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Stygian Abyss : this is REALLY awesome



Oh, I just tried to customize a house to see the new sets.
It's a scandal. Not only they didn't complete the previous sets, but they forgot half of the new ones. :(

Yeah EA, work faster, it does good. Release it on 1st of september even!

And no, I won't list all the missing tiles for house customization, there are so many it's a job to do it. Like Q&A job. For example. Just a suggestion. I mean... that might be more or less exactly what they're paid for. If they have the time of course. Ah yeah 8th of september, it's important.

Just a question: how does it feel to add some content that can't be used because it's not complete? Is it achieving? Do you feel like you've given to players a great thing? Well half-thing in that case?



Babbling Loonie
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'enhanced' is the name for the new client, formerly and confusingly called 'the SA client' the 2D client currently available for download for open beta is simply your regular, familiar client but with the SA content patched in.

oh and, chicken lizards are going to take chicken fights to a whole new, fun level. Breeding up battle chickens and training them up.
Hey, I have to call "fowl" on this! Chicken lizards are NOT chickens :p

Also, the wife would like me to post her thanks to the devs for making SA playable with the Classic client. She is extremely happy with this since she isn't comfortable with the SA client. (12 years of playing on the legacy client will do that).


Babbling Loonie
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The new client is coming along well from a features standpoint, but still needs a high resolution option..

How is imbuing working? Is it such that you can literally unravel items into their properties, and use those 'properties' to create new custom items?

Reason I ask is because if this is the way it's going to work, I officially win UO because I have such an insane hoard of magic items that im going to be able to create the most insanely uber crap that Sosaria has ever seen.


Lore Keeper
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How is imbuing working? Is it such that you can literally unravel items into their properties, and use those 'properties' to create new custom items?

Reason I ask is because if this is the way it's going to work, I officially win UO because I have such an insane hoard of magic items that im going to be able to create the most insanely uber crap that Sosaria has ever seen.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

How is imbuing working? Is it such that you can literally unravel items into their properties, and use those 'properties' to create new custom items?

Reason I ask is because if this is the way it's going to work, I officially win UO because I have such an insane hoard of magic items that im going to be able to create the most insanely uber crap that Sosaria has ever seen.
Nope...basically, depending on factors you get 1 of 3 items from it. Think WoW and disenchanting items, you get a relic, essence, or other item (can't remember the name) then when you imbue you are asked for a certain number of the imbuing items, gems, and the rarer gems. It's actually a really great skill...


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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So, looks like all the champs are fel champs. Ordinarily, I'd like this...but HOT can be annoying sometimes on Atl. :p

Anyone figured out the new peerless yet?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have many positive things to say about SA. Likes are: staining, basketweaving, new house tiles, new craftables, new quests, puzzle box loot (woohoo), mysticism is awesome and I enjoy imbuing. The mini champs look fun but when I tested them I think they were bugged. Great job devs. :grouphug:


don´t get me wrong here,i was also sick for losing the 3D client :(
i ever hated the 2D client,but we have to adapt ,for now
i realy hope the dev´s make it possible to get highres graphics for SA in the future ;)
Keep in mind the Enhanced client is STILL in beta. To be able to get a working client and put out an expansion it would have taken too many resources address the art in this period of time. We will be looking into this after SA launches and we plan on keeping the Enhanced client in Beta until we feel that it's ready to be released.


Always Present
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So, looks like all the champs are fel champs. Ordinarily, I'd like this...but HOT can be annoying sometimes on Atl. :p

Anyone figured out the new peerless yet?

The new Peerless are Felucca ruleset area or Trammel ruleset area ?

Eyes of Origin

I would hope that the peerless bosses will be in Tram and Fel just like the ones from Mondains Legacy. Its hard to tell with the red gates on test. But, I wouldnt imagine them being in Fel only. Wouldnt be quite fair to all the trammies who dont want to go to fel, would it?

