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Unfair handling of the EM event hand-outs!

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Lord of the Dance
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Why did the EM hand out the cloaks of silence to all the people that rushed them instead of the people who patiently sat by the side?
I was informed by the EM to "step aside" and so I did while dozens of people stood right on top of her.
But this was just a charade to the very few honest, mature, and respectful folks as she continued to hand out the cloaks to the people rushing her instead of the people waiting a few feet away.
Now, this would have been fine if everyone got a cloak but after waiting very patiently for like thirty minutes the EM said she was out of cloaks and had to leave. :wall:

I was there from the very start of the event. I helped fight the spawn. I helped resurrect people. I participated in this event and I didn't get a reward while everyone else just kept logging onto their alts and getting multiple cloaks by rushing the EM.
This is totally unfair.
This is exactly the reason I stopped attending EM events for several months because of the lameness of it all.
There are a lot of things that could be done to resolve this issue. Yet nothing is done about it.


Crazed Zealot
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Well if it makes you feel any better, I won't even have a chance at the cloak tomorrow. I won't be on at 2:30 CST.

On Great Lakes.


Stratics Legend
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I'm pretty sure you get more chances to get a Cloak of Sillence.
I did not get one myself yet, nothing i'm worried about.


Crazed Zealot
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If that's the only one, that's pretty stupid. Bad time choice.


Lord of the Dance
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The only thing this does is encourage everyone to act like ass-clowns and rush the EMs.

A simple fix is this:
Give the EM the power to spawn the rewards in a players backpack by clicking on them.
That way they can tell people to BACK AWAY if they want their reward.
Simply click on the players who are being polite and ignore the jerks yelling for pixle crack right in front of your face.
You could also make it so that by clicking a player it adds their whole account to a friends list so they can't receive the reward on more then one character.
Make everyone who is on this list flagged a certain color (like Enemy of One) so the EM knows who has received a reward and who hasn't.

Other suggestions include making everyone walk through a 1-way gate that stays open for 5 minutes that takes them to a little room. After the gate closes start giving the players their cloaks and then kick them out of the room once they receive it.

Or you could create a box that people click to receive the item like they do on the Japanese shards.

Or why not some kind of mass area effect spell that pops a reward in everyones backpack in a 20x20 area square or whatever? Fast, simple.

Give the EMs powers like these please.


Lore Keeper
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On Lake Superior, when giving out things one time, they locked the throne room doors and pulled us up one by one and gave it to us.

Another time they took us to the star room (in Trammel) and again pulled us up one by one in one of the corners, to give us sashes.

There are things they can do to insure that someone does not do get a bunch of other characters. This round of EM's although may not be new to UO. May not be aware of things they can do to even the playing field. Oh yes it is frusterating when that happens when you are the one following instructions.

If they truly play UO then they should already be aware of the crowd issues at events.

Hopefully this post will be helpful with ideas.


I went to Atlantic tonight to witness the cluster**** that was the Cloak of Silence giveaway.
I want to stress, the EMs did a wonderful job with the limited tools they are given, but the problem is they need better tools to distribute the cloaks.

At the conclusion of the Luna invasion, the EMs said go to the EM Hall for cloaks. 1000+ people then descended on the EM Hall all at once. And again, as we've seen many times, the problem with most events like this is 99% of people act like normal human beings while the remaining 1% act like spamming selfish monkey-asses -- but for some reason the GMs do nothing to police the 1% who ruin it for the rest.
Lady Dawn showed up and took people from behind the barrier ONE-BY-ONE (talk about slow) and gave them a cloak. Again, the EMs were doing the best they could -- I commend them, but the process was crazy-slow and random. There was no line, and nothing prevented people who didn't take part in the Luna invasion from keep streaming in. So, the room swelled in numbers even as the cloaks were handed out. Then, people that did get a cloak came back on their alts for more!!
After 30 or so minutes, I still didn't get a cloak, and another EM showed in the house to the west. He said to form a line. You can imagine how that went over. The line was complete chaos, so he gave up for a time. Then, another EM showed on the water to the north and crowds pushed against the edge hoping to be picked. There were more people there than I have seen in game in years -- maybe this is normal for Atlantic, but not my shard. People even started to place boats and overrun the EM who was walking on the water. Next, 15 minutes later, the first EM went back to the EM house and said we needed to form a line again, and he'd pull us in one-by-one, and then ban us after we got a cloak. I waited in line for 15 minutes or so, and finally got to the front, but I kept getting stepped on/line jumped, obscured by spammers and people summoning crap. Finally, I decided to move BACKWARDS, away from the front, and suddenly I was sucked into the house, given a cloak and kicked out. I didn't go get on my alt, and instead watched as the line started to get a little more orderly. Cloaks were handed out for another 15 or 20 minutes and then suddenly, with the line still extending many screens away, the giveaway was called off. No more cloaks tonight.
All in all I spent about 90 minutes after the invasion in the mess, and I was lucky since I got a cloak. Many people who waited patiently did not get one, and I talked to them afterward and they were quite sad because they tried to be polite and wait, while those who line jumped and spammed and changed to their alts got multiple cloaks.

Two Conclusions can be made:
#1: GMs need to help the EMs by ejecting and squelching the 1% of the crowd that ruins it for the other 99%. I don't understand why they aren't there warning people and jailing them when needed.
#2: The EMs need more help from the Devs with better tools. The best way to distribute the cloaks would be to have a Stone you click, and you get the Cloak given to you in your pack, and it is tied to your account so you get just one. This would take some minor coding by the Devs, but would GREATLY help events like this. I have heard that these Stones have actually been used on Japanese shards before.

I have been told that more cloaks will be given out later in the week, but it is likely to be just as crowded and I hope the Devs and GMs can make some changes to make the event better for all.


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| What he said.

Lord Drakelord

I have yet to get one either, I hope to tomorrow if possible.


Slightly Crazed
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Yes I agree they should do what they did on the japanese shards when they gave out the cows and muffins.

I'm sure the em's would love it too. You know it's a headache trying to give one to everyone especially on a shard with a large population.


Grand Poobah
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That pic right there is proof enough that something needs to be done to make it a fair hand-out and not just reward the greedy me-me-me people...

Lord Drakelord

Yes I agree they should do what they did on the japanese shards when they gave out the cows and muffins.

I'm sure the em's would love it too. You know it's a headache trying to give one to everyone especially on a shard with a large population.
that a great idea, went over when they did that and got my cows, was easy! If they did that here there would be no lines and people could get the cloak far easier!

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Yes I agree they should do what they did on the japanese shards when they gave out the cows and muffins.

I'm sure the em's would love it too. You know it's a headache trying to give one to everyone especially on a shard with a large population.
agree or the EMs should do handouts from their EM hall (houses) take in 1 or 2 at a time once you receive your cloak they bann you from the house, and no way you can come back to get a cloak on that same account with another character.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Some interesting ideas for more even-handed distribution here. Have you submitted them on a Feed Back form?
Chrissay does read those, whereas the poor girl can't be expected to read every post on every thread of every fansite message board.


Making threads about the flaws of the EM program isn't a healthy thing. EA spots about six "This sucks" posts a day, and maybe a "Good job" once a month. Sadly, EMs are an extreme luxury. How about a friendly suggestion to the Brass?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Make constructive suggestions through the feedback forms. Don't attack the EMs on here, where they have no means of defending themselves.
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