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New Pets = More STable Slots?

Should we get a few more stable slots to accomodate the new crittters?

  • Total voters


Actually the token suggestion was tongue-in-cheek, but realistically I would pay that if it meant actually implementing more stables. Going by previous dev comments, it doesn't seem anything less than the almighty dollar would sway their current stance.
Blasphemy. They charged us for 11th anniv. items didn't they? (/sarcasm)

Heart Breaker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Greater Dragon
2. Reptalon
3. Dread WarHorse
4. Nightmare (true black)
5. Nightmare (high rated on pet calculator, gift from a friend)
6. Cu Sidhe
7. White Cu Sidhe (gift from a friend)
8. blue beetle
9. pack horse
10. Rune beetle
11. bake kitsune
12. Bake kitsune
13. Ferret (gift)
14. War Horse

I had to get rid of my hiryu last week when I got my war horse. And I have to give one of my purple bunnies to my crafter, which makes it a pain in the butt for her. I was lumberjacking in Fel the other day, left my blue beetle at my house while I wandered around in Fel, and when I got back after an hour, my blue beetle went wild and I had to retame it. Would be nice to be able to have put her in the stable, but I already have a fire beetle and a purple bunny in it. =/

More stable slots would really be fantastic.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There should be many more stable slots, and its idiotic so suggest that somehow stable slots should be low to force tamers into "specialization". Thats what FOLLOWER SLOTS do. Not that it even makes any sense any way no other class has to limit themselves in such a manner.

There are about 10 times (more probably) the amount of tamable pets as there are tamable pets. Some of those pets are pack animals which only function properly with multiple of them, then as was already addressed there are novelty pets like ferrets, chickens, valentines bunnies, and whatnot.

I think a lot of people are against it because they hate tamers, but to be honestly I sort of hate them as well, but giving them more stable slots wouldn't effect how over powered they are in the slightest.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Puts on a flame retardant suit.*
I voted 'no'.
I do not have a tamer, nor do I want one, but I have nothing against tamers. The only thing I don't like seeing is a tamer showing up with his Greater dragon to a spawn I'm soloing at and taking over (I know I don't own a spawn, I just think it's rude to come in an just take over everything). I have read through lists people have up with their pets, and I just ask "why do you need THREE cu sidhes? Why do you NEED two Bakes? Why do you NEED two Greater Dragons? Don't they all so the same thing? Why do you NEED multiples of them? Why do you NEED a chicken?" I mean, seriously, do you even use all these creatures? No, not really. The first option for tamers is usually their greater dragon... forget the cu sidhe or hiryu or bakes. You can't really compare an animal to a weapon, imo, because I sit and take damage when I fight with a bow or an axe. Generally tamers do not. My bows probably do as much damage as whatever other creature when I use a slayer, and I'm busy healing myself so I don't die, whereas Greater dragons don't need to be healed (usually) for a while. So where is the unfairness in that?


I have read through lists people have up with their pets, and I just ask "why do you need THREE cu sidhes? Why do you NEED two Bakes? Why do you NEED two Greater Dragons? Don't they all so the same thing? Why do you NEED multiples of them?
Speaking for myself, and a few others that I know, we have multiples of the same type of pet for merchanting purposes. There's a very good market for a pet that has good resists/stats that is also trained up. For example, even an average Cu Sidhe trained up to 5x GM will sell for as much as 5 mil or more. A GD will sell for even more. There's a very nice profit involved in this. So along with the regular pets a tamer will have for their own needs, they have others that they use strictly for selling. I've got 3 Cu Sidhe's in the stables myself, all 3 of which are in various stages of training. Once they're trained they'll be sold, and others tamed to replace them. Then there's all the new pets coming in SA which will be a huge market for the first year or more.


My own pet lists:

Tamer (total:14)
Cu Sidhe
Rune Beetle
5 x Frenzied Ostards
Fire Steed
Dread Warhorse
White Wyrm
Greater Dragon
Bake Kitsune

Plenty to keep me entertained, lots of variety and interesting combos. I suppose if it came down to a few tough calls, I might retire the ostards. One thing I've noticed is I used to keep 15 pets (one mount out of the stables) before I got the greater dragon, can't do that now, oh well.