Been playing around more with the new stuff from the expansion, the more I do, the more I'm liking it. Except, what is with all the empty space and empy buildings? Are those spots staying empty till the release? Like a surprise of some sort? Also, cannot figure out how to get the keys to spawn Medusa.
I wish there was going to be a published players guide about SA. A real book that I can pick up in the gaming section at Best Buy or something.


Always Present
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I would hope that the peerless bosses will be in Tram and Fel just like the ones from Mondains Legacy. Its hard to tell with the red gates on test. But, I wouldnt imagine them being in Fel only. Wouldnt be quite fair to all the trammies who dont want to go to fel, would it?

Hmmm.... should they be Felucca and Trammel then one of the arguments used by "feluccans" would go the way of the Dodo....

The argument that they "must" have Powerscroll spawns exclusive of felucca since Trammel has Peerless and Doom.....

Let's give also Doom Bosses to Felucca and so it will be all out of arguments as in regards to the Powerscrolls.

I don't think many of them care much though, since they already hunt Doom and Peerless with their "blues".....
That is, they enjoy the whole content of the game while the other players, those not willing to give in to the "consensual" PvP, are effectively cut out from significant parts of the game.

Tina Small

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Also, cannot figure out how to get the keys to spawn Medusa.
Eyes, I haven't done it myself, but I believe you may have to use a snake charming flute on the snakes there and get eggs. I think you can also double click the nests to get eggs but the success rate is supposed to be lower if you do that and something else about doing that may cause an inconvenience. Sorry I can't be of more help than that--trying to summarize some notes I found in the beta forum.


Crazed Zealot
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The new Peerless are Felucca ruleset area or Trammel ruleset area ?
The peerless are Tram ruleset only
The champ spawns are Fel ruleset only

For the love of all that is chivalrous, please don't spoil this nice thread with debate about this.

( *heads for the hills to hide* )

Eyes of Origin

Popps, you have an arguement for anything and everything concerning Fel it seems like. As I understand it, it use to be that UO was Fel based only.. but now that there is Tram, some people dont want to go to Fel. For this, all I have to say is too bad. If it was still all Fel based, we would be saved from your constant whining. You would have no choice but to play it or quit.

I dont care that the peerless are in Tram only. Thats fine. I have blue chars that I can do them with, but I guess because I play in Fel also, I shouldnt have access to these on my blues? I cant enjoy the whole game because I play in Fel and Tram? Maybe I should just play Tram and become bitter like you.
What does Doom have to do with this? Scrolls arent a Doom item to begin with, so I dont understand you point, other than you are bi**hing to just to bi***.

*edit* Tina thank you for the info :)

Maple, I agree. Popps has already dedicated a thread to his whining. So from here out, I will try to refrain from posting back to him on this thread.


Always Present
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I dont care that the peerless are in Tram only. Thats fine. I have blue chars that I can do them with, but I guess because I play in Fel also, I shouldnt have access to these on my blues? I cant enjoy the whole game because I play in Fel and Tram? Maybe I should just play Tram and become bitter like you.
What does Doom have to do with this? Scrolls arent a Doom item to begin with, so I dont understand you point, other than you are bi**hing to just to bi***.

Just as a clarification, my problem is with the fact that because of Design choices in the game we have 2 sets of players who have not the same equal freedom to fully enjoy all contents of the game they pay subscription for.

Those who are willing to engage in "consensual" PvP have no pronlem to enjoy the Powerscrolls spawns AND have blues, as you say, to ALSO enjoy the rest of the content of Peerless and Doom.

Those who instead, whatever their reasons, are not willing to engage into "consensual" PvP are effectively cut out from the Spawn of Powerscrolls, items very important to game play. That is, they cannot enjoy fully the game (saved from PvP which they are not interested in.....as it is their right not to....) likewise the other players.

That is what I have a problem with, this inequality by design choice.
My point is that Design should use other means to promote PvP, not preclude important items of the game to a relevant chunk of the player base.

After this clarification which I felt as needed, we can end the argument here, fine with me.

