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What type character would be best as a gargoyle?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
None of my characters have 120 skill and I do not have the patience to do the same thing over and over to get there. I only PvM.

I have:

A miner-smith-tailor-tinker-cook 80s skills in crafting...

An Archer with chiv and bard skills

2 melee warriors with chiv. One has bushido the other has magery.

A tamer mage. Only 90 taming without jewelry 115 with jewelry.

Would any of these be candidates? Told you I dont like skilling.

I would have to start over with armor and weapons..

Would it be better to go with a new slot and use an advanced char code? Thats my guess from playing beta. I would have good skills in about 2 years...

What type PvM character would benefit from this new race?



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Remember that gargoyles can't use bows, so an archer would probably be a poor choice.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Shrug* A Stealth / Mage / Tamer would be good as it would take good advantage of the Gargoyle's flying ability


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well gargoyles can't ride mounts so your tamer may not be the best choice either. I'd probably start a new character as a mage/mystic type.

Lord Drakelord

I am not planning on having any gargoyles on my account, the one account that will be upgraded for the next exp we will also buy a 7th slot for it and make one for the %bonus on imbuing.

Restroom Cowboy

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fel pure mystic with necro enhancement...
120 mage
120 eval
120 mysticism
100 med
120 resist
80 imbuing
60 necro

dunno...just one that seems viable to me. EO sleep is dirty! :)


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Crafter, or melee warrior or mystic I would guess.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well gargoyles can't ride mounts so your tamer may not be the best choice either. I'd probably start a new character as a mage/mystic type.
:) Yes they can not ride mounts :) that is why tamers can take advantage of the Flying ..... in a way that is extremely meaningful. :thumbsup:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Tamers, even tho you cannot ride your pet, you can fly at mounted speed and AI or FS your enemy while all killing with a super dragon. For pvm, many tamers want to be able to run at mounted speed while controlling a GD without spending points in ninjitsu can do so with flying.

2. Mysticism mage due to flying ability and innate imbuing (if you went the hybrid route). A mage often have no use for ninjitsu skill, thus making them one of the biggest dismount ganking bait, flying will help greatly, and mages dont really need the -10 mana on specials.

3. Parry thrower. If you like the (archery-like) ranged attack capability but also been dreaming for the ability to parry for its increased defensive power, gargoyle is the only way to go. As throwing is the only ranged weapon kill that allows using a shield and parry.

4. Imbuers for its slight bonus in imbuing chance.

5. Pvmers who want to explore unique garg only areas.

Flying along is godsend in pvp, and gargoyles are the only race with a free dismount counter ability (not immune to dismount but you can instantly "remount" after 5 second confusion timer.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Shrug* A Stealth / Mage / Tamer would be good as it would take good advantage of the Gargoyle's flying ability

Wow! I didn't even think of this... if you can actually stealth while flying my stealth mage may get converted! :)

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hide while on the ground move one step into stealth, fly/mount, you can move 11 tiles in flight hidden.

(1 tile of stealth per 10pts in skill).

Very effective while escaping.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I use it more as the classic Stealth/Tamer/Mage and the Flying is simply the Poof Mount I can not get for another what 2 years?


Hide while on the ground move one step into stealth, fly/mount, you can move 11 tiles in flight hidden.

(1 tile of stealth per 10pts in skill).

Very effective while escaping.
Aren't you still frozen while taking off? Or is there no delay for it?


Hide while on the ground move one step into stealth, fly/mount, you can move 11 tiles in flight hidden.

(1 tile of stealth per 10pts in skill).

Very effective while escaping.
Aren't you still frozen while taking off? Or is there no delay for it?
I've noticed alot of other people say that there is no delay, however, I've noticed a slight rubberbanding effect while moving then flying. Nowhere near an Ethy, maybe more like running then mounting a pet?


None of my characters have 120 skill and I do not have the patience to do the same thing over and over to get there. I only PvM.

I have:

A miner-smith-tailor-tinker-cook 80s skills in crafting...

An Archer with chiv and bard skills

2 melee warriors with chiv. One has bushido the other has magery.

A tamer mage. Only 90 taming without jewelry 115 with jewelry.

Would any of these be candidates? Told you I dont like skilling.

I would have to start over with armor and weapons..

Would it be better to go with a new slot and use an advanced char code? Thats my guess from playing beta. I would have good skills in about 2 years...

What type PvM character would benefit from this new race?

HoW AbOuT A gArG cOoK? :D



I'm currently toying with a couple templates.

Mage, Necro, Mystic, Imbuer - this one will require some +skill mod items.

Mage, Tamer, (maybe Mystic) - for mounted speed with a Greater Dragon{PvM only}(If I add Mystic, it will require +skill mod items).

Thrower, Swords - This is to try the Throwing skill.


UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the gargoyles will be the best worker for they enhance/imbuing racial bonus