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closed beta testers *ANSWERED* by Draconi



From Chrissay:
"These guys are biting at the bit and can't wait to share information and talk with you guys. Also, they have been given permission to quote from the board with the original poster's permission."

We have seen a few examples of this, but not the flood of posts we were hoping to see. Instead there's a ton of everyday whining going on here in UHall. Some of us really would like to make the most of this week we've been given, but we lack some basic info. The biggest new system must be imbuing because that's over half the posts so far I think. My chief concern is something I think is the most basic of all. How do we get to the Gargoyle cities when this thing goes live? Are there going to be gates in place permanently? Do we have to traverse the Stygian Abyss?

I've spent over 6 hours exploring so far and cannot find a route there. I've found locations for boss monsters (without the gates Draconi provided), found alot of the new creatures' habitats, and found an extraordinary amount of dead ends. Didn't anyone in closed beta find a route? If you can't find a way to the city how do you expect to practice the imbuing everyone is so keen on? Is it some closely guarded secret? Do you have to traverse a PvP area? Are the lambs being setup for slaughter?


Babbling Loonie
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The path to Ter Mur goes through the Underworld dungeon. The entrance will appear on the Isle of Fire.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
We don't know what people need to know until they ask. For your questions:

The "PvP areas" are only the champ spawns, and my understanding is that at final release their entrances will only be from other Fel areas - So, no, you do not have to traverse any PvP area if you do not wish to.

The best I can tell, the only way to or from Ter Mur is through the Abyss. From Britania to Ter Mur you would:

Go to Fire Isle, enter the Underworld.
Make your way to the entrance to the Abyss.
Travel in a due-north (game north) direction through the Abyss crossing the rift at the Chamber of Virtues (round room).
Find the exit to the Tomb Of Kings in the far north of the dungeon.
Use the sparkles in the Tomb of Kings to go to the entrance, go up the stairs.
Find yourself in the city in the south-east of Ter Mur.

From Ter Mur you would:

Get a boat!
Take the quest to get through the Tomb Of Kings.
Go in direct reverse of above (travelling due south)
Come out through the Underworld.
End on Fire Isle.
Float to the nearest moongate ('Glow)

As far as I know, recall between Ter Mur and Britania will be allowed. You can mark runes in Ter Mur.


We don't know what people need to know until they ask. For your questions:

The "PvP areas" are only the champ spawns, and my understanding is that at final release their entrances will only be from other Fel areas - So, no, you do not have to traverse any PvP area if you do not wish to.

The best I can tell, the only way to or from Ter Mur is through the Abyss. From Britania to Ter Mur you would:

Go to Fire Isle, enter the Underworld.
Make your way to the entrance to the Abyss.
Travel in a due-north (game north) direction through the Abyss crossing the rift at the Chamber of Virtues (round room).
Find the exit to the Tomb Of Kings in the far north of the dungeon.
Use the sparkles in the Tomb of Kings to go to the entrance, go up the stairs.
Find yourself in the city in the south-east of Ter Mur.

From Ter Mur you would:

Get a boat!
Take the quest to get through the Tomb Of Kings.
Go in direct reverse of above (travelling due south)
Come out through the Underworld.
End on Fire Isle.
Float to the nearest moongate ('Glow)

As far as I know, recall between Ter Mur and Britania will be allowed. You can mark runes in Ter Mur.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! I got almost there. I was in the tomb of kings on my 3rd trip into the Abyss. Here's the thing that might stop others as it did me, you have to enter through RED gates. Where are red gates supposed to lead? Yep, Fel. Perhaps that was the intent, I dunno. But it slowed me down.

ps. I did ask in another thread several times. Since it got no response I started this one.


Asked in an imbuing thread: does the ingredient received by unraveling depend on the scoring system Leurocian put forth months ago? ie. 451 points or higher for a relic?


Lore Master
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I will have to do some digging, but off the top of my head:

Bouras of 3 kinds
Chicken Lizzards
* There may be more, I am not sure, as I was too busy testing other systems

Chcken Lizzards have a very interesting system attached to them. They are low end one slot tames, and are truly only a niche pet, and not strictly for tamers, but!! The system with them is VERY neat.

* Chicken Coop
* Incubator

Tame and bond Chicken Lizzard.
Feed it HAY.
Once a day, a chicken lizzard MIGHT give you an egg.
Put the egg in the incubator.
Care for the egg, keeping it moist.
Egg will be ready to hatch.
Hatch egg, get new chicken lizzard OR rare "Battle Chicken" in variety of colors.
You must tame the battle chicken, which moves like a vorpal bunny.


