okay, maybe not the MOST awesome idea,
not quite as awesome as my changeable mustache with DCI/HCI etc,
and perhaps someone already thought of this, but this is my first ACTUALLY serious idea for UO game content.
what if we had mounts that could travel on water?? What if there were mounts that went both on land and sea? What if there were mounts big enough for everyone to ride (like a giant turtle)?
What if we took our yew trailer park fights out in the ocean? We wouldn't be yew trash anymore, wed be PIRATES! AAAAAAAAR!
Can we discuss this?
Can we at least fantasize about what monsters MIGHT be?
Awesome monsters would be:
Big giant aligator
Big giant turtle
Big giant toad
sea serpent?
water dragon?
Big bird that swims well? maybe just make Hiryus swim??
The swamp dragon should be able to swim for sure.
Spider mount? yeah i know it can't swim but come on.. spider mount, folks.
newt/salamander. yes.
Cuh Sidhe should TOTALLY be able to swim. my dog LOVES water.
Advantages of fighting out at sea:
no trees/gravestones and stuff.
it feels like pirate.
its very piratey
pirates are pretty sweet.
edit: spider mount should totally be able to walk over the top of gravestones/rocks etc.
not quite as awesome as my changeable mustache with DCI/HCI etc,
and perhaps someone already thought of this, but this is my first ACTUALLY serious idea for UO game content.
what if we had mounts that could travel on water?? What if there were mounts that went both on land and sea? What if there were mounts big enough for everyone to ride (like a giant turtle)?
What if we took our yew trailer park fights out in the ocean? We wouldn't be yew trash anymore, wed be PIRATES! AAAAAAAAR!
Can we discuss this?
Can we at least fantasize about what monsters MIGHT be?
Awesome monsters would be:
Big giant aligator
Big giant turtle
Big giant toad
sea serpent?
water dragon?
Big bird that swims well? maybe just make Hiryus swim??
The swamp dragon should be able to swim for sure.
Spider mount? yeah i know it can't swim but come on.. spider mount, folks.
newt/salamander. yes.
Cuh Sidhe should TOTALLY be able to swim. my dog LOVES water.
Advantages of fighting out at sea:
no trees/gravestones and stuff.
it feels like pirate.
its very piratey
pirates are pretty sweet.
edit: spider mount should totally be able to walk over the top of gravestones/rocks etc.