From item based to skill based.
Make everything simple.
Communication between adventurers and crafters by scrapping Artifact.
This will create natural group play.
Peerless boss fight will become a raid naturally.
Of cource, devs must come up with new rewards instead of Artifact. For example, Soulstone, special pet and so on.
Resist(or Mitigation) are only "physical" and "magical".
There are only crafting weapon, armor, and jewelry.
There is no Artifact.
Crafting armor has only physical resist.
What you can wear depends on the number of "Dressing" skill. For example, if you has 51 Dressing skill, you can wear Cloth, Leather, Bone, Chain armors. But you can't wear Plate and Dragon Scale armors.
More dressing skill you have, more physical resist you have.
Make "appearance slot" like EQ2.
For example, you look like wearing a pendant by wearing a pendant in the neck appearance slot though you really wear plate gorget.
When you avoid an attack, you riposte in 20%.
Demolish Special Move. Instead, each weapon skill has each Combat Arts.
(4)Spell/Skill Consolidation/Segmentation
At first, all characters have Recall, Mark, and Gate Travel spell.
Damage Spell: single target/small damage/fast cast, single target/big damage/slow cast, area of effect/small damage/fast cast, area of effect/big damage/slow cast, single target/Damage over Time/fast cast, area of effect/Damage over Time/slow cast, Word of Death
Heal Spell: Instant Heal, Reactive Heal, Heal over Time, Ward, Cure, Death Save, Ressurection
Buff Spell: melee/spell damage up, physical/magical resist up, melee/spell skill up, avoidance up, HP/Stamina/Mana up, Critical hit&Double Attack % up, add one Stoneskin to target
Debuff Spell: melee/spell damage down, physical/magical resist down, melee/spell skill down, avoidance down, HP/Stamina/Mana down, Critical hit&Double Attack % down, rip off a buff spell of target
Summon Spell: Tank(Titan), Scout(ninja), Mage(Daemon), Healer(pixie), Buffer(ice bunny), Debuffer(Jack-o'-lantern), Grim Reaper
Mystic Spell: Crowd Control(Snare, Root, Daze(make auto attack unusable), Stifle(make casting spell unusable), Fear, Mesmerize, Charm), Mana Regeneration
Evaluating Intelligence: As is
Inscription: As is
Swordmanship(Slashing Combat Arts: Double Attack, Whirlwind, Feint)
Fencing(Piercing Combat Arts: Armor Ignore, Debuff Resist(Rune Beatle's Special Move), Feint)
Mace Fighting(Crushing Combat Arts: Critical Hit, Stun, Feint)
Archery(Archery Combat Arts: Double Shot, Palalyze Shot, Knockback)
Anatomy: As is
Tactics: More Tactics skill you have, more you do critical hit and double attack
Chicalry: As is except adding small Ward
Necromancy: As is except adding a spell which are Reactive Heal and Damage Shield like Unholy Blessing of Shadowknight of EQ2
Bushido: As is except removing the limit of 20 seconds of Evasion and adding Stoneskin
Ninjitsu: As is except adding Feign Death
Dressing: More Dressing skill you have, more physical resist you have. Cloth(6), Leather(16), Bone(36), Chain(51), Plate(76), Dragon Scale(91)
Parrying: As is
Resisting Spells: More Resisting Spells skill you have, more spell resist you have.
Healing: As is
Spirit Speak: As is
Lumberjacking: As is
Musicianship: As is
Crowd Control Song(Peacemaking + Provocation)
Buff/Debuff Song(Discordance + Cheer(reverse version of Discordance))
Magery and Spellweaving are consolidated/segmented.
(5)Increase total skill points: 850~900
Weapon skill 120
Tactics 100
Anatomy 100
Chivalry 75
Necromancy 99
Spirit Speak 40
Bushido 120
Parrying 120
Dressing 76
Resisting Spells 70
Total: 920
"Necro Mage"
Damage Spell 120
Heal Spell 120
Buff or Debuff Spell 120
Evaluating Intelligence 120
Necromancy 120
Spirit Speak 120
Meditation 120
Dressing 16
Resisting Spells 120
These example means that total skill points must be increased.
