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Best way to gain compassion?

Lord Kotan

Slightly Crazed
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I've tried the orc prison; but even after days of maxing compassion I cannot even get to step 2


Lore Master
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Are you getting the message that you've gained in Compassion? Sounds buggy to me...

Lissa Eldi

The higher you get, the less dots you gain per day. If you are maxing it daily, you must just be patient. :) To my knowledge there is no way to speed it up.


I think it's 5 escort quests per 24hours for gains in compassion... of course you can do them all day for the gold.


Lore Master
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Lead the deer to water from the human to elf quest.


Grand Poobah
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Lead the deer to water from the human to elf quest.
You can mark at the start and stop points and gate bravehorn instead of walking, I think. It's faster than running around ice island looking for prisoners anyways.


Ok guys heres the ULTIMATE compassion training.

Go to the orc dungeon lvl 2 i think

theres left of you a little cell with a prisoner who will instantly respawn and wont have the 2 min escort cooldown.
(you will still have to wait 1 day after 5 escorts though)

Enjoy !

Jade of Sonoma

Babbling Loonie
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Be patient, and don't worry about it. Kill orc camps and take prisoners to their destination on Arctic Island or anywhere else while doing other profitable things in between each escort, 5X a day. Keep your mind busy and occupy your time with other game interests. Take escorts from Cove City but you do have to wait a few minutes between each escort. It all works. You really don't have to bother with any shortcuts .. I totally gained while hunting, harvesting gold, and gaining skill points. Take any prisoners or escorts when they appear near by where you are working.


UO Forum Moderator
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Back in the days before the ML Quest system came in, you could escprt as many rescues as you could pick up, PLUS one from a city.I picked up FIVE on Trinsic Barrier island, all going to places north (Britain, Cove, Minoc, Vesper). I also picked up a town escort wanting to go to Britain from Trinsic.

This was on a PALADIN. No Magery.

I walked them all the way to Britain, dropped off the regular escort and one rescuee. I then walked the ones remaining through britain, and up the road towards the Bog of Desolation. En route, I picked up another prisoner, wanting to go to Vesper.

Note that, by this point, I had already done what others insisted was impossible at least TWICE. I got escorts to cross a server line without gating them (south of Britain gate, and south of the Bog). Didn't lose a single one. (the secret was, and still is, not letting them get more than 4 or 5 steps from you as you cross over, and be on the same elevation).

Rounding the bay, I delivered two of them to Cove, then turned back north, around the north side of the mountains, with 3 escorts (all rescues) in tow. I find ANOTHER prisoner, rescue him (luckily he wanted to go to Minoc). That put me at 2 minoc deliveries and 2 vesper deliveries.

Just my luck, the Minoc rescue delivery that had followed me from Trinsic timed out and vanished a half-screen from the delivery spot! But, I delivered the the other one quickly, and walked as fast as I dared to vesper with my last two; one of which I knew would disappear any second, having also been with me from Trinsic.

To my surprise, the Rescue from south of the Bog and the rescue from Trinsic both made it to Vesper, and I'd gotten all my deliveries for the day, plus extras.

In a strange sort of way, it was actually fun shepherding them all the way there.

Now, you can only escort one at a time (though rescues don't have the 5-minute timer like normal ones), and go through public gates. The server line between minoc & its moongate is still a little buggy, though, and it is still possible to lose escorts on it, a lot more than any other server line (probably from the uneven terrain). But you got to try HARD (aka outrun your escorts) to lose an escort anywhere else on a line (I once tested it, and it took being over a half-screen away, or repeatedly bouncing back and forth over a line like an idiot, to lose an escort).


Did I read somewhere that you get slightly more "credit" for escorting prisoners?


UO Forum Moderator
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Yes, but no one is sure if that bonus survived the transition from the old style escorts to the ML Quest system. I still try to do only rescues, just in case.