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Castles, Keeps, Towers=Customise!


Babbling Loonie
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Rehash an old topic. While SA coming out lets make it so these types of houses can be customised. Just give us an option of changing walls,floor tiles maybe add a teleporter. THANKS

jack flash uk

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Rehash an old topic. While SA coming out lets make it so these types of houses can be customised. Just give us an option of changing walls,floor tiles maybe add a teleporter. THANKS
or, if they have to keep them the same how about a single to multi-story basement we can customise:)


Lore Keeper
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Rehash an old topic. While SA coming out lets make it so these types of houses can be customised. Just give us an option of changing walls,floor tiles maybe add a teleporter. THANKS
I'd love to be able to customize mine as well, however I'd like to thank you very much for those ladders. At least we can finally access the roofs. That additional space was wonderful. Placing the cannons on the roofs gives a homeowner that extra-added feeling of security.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I keep wishing they would just give us maybe 4 choices of keep or castle that we could chose from... This would I think be acceptable to most all and allow us a bit of variety...

I am not crazy about the current designs either seeing as both of them have so much wasted space.

I'd also like it if they just let us have some way to use that wasted space... Like being able to lock things down in the courtyard of the castle and just redoing keeps to give floor space to those area's we can't get to and let us use them.



like the basement idea too, or the choice of design. I dont think they should be fully customizable plots.

Eyes of Origin

I like the current castle layout, but I would like to lock plants and trees down in the courtyard. Also, I agree... I want to at least be able to customize the walls and floors.

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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That would be too much work. Instead just give us larger custom plots, up to 24x24!


Crazed Zealot
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why can we own cities? run our own NPC shops or how about expand our boundries to add in courtyard beyond our 18x18 or castle plots or own our own stables etc.. If Second Life or Sims can do it why can't we :)


Seasoned Veteran
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to keep things as simple as we can and perhaps enticing them to do something...at least a few wall choices (ex: reg stone, sandstone, marble, orc fort style)

As for the grassy areas...honestly why it can't be used is prob because some of us have trees stuck in our homes (so basically a keep or castle where there really shouldn't be). I sure wish it could be used thou.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Rehash an old topic. While SA coming out lets make it so these types of houses can be customised. Just give us an option of changing walls,floor tiles maybe add a teleporter. THANKS
Towers can be customized always could be. LShapes, keeps, and castles cant be.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The plot iteself doesn´t have to be fully customizeable, but some other wall designs, teleporters and floortiles would be nice. Or different castle layouts to choose from!
A 24x24 would be nice too! *imagines the gazillion custom designs she has in mind*


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
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I keep wishing they would just give us maybe 4 choices of keep or castle that we could chose from... This would I think be acceptable to most all and allow us a bit of variety...

I am not crazy about the current designs either seeing as both of them have so much wasted space.

I'd also like it if they just let us have some way to use that wasted space... Like being able to lock things down in the courtyard of the castle and just redoing keeps to give floor space to those area's we can't get to and let us use them.
i agree, there should be more than 1 choice for a castle or keep instead of just stone... how about a marble castle? that would be awesome! id definitely change mine to marble, or even a sandstone one or something

Patty Pickaxe

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Someone ran a "Design your own castle or Keep Contest" on the Homes and Castles Forum. People came up with amazing ideas. Those ideas should be sent to the ideas den and maybe devs can consider it. I would rather see a choice of designs over just the option to choose walls or floors. Walls and floors can be worked with, whereas the fact I can't get to my first floor corner rooms (in a keep) without first going up stairs can't be.

Lord Drakelord

Someone ran a "Design your own castle or Keep Contest" on the Homes and Castles Forum. People came up with amazing ideas. Those ideas should be sent to the ideas den and maybe devs can consider it. I would rather see a choice of designs over just the option to choose walls or floors. Walls and floors can be worked with, whereas the fact I can't get to my first floor corner rooms (in a keep) without first going up stairs can't be.
Here the link for that, http://builder.thelostlands.com/index.html

And here the link for the Keep I submitted

http://builder.thelostlands.com/Lord Drakelord Keep.html

yours is also there


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would like to see teleporters being added but I do not want full customization. I love to make homes but I see too many cubes around so I would just rather have a choice of about 4 to 5 designs that I could choose from.
I also like the idea of a basement.


well ive got a keep and a castle and if we could get a 24x24 plot from a keep it would be great and as for a castle the courtyards should be able to lock items down inside of the walls area

Lore Master

Would be great at the very least let us add doors walls and teleporters to keeps and castkes please Devs.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

Imagine you are hearing the loudest booming voice you can even imagine, and/or the most annoying "Hillary Clintonesque" screech SCREAMING NO! NO! NO! to most of these ideas.

Leave Castles, Keeps, Large Towers and all the "Classic" houses exactly as they have always been.

Custom houses are also fine as they are. We Do NOT need bigger custom houses.

There is precious little iconic history in Britannia as it is. Castles, Keeps, etc are not meant to be customizable nor to be all that space efficient. The one thing UO has had from the beginning is its virtual world. Now I know some will argue that the Lost Lands, Ilsh, Malas, and Tokuno weren't part of the original UO. However, what was in the beginning, for the most part STILL IS!!! Much has been added, and everyone has opinions of the additions they like or detest, but most of what was in the beginning still is and should not be messed with.

At least those are my views.

Elladan of Baja for 12 years and counting (and I count better than EA does)


I vote no. one of the main points of custom 18x18 plots is to incentivize redeeding of castles and keeps. that's the trade off: either a smaller custom plot or a larger static one. if the devs allow customization of castles and keeps then they make 18x18's obsolete


Queen of The Outlaws
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I just want one changes to keeps, do not need to be customizing, just add a alternative keep design. Keeps do have to many stairs and to few doors.