From item based to skill based.
Make everything simple.
Communication between adventurers and crafters by scrapping Artifact.
This will create natural group play.
Peerless boss fight will become a raid naturally.
Of cource, devs must come up with new rewards instead of Artifact. For example, Soulstone, special pet and so on.
Resist(or Mitigation) are only "physical" and "magical".
There are only crafting weapon, armor, and jewelry.
There is no Artifact.
Crafting armor has only physical resist.
What you can wear depends on the number of "Dressing" skill. For example, if you has 51 Dressing skill, you can wear Cloth, Leather, Bone, Chain armors. But you can't wear Plate and Dragon Scale armors.
More dressing skill you have, more physical resist you have.
Make "appearance slot" like EQ2.
For example, you look like wearing a pendant by wearing a pendant in the neck appearance slot though you really wear plate gorget.
When you avoid an attack, you riposte in 20%.
Demolish Special Move. Instead, each weapon skill has each Combat Arts.
(4)Spell/Skill Consolidation/Segmentation
At first, all characters have Recall, Mark, and Gate Travel spell.
Damage Spell: single target/small damage/fast cast, single target/big damage/slow cast, area of effect/small damage/fast cast, area of effect/big damage/slow cast, single target/Damage over Time/fast cast, area of effect/Damage over Time/slow cast, Word of Death
Heal Spell: Instant Heal, Reactive Heal, Heal over Time, Ward, Cure, Death Save, Ressurection
Buff Spell: melee/spell damage up, physical/magical resist up, melee/spell skill up, avoidance up, HP/Stamina/Mana up, Critical hit&Double Attack % up, add one Stoneskin to target
Debuff Spell: melee/spell damage down, physical/magical resist down, melee/spell skill down, avoidance down, HP/Stamina/Mana down, Critical hit&Double Attack % down, rip off a buff spell of target
Summon Spell: Tank(Titan), Scout(ninja), Mage(Daemon), Healer(pixie), Buffer(ice bunny), Debuffer(Jack-o'-lantern), Grim Reaper
Mystic Spell: Crowd Control(Snare, Root, Daze(make auto attack unusable), Stifle(make casting spell unusable), Fear, Mesmerize, Charm), Mana Regeneration
Evaluating Intelligence: As is
Inscription: As is
Swordmanship(Slashing Combat Arts: Double Attack, Whirlwind, Feint)
Fencing(Piercing Combat Arts: Armor Ignore, Debuff Resist(Rune Beatle's Special Move), Feint)
Mace Fighting(Crushing Combat Arts: Critical Hit, Stun, Feint)
Archery(Archery Combat Arts: Double Shot, Palalyze Shot, Knockback)
Anatomy: As is
Tactics: More Tactics skill you have, more you do critical hit and double attack
Chicalry: As is except adding small Ward
Necromancy: As is except adding a spell which are Reactive Heal and Damage Shield like Unholy Blessing of Shadowknight of EQ2
Bushido: As is except removing the limit of 20 seconds of Evasion and adding Stoneskin
Ninjitsu: As is except adding Feign Death
Dressing: More Dressing skill you have, more physical resist you have. Cloth(6), Leather(16), Bone(36), Chain(51), Plate(76), Dragon Scale(91)
Parrying: As is
Resisting Spells: More Resisting Spells skill you have, more spell resist you have.
Healing: As is
Spirit Speak: As is
Lumberjacking: As is
Musicianship: As is
Crowd Control Song(Peacemaking + Provocation)
Buff/Debuff Song(Discordance + Cheer(reverse version of Discordance))
Magery and Spellweaving are consolidated/segmented.
(5)Increase total skill points: 850~900
Weapon skill 120
Tactics 100
Anatomy 100
Chivalry 75
Necromancy 99
Spirit Speak 40
Bushido 120
Parrying 120
Dressing 76
Resisting Spells 70
Total: 920
"Necro Mage"
Damage Spell 120
Heal Spell 120
Buff or Debuff Spell 120
Evaluating Intelligence 120
Necromancy 120
Spirit Speak 120
Meditation 120
Dressing 16
Resisting Spells 120
These example means that total skill points must be increased.