or, if they have to keep them the same how about a single to multi-story basement we can customiseRehash an old topic. While SA coming out lets make it so these types of houses can be customised. Just give us an option of changing walls,floor tiles maybe add a teleporter. THANKS
I'd love to be able to customize mine as well, however I'd like to thank you very much for those ladders. At least we can finally access the roofs. That additional space was wonderful. Placing the cannons on the roofs gives a homeowner that extra-added feeling of security.Rehash an old topic. While SA coming out lets make it so these types of houses can be customised. Just give us an option of changing walls,floor tiles maybe add a teleporter. THANKS
Towers can be customized always could be. LShapes, keeps, and castles cant be.Rehash an old topic. While SA coming out lets make it so these types of houses can be customised. Just give us an option of changing walls,floor tiles maybe add a teleporter. THANKS
i agree, there should be more than 1 choice for a castle or keep instead of just stone... how about a marble castle? that would be awesome! id definitely change mine to marble, or even a sandstone one or somethingI keep wishing they would just give us maybe 4 choices of keep or castle that we could chose from... This would I think be acceptable to most all and allow us a bit of variety...
I am not crazy about the current designs either seeing as both of them have so much wasted space.
I'd also like it if they just let us have some way to use that wasted space... Like being able to lock things down in the courtyard of the castle and just redoing keeps to give floor space to those area's we can't get to and let us use them.
Here the link for that, http://builder.thelostlands.com/index.htmlSomeone ran a "Design your own castle or Keep Contest" on the Homes and Castles Forum. People came up with amazing ideas. Those ideas should be sent to the ideas den and maybe devs can consider it. I would rather see a choice of designs over just the option to choose walls or floors. Walls and floors can be worked with, whereas the fact I can't get to my first floor corner rooms (in a keep) without first going up stairs can't be.