My horse trader has 9 slots, plenty for most stuff, although I might free up some space for the expansion.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Puts on a flame retardant suit.*
I voted 'no'.
I do not have a tamer, nor do I want one, but I have nothing against tamers. The only thing I don't like seeing is a tamer showing up with his Greater dragon to a spawn I'm soloing at and taking over (I know I don't own a spawn, I just think it's rude to come in an just take over everything). I have read through lists people have up with their pets, and I just ask "why do you need THREE cu sidhes? Why do you NEED two Bakes? Why do you NEED two Greater Dragons? Don't they all so the same thing? Why do you NEED multiples of them? Why do you NEED a chicken?" I mean, seriously, do you even use all these creatures? No, not really. The first option for tamers is usually their greater dragon... forget the cu sidhe or hiryu or bakes. You can't really compare an animal to a weapon, imo, because I sit and take damage when I fight with a bow or an axe. Generally tamers do not. My bows probably do as much damage as whatever other creature when I use a slayer, and I'm busy healing myself so I don't die, whereas Greater dragons don't need to be healed (usually) for a while. So where is the unfairness in that?
Tamers can take out 5 slots worth of pets at a time, so what does it matter what they store? I could sit interrogating folks as to why they need 5 swords in their bag when clearly 2 are crap and they're carrying unnecessary weight... Besides, they can only equip one at once and so on... . But it's none of my business what they do. I just wouldn't do that.

Everyone plays UO for different reasons. Just as some folks collect rares they pay a stack of gold for, some players collect or trade pets. They aren't harming anyone in doing so because they have the 5 control slot cap. Just as the warrior is limited in what he can equip at one time. Some of us don't even use greater dragons...

If I see a good pet and want to keep it stabled to check if a friend wants it, I'd like to be able to do that. Just as I'd like to have space to store pets I'm selling. I'd like to have commonly requested pets in the stables rather than having to ask someone at the bank to wait while I get them a fire bug. None of those things would hurt the next player. Just as it wouldn't hurt if a newbie tamer could tame a pack of bears and stable all of them, rather than just 2.

There are far fewer UO players than we once had, so I'm sure there's not a storage issue. If there was, let players turn house storage into stabling. Then players can decide what they want to store and nobody will be adversely affected.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

It does if the addition of too many stable slots increases the overall strain on the server, and events such as the shadowlord spawns and the luna invasions lag more than they currently have.
Lag that has nothing to do with someone's personal modem speed is bad. :)

Though personally I'd prefer if people had to pay for this. People who want it enough to pay for it will, people who don't wont. Less lag, more profit: win-win!
They added chicken coops three new lands, new char types, etc and you are going to use server load as your excuse?

This will have minimal affect on server load.

Amber Moon

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
It does if the addition of too many stable slots increases the overall strain on the server, and events such as the shadowlord spawns and the luna invasions lag more than they currently have.
Lag that has nothing to do with someone's personal modem speed is bad. :)

Though personally I'd prefer if people had to pay for this. People who want it enough to pay for it will, people who don't wont. Less lag, more profit: win-win!
I don't believe this is technically correct. Stabled pets aren't likely to be loaded in to active memory where performance issues occur. Yes I know that the game may still be working off of flat file database but even then I doubt they are carried as active character data.

It is certainly true that they may be an overall storage capacity issue. Mobiles like pets take a lot more data then say a sword.

Also to address someone else point further down.. Character data, including stabled pets, is retained for all inactive accounts so this is part of what exacerbates the storage issues as well. Pretty much every pet that was ever stabled (not counting the really old days when losing a stable master meant losing access to some pets) is still sitting in data storage.