Amber Moon

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That is what I have a problem with, this inequality by design choice. My point is that Design should use other means to promote PvP, not preclude important items of the game to a relevant chunk of the player base.

After this clarification which I felt as needed, we can end the argument here, fine with me.
Really Popps? I think we all understood your position maybe 30 posts back in that other thread and the fact you bring it up again and again at every thread even remotely related.

But hey. It's all good. Feel free to waste you oh-so-valuable time trying to convince others, though I seriously doubt you have changed a single mind so far, much less the mind of anyone that could actually make such a change.


Keep in mind the Enhanced client is STILL in beta. To be able to get a working client and put out an expansion it would have taken too many resources address the art in this period of time. We will be looking into this after SA launches and we plan on keeping the Enhanced client in Beta until we feel that it's ready to be released.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Keep in mind the Enhanced client is STILL in beta. To be able to get a working client and put out an expansion it would have taken too many resources address the art in this period of time. We will be looking into this after SA launches and we plan on keeping the Enhanced client in Beta until we feel that it's ready to be released.

Eyes of Origin

:wall: Really? Seriously? Come on! The game content is there for everyone. They pay for it just like everyone else, that you are right about, but where you are wrong is saying that they do not have the freedom to do everything in game they are paying for.
Anyone can do anything they want in game. Peerless, spawns, hunting, fishing, crafting, house deco, etc. It is at your own free will that you do these things. There is no one standing there holding a gun to your head or anyone elses saying that you cant or can. You just refuse to find a way to do so. You dont want to pay what players are charging for scrolls? Grow some ****ing balls and go get them. You want them bad enough you find a way to get them. For crying out loud stfu and get over it.
Its just like anything else in this game.. you dont want to do Doom, then you pay what people are asking to get the items from Doom... you dont like it, go get them yourself.
Dont blame game design on not being able to get these things, blame yourself.
*Edit* I tried, I really did.


Stratics Veteran
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Keep in mind the Enhanced client is STILL in beta. To be able to get a working client and put out an expansion it would have taken too many resources address the art in this period of time. We will be looking into this after SA launches and we plan on keeping the Enhanced client in Beta until we feel that it's ready to be released.
this makes me happy too


Im not playing UO atm. Not because i dislike the game, the game itself is the best game ever made in my opinion, But Because of three other things:

First of all: Allmost no PvP based population on the EU based shards.
Speeding and other hacks in PvP (^^)
Lack of new content to PvP.
(i don't pvp all day, but its my main "thing" after 9 years in the game)

I must say that the UO:SA looks truely amazing with all the new and really WELL thought features. GREAT WORK - Imbuing and scrollbinders will even out the playing field. what we needed since AoS came out.

But i got a problem with the new client. We really need a client with better graphics that works well. (good map and such) So we can get rid of the old buggy client and maybe, just maybe lure in a few new players - and alot of old players! BUt the graphics ive seen from SA just aint good enough.

But SA sounds cool and i might come back just to try it - Playing darkfall atm, but they ****ed it up.

Dermott of LS

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Originally Posted by ChrissayEAMythic View Post
Keep in mind the Enhanced client is STILL in beta. To be able to get a working client and put out an expansion it would have taken too many resources address the art in this period of time. We will be looking into this after SA launches and we plan on keeping the Enhanced client in Beta until we feel that it's ready to be released.

This could be a good light at the end of a needlessly dark tunnel... I just hope it isn;t another oncoming train.


Lore Master
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just to make a point loaded sa in on my netbook was surprised could move around, havnt tried much but use it at work so crafting would be norm anyways. and like it much better than 2d


Don't like it, then don't use it, some of us have equipment newer than 2001 and could use an OPTIONAL setting to allow the client to display clear graphics at a higher resolution than 640x480 WITHOUT pixelating and distorting.

Perhaps you forget the idea of OPTIONS?

Oh, wait... I forgot who was posting against such options... I'm sorry for having offended your narrow minded 2d worldview.