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Profanity Filter on Naming Vendors


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Stratics Legend
i think they need to fix this, i was selling an assassin suit one time and couldn't name my vendor assassin suit, mainly because ass is spelled in there, but if there are other letters that directly follow it then it should not be affected by the filter... another point the word ass is said often on regular tv channels so its not a bad word.... the game is not rated E so common guys, today i tried to name my vendor "AOS clothing" and apparently there is something about aos that is offensive to someone so you can't name it that either


Idk if I agree. Sure there may be a few select items that you can't name them what they actually are, but overall it's not a bad thing. Even though this may not be rated E for everyone, kids still play. This is a very minor thing that has some benefits and fewer cons imo.


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I find it particularly ironic that Constitution is banned as a pet name (and presumably vendors as well) because of the 5th, 6th & 7th letters - Holy First Amendment, Batman!!!!!!


Filters are stupid, filters taking letter combinations inside words are even more stupid, filters with 3 letters combination are the bottom of the bottom.

Maximus Neximus

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I say let people name things whatever they want. Those who don't like it can use the ingame profanity filter, which should be default to on.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
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Idk if I agree. Sure there may be a few select items that you can't name them what they actually are, but overall it's not a bad thing. Even though this may not be rated E for everyone, kids still play. This is a very minor thing that has some benefits and fewer cons imo.
Actually, the game is rated T for Teens, not E for Everyone... and it was a sad day when the game lost its M for Mature rating.

Above and beyond that, there is an RoC and a ToS that cover this kind of stuff. They know who places vendors and who names them. There are enough paging police in the game to handle those who abuse the system.

People should not be disallowed the words ambassador, assassin, and compassion (you know, one of the Virtues), much less titan, competitive, competition, or any other word that the filter seems to pull out of thin air.

Ban the people who can't play nicely, and stop blocking stuff that anyone walking down the street could just as easily (and do) say (even in front of EMs).


I know I said it wasn't rated E for everyone. Idk I have mixed feelings on it.

Flora Green

It's beyond stupid. How much are you protecting teens from PRICKly pear, TITans and Pampas grASS. What's worse is those words are IN game for identification, but WE can't type them on a vendor or chest.


UO may be Teen rated but it is not a babysitting service.

I'm sure every responsible parent filters their kids' internet experience anyway, right?

I don't see the harm in allowing the rest of us a little flexibility.


Stratics Legend
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The filter is arguably the worse in the biz. It's not that difficult to make it smarter than just "ass" or "tit". It can be made to know the difference between assassin and ASSassin or assASSin. Honestly it's pathetic.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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I say let people name things whatever they want. Those who don't like it can use the ingame profanity filter, which should be default to on.
thank you, if only i could convince EA to feel this way, see when someone pisses me off so much in game i should have the right to say to them whatever comes to mind... I find it very stupid that you can get banned for saying certain words like the R and N word, i can kind of understand the N word being very offensive to say but people say it in real life all the time, and i also find it amusing that the R word gets your account banned instantly, i should just spell it out its not that offensive of a word but whatever, it rhymes with grape. I mean they have a profanity filter for a reason so all people need to do is turn it on and they won't see what i'm saying so why does EA care what i say then? I have a large vocabulary and if someone annoys me to a point where I need to say something that is not allowed to be said on television, then i should be allowed to


The profanity filter only works on what's said in game. For names, objects, or other things in the game it does not filter those out.


Babbling Loonie
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So what does filter the words out? Why can I not give a guild mate the title "Assassin"?


Change the filter rules. Google for appropriate ones, it's a classic.


Babbling Loonie
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The profanity filter only works on what's said in game. For names, objects, or other things in the game it does not filter those out.

Mmm hmm. So why is it considered necessary, when I engrave a chest with the words 'Glassblowing Supplies' to have it turn out as 'Gla$$blowing Supplies'? My kids (even the youngest, at 4yrs) can tell you that an ass is a kind of donkey. And that it's also another word for butt/bum/bottom (delete as appropriate, depending on where you come from). Quite why EA think it's appropriate to censor that, I don't know. Just in case anyone from EA is under any illusions about kids, they all know the majority of profanities by the age of around 7yrs old. Whether they use them around adults or not, or at all, is another matter entirely. But since this game has a lower age of, I believe, 13yrs, I don't think the way things are currently filtered is acceptable to most of the adults. Perhaps you could treat us like adults and let us work with the profanity filter? I've had a look, it's not that complicated, I guess I'm grown up enough to work it out. After all, I'm grown up enough to own the credit card that means I can pay for my three accounts every month!


And that it's also another word for butt/bum/bottom
Butt is also a word that is filtered. I tried to name a Cu "Blue Butt Biter" and it wouldn't let me until I took the word "butt" ouf the name.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
On the other hand, UO allows people to choose character names like therapist.


The NPCs are selling grapes! That's awful! Think of the children!


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mmm hmm. So why is it considered necessary, when I engrave a chest with the words 'Glassblowing Supplies' to have it turn out as 'Gla$$blowing Supplies'? My kids (even the youngest, at 4yrs) can tell you that an ass is a kind of donkey. And that it's also another word for butt/bum/bottom (delete as appropriate, depending on where you come from). Quite why EA think it's appropriate to censor that, I don't know. Just in case anyone from EA is under any illusions about kids, they all know the majority of profanities by the age of around 7yrs old. Whether they use them around adults or not, or at all, is another matter entirely. But since this game has a lower age of, I believe, 13yrs, I don't think the way things are currently filtered is acceptable to most of the adults. Perhaps you could treat us like adults and let us work with the profanity filter? I've had a look, it's not that complicated, I guess I'm grown up enough to work it out. After all, I'm grown up enough to own the credit card that means I can pay for my three accounts every month!
im surprised they allow blowing