Is that something that will work with the enhanced client ?
How exactly ?
It should once the enchanced (aka SA) client is finalized, or specifically, when the devs open up certain files for customization. These files were customizable in KR, but the enhanced client is still in the beta stages, so not all files are customizable yet.
As to how to install the Customized UI mods once the modders have ported it over to the enhanced client, it's via custom UI.
On the login screen, notice that there is a button called "Custom UI", once you have downloaded the mod, simply click on this button and select the mod you want.
There is 1 mod to note, called Bitter Black Enhanced (BBE for short). It's a combination of several good mods by a large group of very good modders. One of the features added to BBE was a feature that highlights each magical properties in a different colour according to their intensities.
I am hoping that they will go on 1 step further to add a simple tally of the total intensities of the magical property intensities and have it display on the item properties.
ie, right now without mods, an item with 20 LRC, 50 luck, 1 fast cast have all the properties appear in white. Damned hard to tell things apart.
What the color coding in BBE will do is show the 20 LRC and fast cast in a different colour (whatever colour you chose to highlight max intensity properties, say yellow), and the 50 luck in another different colour (whatever colour you chose for 50% intensity properties, say blue). This is already working in KR.
What I am hoping for, instead of just colours, is to have a little text field next to the item name that simply shows the item rating is rated 250%. (based on the 20 LRC/50 luck/1 fc item in my example above)
And maybe later, when I open a corpse, have it show me the loot sorted by intensities in descending order (ie best items show up first). This part I am not sure if it's possible. But the numbers part definitely is.