Uthar Pendragon

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I beleive the original posters intent was an overall increase in stable storage for everyone. There is the new pet that has something to do with mining in the expansion as well (exact name eludes me) so now whats a miner going to give up? If I read correctly the battle chickens are not affected as the coop will be its stable and not tied to a chars stable.

Now that being said. I am a Tamer I tame dragons on a regular basis and have supplied them to my guild/alliance for quite some time. I keep decent dragons that I tame for transfer to newer tamers. I dont do this for gold, I do it because I enjoy it. What this means is I have had to release/transfer to a second tamer several of my legacy pets that I am attached to for various reasons. I have given up a chance at having any sort of pack due to this choice (and yes it is my choice).

While I prefer my greater dragon to most (I hunt alot of the higher end content alone) I also realize that in every situation like every warrior, I must choose the right pet to be effective in any given situation. From a dread war horse/ mare combo to a rune beetle/ bake combo(mare in my case as I dont have room).

Someone Above stated that it was due to server lag? Where was this ever stated aside from other players saying it? I would like to see the dev quote to back this up. As it is It just seems to come across as Tamer hate, "I dont want this because it helps tamers and I dont like tamers why should they get anything" In reality its a general Increase that is being asked for to help all players not just the tamers. I just wish a dev would step in and say it is or isnt possible and for what reason it isnt. most arguements stem from a lack of understanding of what it means to be a tamer and what skills you give up to be a proficient one.

Stupid Miner


They added chicken coops three new lands, new char types, etc and you are going to use server load as your excuse?

This will have minimal affect on server load.
No, actually *they* used it as an excuse for why they haven't already.


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Puts on a flame retardant suit.*
I voted 'no'.
I do not have a tamer, nor do I want one, but I have nothing against tamers. The only thing I don't like seeing is a tamer showing up with his Greater dragon to a spawn I'm soloing at and taking over (I know I don't own a spawn, I just think it's rude to come in an just take over everything). I have read through lists people have up with their pets, and I just ask "why do you need THREE cu sidhes? Why do you NEED two Bakes? Why do you NEED two Greater Dragons? Don't they all so the same thing? Why do you NEED multiples of them? Why do you NEED a chicken?" I mean, seriously, do you even use all these creatures? No, not really. The first option for tamers is usually their greater dragon... forget the cu sidhe or hiryu or bakes. You can't really compare an animal to a weapon, imo, because I sit and take damage when I fight with a bow or an axe. Generally tamers do not. My bows probably do as much damage as whatever other creature when I use a slayer, and I'm busy healing myself so I don't die, whereas Greater dragons don't need to be healed (usually) for a while. So where is the unfairness in that?
Like pieces in a suits, they all have different Resists. I have one GD that has 90 Phy res & 86 Fire, where his Energy & Poison totally suck, the other GD has 82 Phy, 70 fire & about dbl the Energy, Poison & Cold resists as the 1st one. So a different GD for different monster types, just like you & weps. Same on the Cu with stats. I have one CU that can smack Trav & the ninja's & hardly get hurt (with vetting), while one other one gets his butt whooped if I mistakenly take him (Vetting also). So having multiple pets is like having multiple weps' for certain monsters. They all have a use for something. Unlike a warrior who can swap in mid battle to a different wep, a Tamer can not. Hope this helps a little on why more Stable Slots are needed for tamers


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Puts on a flame retardant suit.*
I voted 'no'.
I do not have a tamer, nor do I want one, but I have nothing against tamers. The only thing I don't like seeing is a tamer showing up with his Greater dragon to a spawn I'm soloing at and taking over (I know I don't own a spawn, I just think it's rude to come in an just take over everything). I have read through lists people have up with their pets, and I just ask "why do you need THREE cu sidhes? Why do you NEED two Bakes? Why do you NEED two Greater Dragons? Don't they all so the same thing? Why do you NEED multiples of them? Why do you NEED a chicken?" I mean, seriously, do you even use all these creatures? No, not really. The first option for tamers is usually their greater dragon... forget the cu sidhe or hiryu or bakes. You can't really compare an animal to a weapon, imo, because I sit and take damage when I fight with a bow or an axe. Generally tamers do not. My bows probably do as much damage as whatever other creature when I use a slayer, and I'm busy healing myself so I don't die, whereas Greater dragons don't need to be healed (usually) for a while. So where is the unfairness in that?
You don't NEED your weapons and armor. You don't NEED your house. You don't NEED your saw or your hammer. You don't HAVE to do anything. You can sit at the bank and do nothing all day but chat. The point is people like to tame, and like to train and hunt with pets, and theres no good excuse that they shouldn't be able to have more in the stable.

