... orange. How about a gray or black demon? Maybe a yellowish color.... something more like a fire...

How about greenish like a large imp?

I think it's WAY too limited.


I was hoping for hues of gray brown orange like the start up page and art work ...

My kids love the colors anything less cartoon like would be a nice option ..
I heard there is going to be a Gargoyle dye tub coming out.

So ya.


I saw white skinned gargoyles in the open beta so was hoping staining worked for skin.

We had universal dye tubs on Test Sosaria a few years back thanks to Hanse and we could dye almost everything except underwear, other dye tubs, and sewing kits and it was AWESOME.

On TS I got to have black skin, ethereal skin, blood red skin and that red blue bod cloth skin. Those were my favorites as white and pink skin make your char look chunky.

I dislike character and mount art in the enhanced client so prefer the 2d client and it is impossible to make an attractive gargirl in 2D. Some of us have fun playing barbies in UO!

I do not understand why there are several red skin options available for gargoyles but no red or pink horn hues.

I'd need some gray or white hues of gargoyle skin and some red or pink horn colors to be happier. Still not happy gargirls get no hair and look like guys in the face.

I think the garguys look fine, though.


strange thing is if you look at the post about the inter view http://gamesblog.ugo.com/games/ultim...12-years-to-go look at the image that shows the colors it has yellow orange and its hard to see but look close and i seen a white color on the beta but i cant seem to find it when starting a new garg. I hope they offer gray/white or other earth tones for lack of a better term (all colors are earth tone ie maybe Autumn?)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I choose option 4: Add a real gold sink with some crazy skin colors.

Well let me toss some ideas out for fun before I get flamed out of uhall.

Lets see...
Chaos Blue
Inv Blue
Luna White
Europa Gold
Jet Black
Berserker Red

You know those super neon colors.

just kidding... UO is neon enough and I think it's kinda stupid rightnow, its midevil for god's sake, and Sosaria midevil people sure have some crazy fashion sense that surpass people of 21st century. :coco:

Well I guess you can make a real huge ass gold sink out of these.
I mean a REAL GOLD SINK...
Put in a skin tanning NPC and offer those colors for the super rich.
Make glacial and blaze (the ML hair dye kind with neon outline) at least 120mill to get
And everything else for 50mill.

I was going to suggest something like 200-500mill but considering bank only holds 125-145 mill checks I'd like to save you DEVs some trouble. :thumbsup:

I think it's a brilliant idea, I mean they might look blinky but it wont help them at all when they come and venture to the dark side of Sosaria... OMFG FEL!!!!


I choose option 4: Add a real gold sink with some crazy skin colors.

Well let me toss some ideas out for fun before I get flamed out of uhall.

Lets see...
Chaos Blue
Inv Blue
Luna White
Europa Gold
Jet Black
Berserker Red

You know those super neon colors.

just kidding... UO is neon enough and I think it's kinda stupid rightnow, its midevil for god's sake, and Sosaria midevil people sure have some crazy fashion sense that surpass people of 21st century. :coco:

Well I guess you can make a real huge ass gold sink out of these.
I mean a REAL GOLD SINK...
Put in a skin tanning NPC and offer those colors for the super rich.
Make glacial and blaze (the ML hair dye kind with neon outline) at least 120mill to get
And everything else for 50mill.

I was going to suggest something like 200-500mill but considering bank only holds 125-145 mill checks I'd like to save you DEVs some trouble. :thumbsup:

I think it's a brilliant idea, I mean they might look blinky but it wont help them at all when they come and venture to the dark side of Sosaria... OMFG FEL!!!!


Staining doesn't produce any neon colors.

I do not consider white to be a neon color and white skin ingame is already available via vampire embrace if you are a necro and cast that spell.

Thanks for the information Hunter's Moon, even though I am disappointed it wasn't white stained gargoyle skin I saw in the open beta.

Doesn't savage kin paint color the skin a white hue as well?

Ethereal skin is also available but only to guys who have necro and are in wraith form. That spell I know at least but can't get the skin since I am not a guy.

Although UO is a medieval game, COLOR was invented the day the universe began, even though there may have been no one around to see it yet.

Pretty sure medieval folks walked rode swam and sailed to other parts of the world and intermingled with non-elven, non-gargoyle folks of other skin colors, including red, yellow, black and white and every shade in between. Not to mention natives painted with war paint etc.

Yes there are no races with purple skin in the real world. Yet if anyone wants to have purple skin in the real world all they have to do is 'stain' it purple...

