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Horse Breader

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a char factioned in TB. Now i've seen that all cities are TB.
I went to Skara Brare, there is a Horse breader ( his title is TB) and i try to buy an horse but he says to me "you are not in my faction. I cannot sell you a horse".
It's the TB horse breader, i have the money. Why he sayed that i'm not in your faction and i can't buy a faction horse??


It helps if you tell us which of the 27 shards this is happening on.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you mentioned you have enough money how about silver?
I think you also need to be in a faction for a week to be able to get a faction horse.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you mentioned you have enough money how about silver?
I think you also need to be in a faction for a week to be able to get a faction horse.
I'm in the faction far from about 2 months. Obiouvsly I have the silver.
The colour is blu, not purple. Blue and gold. Or my video card is not good :)
I've read the playguide and it says that Com is blue and TB are purple. But in italy purple is like red, blu is blu :)
But it's not a colour problem. In Skara brae the Horse breader have the tag (TB). Also the other vendors have the tag TB. In Britain , looking at my faction stone, it seems that all cities are over the control of TB.
Well, why it says that i'm not in your faction?
Why i can't buy an horse in a vendot of my same faction?


A thankless job, horse breading is. Not many people appreciate the effort involved.


UO Forum Moderator
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A thankless job, horse breading is. Not many people appreciate the effort involved.
But, which is more difficult? Gutting it and filling it with bread stuffing, or simply dipping whole into a batter for deep-fried horse? :p

Eman Resu

Breeding is what they do with horses.
Breading is what you put on fish or chicken.

Shame on you guys for making jokes. :p


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someone better lock up the paddock with Pfloyd around....


it did that to me too.. if u roll your hand over him it will say a different name.. its just a glitch it did the exacct same thing to me on baja

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Breeding is what they do with horses.
Breading is what you put on fish or chicken.

Shame on you guys for making jokes. :p
I don't know english very well. But excuse me, you are offensive.
And a stupid guy. I hope that you are undert 15.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord

I will remind you all, some may not know this...

Making fun of folks using English as a second (or more) language is a serious pet peeve of mine. Many of us struggle with English and it is the only language we use.


UO Forum Moderator
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Sorry about that. I get a little carried away with it sometimes, given that engrish.com is one of the sites I visit every day.

Is there a limit to the number of faction horses you can own? And if there is, have you made sure you accidentally don't have one in your stable?

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, sorry if i ask in a post a so stupid question. Why an horse breader can't sell me an horse if it is in my same faction??
I'm very bored. But how the moderator can tolerate so stupid and joking answers????


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the only helpful post here is mine. If the vendor is not wearing your faction color, it is not your vendor. Your faction needs to place its own vendors and remove other factions horse breeders left over in the city you now own.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Kelmo. if it's spoken normal english i understand. Maybe i don't answer very well, but i understand.
But normally all people answer in slang, and i don't understand.

Basara, i have no faction horse. If there are some rules that i don't know and that there are not written on playguide, i don't know :(

But please, i'm bored of the stupid answer that someone gives to me. Not only stupid, but offensive :(


UO Forum Moderator
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Some people like to try to break the tension of a bad situation, using humor.

Depending on the situation, in doesn't always work. And, really, the jokes weren't all that bad - I'm sure there would have been sterner intervention had they been truly malicious. There is far worse out there than a couple of puns based on a mis-spelling.

Right now, I'm asking all my friends playing with me right now, if they have any ideas what might be causing your issue with the horse. If I find out anything, I'll reply again.


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Ok, sorry if i ask in a post a so stupid question. Why an horse breader can't sell me an horse if it is in my same faction??
I'm very bored. But how the moderator can tolerate so stupid and joking answers????
Ivory... settle down. Check your PMs and be patient. I realize you are frustrated. No one here called your question stupid.

How I decide to mod? Well that is my deal. If you have issues with any mod, please feel free to use the Email address found in the Stratics FAQ.

Have a nice... Day? Evening? Midnight? I have no idea what time it is there.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the only helpful post here is mine. If the vendor is not wearing your faction color, it is not your vendor. Your faction needs to place its own vendors and remove other factions horse breeders left over in the city you now own.
Omnius, the tag that have the seller, TB, is usefull????
Go to Felucca, every town has taken by the TB. All vendors have the tag TB.
And you say that i have to see at the colout of the robe' seller?
But please, don'0t say other nonsense!


UO Forum Moderator
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Which shard is it that you are on? I'll create a character and go there, and see what the Horse Breeder looks like, using my computer.....