Again it boils down to "gds are over powered" they are. They can delete them for all I care. But you do realize that if you don't allow people to keep new less powerful but more interesting pets, then all they will ever use is the GD and everyone loses.

And yes, I do use these creatures. I like to use different pets (especially novelty pets) in different situations. Sometimes I just like to stroll around with a neat pet, or a cow or something stupid for fun, and theres no reason I shouldn't be able to do this.

The bottom line is that more stable slots...does...NOTHING...to game balance, and does a lot toward people having more fun, and more variety.

I really don't understand why anyone would be against this other than just to be obstinate because tamers have overpowered pets (which yes, they really do) and thats not a good reason.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the Devs should recognise that there is a need for stable slots to be increased now. My tamer is maxed out in skills and I therefore have 14 stable slots which are all full.

The only way for me to train and keep a new pet is to discard one of my old faithful pets with whom I have shared many adventures.

It may seem strange to some but altho only pixels one still gets attached to ones pets. For instance my Nightmare was tamed for me long ago by a friend who has left the game, do I now simply release it and discard my memories?. I think not.

My Whyte Wyrm was the first major pet I tamed myself, he aint got the best stats but he was my first. I'm keeping him and sod the consequences.

My Greater Chicken? nope I'm keeping him too. I spent ages training him and I dont intend to waste those hours. He was the first I trained for fun.

Similar situations and/or reasons exist for ALL my pets and I have no intention of releasing any. Many tamers have spent long game hours training pets and if new pets are introduced to the game it is long ovedue that stable slots were introduced to recognise the fact.

I have long regretted the fact that some years ago I released my flock of trained Frenzieds to introduce some of the new pets. I missed them afterwards and have no intention of repeating the error.

It should be noted by the Devs that it is things like a tamers flock of pets that keeps people addicted to this game. Make them destroy memories and replace with something new and something intangible but very real is lost.

Well I've said my piece and I expect I've wasted my time but at least I have expressed what I and probably many other posters on this thread feel.


  1. Determine how much more data takes a pet in comparison to a weapon. Round it up. A pet takes X times more data than a weapon.
  2. Add a craftable house add-on container (1 lockdown) for any tamable creature.
  3. Any creature you put "in" the container takes X secures.

Problem solved. Thank you for your time.

(I say craftable, not vet reward, nor bought online UO isn't a Free To Play).


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've had a lot of friend over the years who are pack rats in UO. Just cannot get rid of their items, so their houses get full quickly. But just because their house is full of stuff, doesn't mean houses need more storage space. It just means they either need to learn house to cull what they don't really want, or they need to get a second account.

... and getting a second account is comparable to getting a second tamer, not necessarily an actual second account. Attached to that specific character? That's ok too, give the second one the same name and skills.
Weren't there 2 20% expansions to storage...? :]


Re: 14 Pets =


Either way None of these animals are replacements for a GD in any way shape or form.
This kind of comment annoys the HELL outta me!!!

Why the Flying **** would i want a GD?

I have one that i rarely use, they are the most lame POS introduction to this game, all it breeds is lazy crappy tamers!

I rarely use any other pet apart from a beetle/bake, beetle/mare or dread/bake. I hate with a passion GD's they have ruined tamers in this game!

and its very easy to fill a stable!