Let us stain our and our pets skins, just make it wear off after a time like savage kin paint so that if we wish to keep it that color we have to pay or work really hard to get the items needed to make the stains.

It would be a nice way to differentiate your char from other's chars and your two raptors from each other.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There's blaze plants everywhere, and you dont think that's neon?

Also there's a screenie of staining colors (either on Uhall or Beta forum), and many of them are extremely neon.

Just because stratics calls it bright yellow doesnt mean it isnt BLAZE.
Just because stratics calls it bright red doesnt mean it wasnt BERSERKER'S RED.
and so on.


There's blaze plants everywhere, and you dont think that's neon?

Also there's a screenie of staining colors (either on Uhall or Beta forum), and many of them are extremely neon.

Just because stratics calls it bright yellow doesnt mean it isnt BLAZE.
Just because stratics calls it bright red doesnt mean it wasnt BERSERKER'S RED.
and so on.

I was not at all wanting neon colors the ones offered are bad enough I agree its a mid-evil game and looks like a carton (live and let live just allow us to have NON-NEON colors )


Most explosive UO Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was hoping for hues of gray brown orange like the start up page and art work ...

My kids love the colors anything less cartoon like would be a nice option ..

I added this if you look close you can see yellow and orange why not green white gray black and ya with matching horn colors i guess.

some colors that adults / uo players want not wow ?

guess im just the minority here then again the poll reflects otherwise but im sure the devs will not listen once again to the players
Cool! Sounds like a great idea for a gold sink!


There's blaze plants everywhere, and you dont think that's neon?

Also there's a screenie of staining colors (either on Uhall or Beta forum), and many of them are extremely neon.

Just because stratics calls it bright yellow doesnt mean it isnt BLAZE.
Just because stratics calls it bright red doesnt mean it wasnt BERSERKER'S RED.
and so on.


Scroll down for an example of neon.

It looks like fire steeds, fire beetles, blaze Melisande hair dye, and blaze plants.


There is NO blaze or any other neon here however.

Flora Green

The more neon the better, but not on skin. :)

I just logged into the classic SA client or whatever it's called and am disappointed in the gargoyle skin and horn color choices. I wouldn't want the existing options removed, but adding some browns and even deep greens would be nice. Also agree with more elf skin tones. It's probably irrelevant coming from as I don't play elves and likely will never have a gargoyle, either. ;) Basically I'm throwing support behind those of you who want a wider range of shades.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Cool! Sounds like a great idea for a gold sink!
Hopefully we can 'buy a makeover'. I don't really care what it would cost. Blue, Purple and Red skin options are the one thing really putting me off even making a gargoyle, I was kinda hoping for a tan/pale orange or as someone else has mentioned earthen tones.

I only ever use the pale cream skin color on my elf because I hate the thought of purple/yellow/blue weird color skins and their are no variations of 'natural' at all so all 35 characters on my account have the same color skin lol.

Was a huge disappointment looking at gargoyle colors. I seriously was looking for a 'next' option after hitting the skin color gump in appearance for the first time. It really does make it hard to 'like' your character when their appearance is generally hideous. I have tried three different color gargoyles so far and each time after about 30 mins I seriously hate the color and want to change to something else. I much prefer my chars to be 'colored' by what they are wearing rather than by 'skin' as overpowering skin color gets really boring when everything you wear has to 'match' with Lilac or Red or Plum Purple. ICK!

Would much prefer a 'camel' color or something similar to the gargoyle on the splash screen.

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hopefully we can 'buy a makeover'. I don't really care what it would cost. Blue, Purple and Red skin options are the one thing really putting me off even making a gargoyle, I was kinda hoping for a tan/pale orange or as someone else has mentioned earthen tones.

I only ever use the pale cream skin color on my elf because I hate the thought of purple/yellow/blue weird color skins and their are no variations of 'natural' at all so all 35 characters on my account have the same color skin lol.

Was a huge disappointment looking at gargoyle colors. I seriously was looking for a 'next' option after hitting the skin color gump in appearance for the first time. It really does make it hard to 'like' your character when their appearance is generally hideous. I have tried three different color gargoyles so far and each time after about 30 mins I seriously hate the color and want to change to something else. I much prefer my chars to be 'colored' by what they are wearing rather than by 'skin' as overpowering skin color gets really boring when everything you wear has to 'match' with Lilac or Red or Plum Purple. ICK!

Would much prefer a 'camel' color or something similar to the gargoyle on the splash screen.
me too


Still not happy gargirls get no hair and look like guys in the face.
A hundred times, this! I can live without the hair, I guess, given gargoyles are stone-y kinda people, but can we please have feminine faces?