Way too many variables to give an all-around best answer. As others have said, knowing how to play whatever template you're playing and having the right gear for it is crucial. Also important variables: are you soloing or playing in groups? if in groups, are you trying to go for best group utility or top damage? are you doing champs, peerless, or something else? which peerless? which champ? is your goal to wade through said mobs the fastest, the safest, or some combination of the two? do you have unlimited money to build a suit, or are you looking for something that can rock on a budget?
My personal two favorites are disco/peace tamer and necro/weaver tamer; the former for peerless and the latter for champs. I also have a sampire and ABC archer on my roster, but they don't see a lot of action these days; I think this is less because they are inferior than because they both require a lot of clicking and keypresses and I'm getting older and trying to stave off RSI.