2)Hiryu(solo Grizz)
4)Firesteed(awesome mel pair!)
5)rune beetle
6) Bake
7) Dreadmare
9)Reptalon(actually fun if you play them right)
10)Plain high resist Cu
11)Ice white cu
12) Not so good Hiryu(hued to colour to fit suit)
13) Greater Chicken(CFC, this bad boy wins me $$$)
14) Neon Purple Bunny.

Now, there are many times i find a decent pet and cant stable it.

What pets would i like to trade/use?

Battle chicken
Pet Gargoyle
That Sleep spamming thing

At the moment thats all but i may want to get a few spiders as well.

What harm does it do to anyone if you allow more slots in stable?

Can still only hold 5slots worth of pets so why does it matter?

Not like a dexxer who can carry 100+weapons on him for any given situation at any given time.

Stupid Miner

Re: 14 Pets =

This kind of comment annoys the HELL outta me!!!

Why the Flying **** would i want a GD?

I have one that i rarely use, they are the most lame POS introduction to this game, all it breeds is lazy crappy tamers!

I rarely use any other pet apart from a beetle/bake, beetle/mare or dread/bake. I hate with a passion GD's they have ruined tamers in this game!
Nice to know there's a like-minded tamer out there :).


I have read through lists people have up with their pets, and I just ask "why do you need THREE cu sidhes?
I have 2, one for resists one for colour.

y do you NEED two Bakes?
Because these bad boys have situations where they will out damage any pet in game! Plus they make great tanks, 2 bakes will kill pre-tamed Gd's with some vet.

Why do you NEED two Greater Dragons?
Why do you need 1?!?

Don't they all so the same thing?
No pets are, for me at least, very situational. I Rarely take my GD out, the only time i will is if im 2manning a Mel with a necr...or im doing a spawn and need to tank the ricky/meph

Why do you NEED multiples of them?
See above and my post of what pets i have.

Why do you NEED a chicken?"
Chicken Fight Club where you fight your chickens for gold and prizes. (+the occasional PK on afk scripters!)

I mean, seriously, do you even use all these creatures?

No, not really.
The first option for tamers is usually their greater dragon...forget the cu sidhe or hiryu or bakes
. WRONG WRONG WRONG...Lazy tamers(been bred by these stupid Drags) will always use a GD. I for example will rarely use that prefering my rune beetle/bake. Hiryu gets used for Grizz, Cus for Succubi. Bakes when you have a tank. 2firesteeds at mel witha tank (pack instinct on a corpseskinned mel!!!)

You can't really compare an animal to a weapon, imo, because I sit and take damage when I fight with a bow or an axe. Generally tamers do not. My bows probably do as much damage as whatever other creature when I use a slayer, and I'm busy healing myself so I don't die, whereas Greater dragons don't need to be healed (usually) for a while. So where is the unfairness in that?
Most of that is irrelivent, it makes no difference how many pets a tamer has inn the stable. He can still only use the "weapon" he has out. You can switch between 100+weapons if you so chose at will, mid fight with no penalty. Once a tamer has made his choice thats it.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I only use a couple of my pets the rest are just stabled and I rarely use them. When new pets come out I judge how effective they are and then I thin out the ones in the stables.
I use one good CU and one Good Greater Dragon right now along with my mare and war horse combo. So in reality I need 5 slots one for each of those pets plus a spot for a rune beetle. Some people use pack animals so many of those are just one slot each plus the other five spots still leave you with room to spare.
I think crafters could use a bump in stable spots for their pack animals. When I have a blue beetle, fire beetle, and a packy I need to take animals out to put others away. I think crafters need about 5 spots.

Lore Master

Ii feel we can sure use more stable slots my tamer has 14 pets in his stable and with the new expansion could use atleast a few more stable slots. Since theres a new iron beetle why not give non tamers 3 to 5 stable slots so they can have a fire beetle, a iron beetle and at least one pack horse and maybe one or two other things.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just want an increase of the base 2 stable slots to 5 :D

It'd be nice for my crafter to be able to keep 5 packies handily stabled and swap out my fire beetle/giant beetle as needed. And for the ferrets/squirrels my wife keeps.