EDIT: Just saw the post above - going to Europa now


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
Omnius, the tag that have the seller, TB, is usefull????
Go to Felucca, every town has taken by the TB. All vendors have the tag TB.
And you say that i have to see at the colout of the robe' seller?
But please, don'0t say other nonsense!
Did TB place the vendors? There are a lot of bugs left in factions. *sighs*


UO Forum Moderator
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OK - just went to Europa on my 3rd account, joined TB, tried to buy from the vendor, it said I wasn't its faction. I didn't have any silver, but it should have at least let me look at the inventory.

That vendor is definitely bugged, Ivory. Isn't there another Breeder in any of the other cities?

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, sorry if i ask in a post a so stupid question. Why an horse breader can't sell me an horse if it is in my same faction??
I'm very bored. But how the moderator can tolerate so stupid and joking answers????
It is not a stupid question, I think they were trying to make you laugh and didnt mean to offend you. breader means to bread your chicken in batter or bread crumbs. When they saw you typed breader and not breeder they were trying to be silly is all. =)

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ivory... settle down. Check your PMs and be patient. I realize you are frustrated. No one here called your question stupid.

How I decide to mod? Well that is my deal. If you have issues with any mod, please feel free to use the Email address found in the Stratics FAQ.

Have a nice... Day? Evening? Midnight? I have no idea what time it is there.
Kelmo, i've read your PM and i've made my excuse to Eman Rasu.
I dont criticize your mod. You are one of the most usefull mod of my posts :)
But i'm a little angry.
Is it possible to receive only useless answers? :(

In italy now it's about 3 am. I'm tired and instead of playing i have to answer
to useless answers.
It seem to me that i've made a specify answer, normal and right.
Thanks for all and cya.
I'll forget the factions and continue to playing.
Cya and thanks for the patience

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK - just went to Europa on my 3rd account, joined TB, tried to buy from the vendor, it said I wasn't its faction. I didn't have any silver, but it should have at least let me look at the inventory.

That vendor is definitely bugged, Ivory. Isn't there another Breeder in any of the other cities?
I thought you had to be in factions for a week before you could buy a horse?

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is not a stupid question, I think they were trying to make you laugh and didnt mean to offend you. breader means to bread your chicken in batter or bread crumbs. When they saw you typed breader and not breeder they were trying to be silly is all. =)
Ok, Lady Michelle. Maybe now i understand.
Maybe i am a little touchy person and if you think that english is some difficult for me, you'll understand that i answer in not so well way.
I excuse myself when i've answered not very well, misundertanding the real sense of the answer.
Excuse me all that have answered to me :(


Ivory, I went to Europa and joined TB too and tried to buy horse. It is a bugged vendor as far as I can tell. Factions gets no love :(

BTW- weren't you on a 48 hour vacation for macroing? :)

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ivory, I went to Europa and joined TB too and tried to buy horse. It is a bugged vendor as far as I can tell. Factions gets no love :(

BTW- weren't you on a 48 hour vacation for macroing? :)
"It is a bugged vendor". Ok, thanks :)
I hope to buy a faction horse, one time.
But you see. it's not me that i make somthing wrong. It's a bug :(
I HATE when someone gives to me faults that i have not.
If i make some mistake i am the first to tell all that i do. But having a fault that i've not done, well, i become very angry :cursing:

Yes, another account of mine. Don't say afk macroing because it's not right :(
But I have to say "ok".....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Omnius, the tag that have the seller, TB, is usefull????
Go to Felucca, every town has taken by the TB. All vendors have the tag TB.
And you say that i have to see at the colout of the robe' seller?
But please, don'0t say other nonsense!
I am correct. The only vendors this applies to are war horse vendors. I have done factions since release. I am an experienced pvper and in my guild I am in charge of cities when we own them....


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The TB tag only means that tb owns the city and that a tb finance minister may control the vendor.


I will refrain from posting the correct answer anymore as I can not be any more right than I am.


the only helpful post here is mine. If the vendor is not wearing your faction color, it is not your vendor. Your faction needs to place its own vendors and remove other factions horse breeders left over in the city you now own.
So this vendor isn't the TB color? I think I am color-blind. What faction color is he wearing?


Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think I understand now
when TB got control of the towns the horse breeders tag turn to TB, and the horse breeders that are placed now were placed by another faction who lost control of the towns. Now the one who is charge of the horse breeder in that town needs to remove the horse breeder, and replace it with a new horse breeder.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fel Skara breeder is from the humility cloak quest. A quest that was about before they breathed life back into the factions. The quest used to start in Mag but has been moved. The building on shore through the gate from Trinsics bridge to the reef.


There are knowkn problems with the horse breeders across many shards. My shard (a different one than yours) also has a Horse Breeder that is supposed to be TB but is really COM.