I should say at first, that what I will post now here is just my personal view.
When UO was first launched, there was no other better MMO game than UO in Japan. We could have no other opitons, and besides UO was really a good game.
People in Japan who love playing games, including me, jumped at UO. They were extremely much into playing UO, as all of you here, or devs who played, have been playing UO and now are developing UO.
10 years passed.
Enthusiasted players who played the UO of the earliest era are 10 years older now. Where do they go?
They became programmers, went into other game industries in Japan, and are now occupied with game industries or jobs related to information and network.
They loved playing UO and love the UO at that time even now.
They are also working in 4gamer.net or other game site, in game magazines in Japan, reviewing games, They are becoming a cored part of these industries.
These people introduce UO very kindly and sympathetically. They have often played Ur Ultima series in their youth. So they are themselves very excited with Gargoyles introduced in this expansion.
I think it is a good chance to bring back people who quited into playing UO again.
Some years after UO was released, there were many MMO games launched also in Japan: Final Fantasy, Ragnarok Online, Lienege etc. Many people were attracted by these games, but people of this era are still younger than UO generation in Japan. They have not become core part of industries related to games, information and network. But they will come into core parts after 5 years. So I think, this time is close to the last chance for UO to be kindly and sympathically introduced. After 5 years, UO might be introduced merely as one of many banal games. People, who played UO enthusiastically 10 years ago in Japan, review UO even now very kindly and sympathitcally, but after 5 years they might be superseded by younger generation who haven't played UO.