YOu can stable up to 3 chickens or chicken lizzards in a coop, and it does NOT count towards your stable counts. Pretty sure you can have more than one coop.

*Known bug - pets lose 90% of skills when stabled in a coop. My understanding is the fix for this will be in the next patch/publish.

There is a bit more to this system than I have stated, just so that people can explore and find it themselves.


Lore Master
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Asked in an imbuing thread: does the ingredient received by unraveling depend on the scoring system Leurocian put forth months ago? ie. 451 points or higher for a relic?
Q: How does the system determine what resources to give you when you unravel an item?
A: I believe the current design is as follows:
<= 199 Total Intensity = Magical Residue
200 to 399 Total Intensity = Enchanted Essence
400+ = Relic Fragment

The current information for Imbuing can be found here:


The first page is general information. The second page is the list of ingredients.

Keep in mind, this is one system that they are still looking at very much and could change still. I do not know alot about unraveling, but I know *too much* about imbuing :p


Unable to go thru the tomb of kings from either direction. I got the quest from the Seer to go from the Holy City side and the magic words have no effect on the fire/energy fields. Is there a quest from the Abyss side? Does it matter that my character is human?

Another hour spent in frustration.

Wonder how total noobs would feel?

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
I saw person with a tamed Iron Beetle, it is supposed to mine ore for you.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
For the magic words:

There are two small flames with plaques in front of them. You need to be within ONE TILE of the flame and say the applicable word (Ord or Anord). Once you do that, the fields will drop.

When you are on the other side, there is a sparkle on the west side of the room right before the cave passage that you can walk into that will take you back to the beginning room.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I saw person with a tamed Iron Beetle, it is supposed to mine ore for you.
They do not actually mine for you. They are odd creatures. They will occasionally "mine" to "feed" themselves. They will turn the color of the ore they have eaten for a period of time.

My understanding is that these things are not yet complete, and are more a curiossity than a useful creature for the moment :)


When you are on the other side, there is a sparkle on the west side of the room right before the cave passage that you can walk into that will take you back to the beginning room.
So on the Abyss side I should be able to walk into a sparkle and enter the tomb. I won't be stopped next to the guardians? I'm going to try this one last time. If I fail, I think that may be the last straw. The frustration level is too high right now to get any enjoyment out of this.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
I honestly have only gone from the Abyss side one time, but I remember having the same worry and it not being the case.


Both sides stop you at the guardians. There is another piece missing of this puzzle. I used the magic words and dropped the flames. I made it to the room with the sparkle. Went beyond the room down the cave corridor and came to the guardians. Stuck there. Went back to the sparkle and exited back out. I give up.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
the quest to get past the guardians would be the seer guy directly south of the tomb of kings i believe..at the end of the dirt road ( last house on the right), he will ask you to kill some creatures ( undead guys in the tomb of kings)..go back to the seer!, he tells ya of a book to read in the library before visiting the shrine of singularity (library is the big building at the end of the same road, next to the seer's house)..read the book and take notes because the shrine gives ya a questions like the humility cloak quest...the shrine is situated near the entrance to the tomb of kings..in the middle of the mountain... gargs can fly over the mountain at the fly zones (sparkly looking things), humans would need to use teleport i think...say the mantra at the shrine, answer the questions correctly and the guardians will not stop you again


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Otis is correct.

Also, I am POSITIVE that you do not have to do that quest to get from the Abyss side into the Tomb of Kings (at least on a human) but I do not recall what I did to get past the Guardians. Could swear I just walked past them.

I have to be honest - I am no longer logging into Retribution at this time, so perhaps one of the other testers could check this out. I may change my mind about that, but for the time being ... I have spent 5 1/2 months on Retribution and I am whipped! :)


Can you tell me how current characters can get thru from the Abyss side?


What are the new things to tame and where are they?!
Also what good is a Skree?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What are the new things to tame and where are they?!
Also what good is a Skree?
Bouras of 3 kinds
Chicken Lizzards
Iron Beetles

All of the above are overland in Ter Mur except the Iron Beetle, which is found in the Underworld. The Boura's have a "headbutt" special. I dont know much more about the tamables as I havent tried them out.

I heard that Scree will basically cast sleep again and again, making them amazingly useful in PvP.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can you tell me how current characters can get thru from the Abyss side?
You have to make a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Singularity on top of the mountain above the Tomb entrance to get past the Guardians.. you can find info on what needs to be done there in the city outside of the tomb, though it might be hard to figure out on your own.. if you get stuck, check around the net for a walkthrough for Ultima 6 and check the section on the Shrine of Singularity in the Gargoyle Realm.. should apply to whatever guides might be out there. :p


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Crysta - there has to be a way for HUMAN characters that have never BEEN to Ter Mur to get past the Guardians from the Abyss side. I just wish I could remember how I did it on my human character that had not done the quest.

*Grumbles* I am NOT logging into Retribution to figure this out. I am standing by my decision to leave it to the other testers now! *Resists temptation*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh.. human.

Well early in the testing there was an extra gate on the platform with the Abyss gate that took you to the tomb entrance, but somewhere along the way they took it down.. don't know if they've put in a way for it to be done again yet.

Of course, looking at it from a fictional standpoint, i'd see the Gargoyles making the breakthrough first and the humans getting to their land through them, which is exactly what happened in Ultima 6. Of course, in U6 the entrance to the Gargoyle land was from Hythloth and in the mountains southeast of the "holy city" outside of the Tomb of Kings. About... hereish:

The chunk of land it was on was farther south than that, but the devs cut that part off for UO, so don't expect that second entrance. WOuld have been nice of them to add another 4 floors to Hythloth and have that be the human way in, though..


All right. Time to call in the closed mouthed Devs!

Chrissay, Draconi, Regine...anyone out there listening?

IS there currently a way on Retribution, aside from the special gates for Beta, that humans and elves can traverse the Abyss and proceed completely through the Tomb of Kings to the City on the other side?

If not. Will it be possible when it goes live?


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
After logging in a assuring myself you were correct *grumbles* I have to conclude that this is a bug and report it as such. The only way to get the quest to pass the guardians is to go to Ter Mur, but the only way to get to Ter Mur is to pass the guardians.

In a previous build you were able to walk straight past them coming from the Abyss, but could not go back IN without doing the quest.

Tina Small

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Stratics Legend
Beastmaster, we're moving my daughter and grandsons this weekend so I have had almost zero time to play. Right now have an incredibly squirmy two year old on my lap tying to reach the keys while I type one-handed. Will try to help povide info/amswers tonight if I can.

Arnie QuickPalm

Beastmaster, we're moving my daughter and grandsons this weekend so I have had almost zero time to play. Right now have an incredibly squirmy two year old on my lap tying to reach the keys while I type one-handed. Will try to help povide info/amswers tonight if I can.
Ha this is how i have done most of my greatest work !!!!

bob da builder

Re: closed beta testers

question. can we place houses in ter mur?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: closed beta testers

It was possible all thru Focus and Closed Beta, so I think you will be able to. I suspect they currently have it blocked to help prevent people from *staking out* where & what they may place when it goes live.

I could be wrong ;)


Re: closed beta testers

Approximately 48 hours since open beta began and still no one has reported finding a way to get from Trammel to Ter Mur without the use of the temporary gates.

The Devs are refusing to answer whether it currently exists. I can only speculate they aren't saying anything because they want us to keep exploring. The reality is it probably doesn't exist at this time, but it sure is @#$%%^ in my book for them not to say so.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: closed beta testers

You can get from Tram into the Abyss, through the Abyss as far as the dungeon on the gargoyle side, but last I heard there was a bug that prevented you from getting out of that dungeon into Ter Mur (although I haven't double-checked it for myself since the last patch).


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: closed beta testers

I double checked it Maple, last night. You cannot get past the Guardians on a character who has not done the "Sacred" quest .... a bit of a connundrum.

Lord Drakelord

Re: closed beta testers

one problem I had during the closed beta, I could not get a boat in the water in the new lands. Has anyone check to see if we can put boats in the water and fish there?


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: closed beta testers

My understanding was that because the water area was so small, it had been decided that boats would quickly just cover the surface with nowhere to go.

(the way I see it, Ter Mur is slowly being eaten away from the edges by the void and that it's once glorious oceans are now gone, leaving only a silty lake that holds the now-preserved remains of the ship-building infrastructure the locals were once proud of)


Re: closed beta testers

Another day come and gone...still no word from the Devs.


Re: closed beta testers

You don't honestly expect them to answer any time soon do you Beastmaster?


Most explosive UO Legend
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Stratics Legend
Re: closed beta testers

The Devs are refusing to answer whether it currently exists.
Oh no, sorry, not at all.

Just hadn't seen this one until now.

The path is supposed to take you through the Tomb of Kings. What doesn't exist right now (on Retribution) is the Britannian equivalent to the "Sacred Quest" that sets you on the path into the Abyss from the Gargoyle lands.

So they literally just can't walk past the Guardians in the Tomb of Kings. This will be added, and until then, the Open Beta gates will transport you from one side to the other.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Re: closed beta testers

So you're adding a codex shrine to the isle of fire? Or what?