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where/how to train healing on Cu


Green Meanie

hmmm im not positive but i think theres a set of cus that either do exsist or used to exsist that couldnt go over 90 healing.

If im wrong pretty much any monster that dps is good to work on. Poison eles or rotten corpses (the latter being better becouse they wont die so fast meaning less time waiting for respawn).

If your a dp mage you can also just put it on the other side of a fence and keep it poisoned.


If you have Disco your pet will gain much faster. Disco is a pet trainer's most important tool!

At the entrance to the Twisted Weald are a whole lot of debuff-casting Pixies and they constantly get stuck on the rocks. Your pet can't get to them and they just stay stuck. Work up to 6-8 Pixies at a time. Gains are good (just remember a Cu's Healing gains are super incredibly slow!) but really boring.

Rotting Corpses will give gains with some excitement, but slow.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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I've yet to see a cu with GM'ed healing. If you accomplish this feat, please post pix. :)


A friend made a rather large amount of gold training cu sidhes after they came out. ^^

This is just one of... I dunno, 10? More? Gotta love training them though.



Babbling Loonie
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Most cus seem to hit 90 healing fairly easily then stop. You then need to move on to rotting corpses or disco your pet so it can gain elsewhere. It's slower without disco but certainly not impossible. I used the double rotter spawn in Doom for mine, though I have to say I never found the benefit of GM healing to be worth the trouble ;)



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Impatient multiple soulstone owners' method

poison skill mage with necro + ss put pup in a pen and evil omen-poison-evil omen-poison

zzzzzzzzz method

the rotting corpse area in doom maybe some other places

Old Man of UO

All cu sidhes can be trained to 100 healing. The best method I've used is discord and magic casters - either spectrals or sea serpents. I've not tried spectrals, but I have trained several on sea serpents. Sea serpents cast very fast and after a short while will start poisoning your pet for even faster gains. I try to train a new pet every other week for sale, mostly cu sidhes.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
An easy way to raise the Cu's Healing to 100 is as follows.

Take Healing to 90 the conventional way.

Go to the Jail area of Covetous. It has a small number of undead down there of which one is a Rotting Corpse.

Cast the spell Unlock an empty cell and put the Cu in there.

Now drag the Rotting Corpse into the empty cell with the Cu, Invis, Hide, Peace what ever to lose aggro.

Once the RC is attacking the Cu, then do an All follow me on the Cu so it wont kill the RC.

From this point on, you do nothing but cast the Greater Heal Spell. What I do is time the how long it takes to regen the mana and that the cycle time.

You should be able to keep the Cu at full health most of the time. It is when it gets Deadly Poisoned that is of interest here. You want the Cu to cure this. Your Greater Heal wont cure it, that is the point of you casting Greater Heal. Now when the Cu does cure it it will do a skill check in healing. Your Greater Heals should be able to heal off the damage.

Up to about skill 97 or so, the RC can put back to back Deadly Poisons on the Cu and the Cu may not be able to cure them off. You may choose to intervene if you think the CU's life is in danger.

I have a rune set to the outside of the cell area just down from the steps.

Old Man of UO

An easy way to raise the Cu's Healing to 100 is as follows.

Take Healing to 90 the conventional way.

Go to the Jail area of Covetous. It has a small number of undead down there of which one is a Rotting Corpse.
EM, how long does it take to go from 90 to 100 healing this way?


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
EM, how long does it take to go from 90 to 100 healing this way?
Uhm, *Cough* there are .... different ways this can be done that can make time *cough* some what not relevant.

BUT, I would say one could expect 1.0+ skill ups per hour at the .... very least.

I think my investment in time is normaly around 5 hours +-2 hours.

Why there is a variabity is I have a Disco on the both accounts so I am not above draging a Shadow Ore Elemental to the Entrance to the mines, discoing the Cu and raising Healing up to around the mid to higher end 90's then I switch on over.

Old Man of UO

BUT, I would say one could expect 1.0+ skill ups per hour at the .... very least.

I think my investment in time is normaly around 5 hours +-2 hours.

Ahhh okay, my method is pretty comparable then. Using the sea serpent method also trains the resist to GM by the time my pet is at about 97 healing.


Babbling Loonie
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2 rotters makes things go a bit quicker, just need to watch the cu doesn't go too low in health with a second rotter attacking it.


Old Man of UO

2 rotters makes things go a bit quicker, just need to watch the cu doesn't go too low in health with a second rotter attacking it.

I'll have to try that. But for me, I start with a shadow ele to work up all mele skills and partial healing - about 6 hours give or take. Then I move on to sea serpents to train resist and healing - about another 6-8 hours, or about 15 hours total. Even if I can train the healing faster, I still have to train the resist skill. But the two rotters could speed up the time going from about 97 to 100 (about the time resist has maxed.)


Crazed Zealot
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All pets start with the Soulbinders in New Haven.

A Gang of 6-7, 2 to 3 hours later and the Pet has maxed out dex/stamina and Resists Spells.

The Dex being maxed out reduces my need to intervene to keep the pet alive and well.

Shadow Ore Elemental in the Mines at the entrance for Healing to 90, and what gains I can get out of Magery, EvalInt.

After that it is a call on Disco or not.

If some skill seems stuck, usually Tactic, I go put the pet on the Ogre Lord Island in Despise until the problem goes away. Then back to the Shadow Ore Elemental.

If it is a Cu, then the RC, if I am going to GM healing for the Cu and that is NOT a given.

A NightMare / Dread War Horse are the worst, as their Magery is a royal PITA to deal with because of the pathetic Mana.

Greater Dragons have been amongst the easier to train.

Old Man of UO

I know the Ops question was about training cu sidhe (which I hope was answered to his/her satisfaction), but how do you train frenzied ostards? I have just about every other pet I need, now want to start farming those for a pack. How do I train those since they start out so weak compared to cu sidhe?


Crazed Zealot
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I have never trained a pack of anything so I am clueless ....

My first dangerous creature was a Frenzied. I worked him up a ways on Bulls, Garmens(?), Trolls, Ettins, Earth Elementals etc. These were all things he could take down and learn from. Despise is a good place to just go train a Frenzied. It may not be the best, but it is a good starting place.

As an after thought, I seem to remember he did ok with the Cyclops's in Despise and got good gains from them.

Old Man of UO

I have no clue but I always get a headache trying to keep multiple pets alive :(
SA client pet bars to the rescue! Also, one of the mods for KR had heal buttons attached to party health bars... would make an excellent mod for SA.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmm... I meant training them individually as you did, but this made me think... whey can't I have all 5 of them fight each other?
You can spar them on each other, however you could have fun keeping them all vetted simultaneously ;)

When I train pack critters I take them into a spawn and set one per each critter if they can handle it, or take my mare out with 3 pack critters if I need a tank on something bigger. I train the lowest skilled ones up till they're on par with the rest and then it's just a case of dishing out the killing evenly. I love winding a path of carnage through dungeons heh. If you tell your tank pet to stop and follow it'll take the brunt of the attack without fighting the monster to prolong each fight.

Or there's that other method called get a friend with his big tank pet to take the shadow ele attacks while your pack sits and trains, then I guess spectrals if you want to static train their resist. I prefer to get out and about though, especially with packs. Just find that kind of training more interesting. Free bandies when you get to mummies too lol.


Old Man of UO

Thanks Wenchy, that helps a lot. I think I could take a cu sidhe as a tank against the shadow ele and one frenzied at a time, but I think I'll try taking a pack out as a group.

Now, to find 5 suitable frenzies...