can we say recall VERY quickly? <grin> I had the same happen to a char during the W. Brit ruckus ... it's the reason I got a house way out in the boonies!
People tend to want something to do. There has been a storyline going for quite some time, but without a new spawn or drop, it seems to me that people tend to ignore it.Yaaaaaaa more invasions. Just what we need. How about more active, real, good storylines.
Ha ha, that could have been a Picture from Lake Austin last night.currently on Pacific:
I would rather the EMs get involved and have these forces hold spots instead of invading towns. I'm not aware of anyone who really likes town invasions that get drug out way too long.People tend to want something to do. There has been a storyline going for quite some time, but without a new spawn or drop, it seems to me that people tend to ignore it.
Do you have an example of past non-invasion stories you liked that the devs could use as a model?
Would any player-written fiction help your mood?
Mere invasion? Do you think that's the limit of their ambition? Perhaps that's all there is now, but if I cast back my memory of conversations with Inu long, long ago, I might be able to come up with a more dire prophecy (that may or may not still have any relevance)I would rather the EMs get involved and have these forces hold spots instead of invading towns. I'm not aware of anyone who really likes town invasions that get drug out way too long.
So....did YOU get a Shadow Skull? And how if you did?Anyone Get A Shadow Skull?
I like it ... I wish it was permanentI would rather the EMs get involved and have these forces hold spots instead of invading towns. I'm not aware of anyone who really likes town invasions that get drug out way too long.
I don't get paid to come up with ideas for EA, but surely they could think up a lot better things than this.
You know, now that I think about it, this makes a lot of sense. First they get the west britain banks remodeled (ok, well, it's a work in progress). Then destroy luna proper with the final Shadowlord invasion. It would eliminate (or ameliorate at least) a lot of gripe causes in one fell blow: unattended macroing in Luna, the ugliness of the prime hangout spot, the utility of search websites, the abandonment of WBB. I wouldn't be entirely surprised to see this happen. Of course, while there would certainly be a fair amount of celebration if it did, I'm sure the new gripe #1 would be "I spent my life savings on that Luna house and now everyone's in Zento!" or whatever.Mere invasion? Do you think that's the limit of their ambition? Perhaps that's all there is now, but if I cast back my memory of conversations with Inu long, long ago, I might be able to come up with a more dire prophecy (that may or may not still have any relevance)
Luna: Stone upon stone shall crumble to dust
According to Great Lakes EM website.......................................................So....Draconi posted the live event at 4pm eastern time....i logged on around 5. Saw the invation in luna....wyrms, ravens, and hydras.
They stopped spawning on ATL.
Then an EM placed a lantern warning to not stay idle in luna.
Does this mean there is going to be another assult? Was there only the one wave of invaders?