2 years ago, after it was decided that KR was a failure, we received an announcement that the 7th char slot and the 20% additional increased storage (to make 40% w/ML increase) that was orignally slated to be part of the SA expansion would be made available as a purchase from the UO store for those that wanted to take advantage of it at that time since SA was delayed indefinitely, or those that wanted to wait could. Now, with SA right around the corner, we still haven't had any type of confirmation as to whether or not those of us that decided to wait so we wouldn't have to pay an extra $30 are going to be shafted and end up having to pay for these anyway, or if the original statement would be stuck to, and both of these upgrades included with the expansion. Every time this has been brought up it seems like the question has been dodged, with no one willing to give us any kind of definitive answer one way or the other.
With SA 3 short weeks away from release, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect an answer to this question now. Would you please check with whoever happens to be the "powers that be" so we can finally have that answer? I know I'm not the only person that decided to wait the 2 yrs, and also know that this is going to affect how many copies of the expansion that will be purchased by those with multiple accounts that also decided to wait. It's no secret that I feel that EA/Mythic should stand by it's original statement and include these upgrades as part of the expansion, and would like to know if they're going to stand by what they originally said.
Thanks for looking into this for us.
2 years ago, after it was decided that KR was a failure, we received an announcement that the 7th char slot and the 20% additional increased storage (to make 40% w/ML increase) that was orignally slated to be part of the SA expansion would be made available as a purchase from the UO store for those that wanted to take advantage of it at that time since SA was delayed indefinitely, or those that wanted to wait could. Now, with SA right around the corner, we still haven't had any type of confirmation as to whether or not those of us that decided to wait so we wouldn't have to pay an extra $30 are going to be shafted and end up having to pay for these anyway, or if the original statement would be stuck to, and both of these upgrades included with the expansion. Every time this has been brought up it seems like the question has been dodged, with no one willing to give us any kind of definitive answer one way or the other.
With SA 3 short weeks away from release, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect an answer to this question now. Would you please check with whoever happens to be the "powers that be" so we can finally have that answer? I know I'm not the only person that decided to wait the 2 yrs, and also know that this is going to affect how many copies of the expansion that will be purchased by those with multiple accounts that also decided to wait. It's no secret that I feel that EA/Mythic should stand by it's original statement and include these upgrades as part of the expansion, and would like to know if they're going to stand by what they originally said.
Thanks for looking into this for us.