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Dressing macro

Xanthril of LA

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not sure where to ask this, so I will post here. I recently dug out my little used UOAssist and decided to make some dress macros. I set up the hotkeys and the suits but they don't seem to work. I'm sure I am missing something simple. Any insights will be greatly appreciated. I only made two macros, one for my normal suit and one for my luck suit but it will not change them. Do i have to make an undress macro first?


I'd be willing to bet the hot keys you selected are assigned as a hotkey for another action. Scroll through all your macros and remove the hot keys when you find them (except for the dress macros of course).

Xanthril of LA

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd be willing to bet the hot keys you selected are assigned as a hotkey for another action. Scroll through all your macros and remove the hot keys when you find them (except for the dress macros of course).
I will test that out. I tried to create one hotkey and it would not do it because it already had a macro assigned, so I figured that if it accepted it, I was good to go. Thanks for the possibility.


Ummmm, UOA has preset keys for dress/undress. Are you using them?


I'm not sure where to ask this, so I will post here. I recently dug out my little used UOAssist and decided to make some dress macros. I set up the hotkeys and the suits but they don't seem to work. I'm sure I am missing something simple. Any insights will be greatly appreciated. I only made two macros, one for my normal suit and one for my luck suit but it will not change them. Do i have to make an undress macro first?
You will need to undress before hitting your other dress macro. UO:Assist has a built in function for undressing, check the list on the key assignment tab.

In Enhanced client you can "hot swap" items - put something else in an occupied equip slot without having to empty that slot first, and it's nearly instant.

In Classic client you can't hot swap, even with UO:Assist; you must undress one item at a time first. The upside of using UO:Assist is you can specify an undress container; all your clothing etc will go in the bag you specify when you use the undress function.

Lucy of Kenton

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Correct me if i am wrong (which i probably am) the hotkey may not work if it is on the number pad on right of keyboard.:danceb::danceb: