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Leaving UO after 7 years because of Luna invasion.

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Indeed what could be worse than EMs who actually interact with their player base, and the communities of their shard fluidly?

Instead they should only create static scenarios with predetermined results that the players can't truly influence. rolleyes:
If the EM's interacted with the player base then the event would have been known.
They obviously DID NOT interact with the player base and just randomly started some 'excitement'

Also Who said anything about static events ?

Just schedule the event so people know about it. What the specific details are doesn't necessarily need to be known


GL gets a spontaneous event. Sort of random. Mostly announced addition of fun....

AND NOW we see why UO has been watered down. No one should die, no one should be harmed.

Somehow everyone thinks they should be informed of everything.

This is sooooooooooo silly. Its a game.

I vote for no information on any event or monster spawn. Let it all be a secret, random and the only way to learn is to participate.

GEEZ I must be crazy. Blasphemy.

Stupid Miner

If the EM's interacted with the player base then the event would have been known.
They obviously DID NOT interact with the player base and just randomly started some 'excitement'

Also Who said anything about static events ?

Just schedule the event so people know about it. What the specific details are doesn't necessarily need to be known
Oh, it's a good thing you know what actually happened because you know... you were actually there for the entire event. (Were you there for any part of it? do you even play Great Lakes?)

Not to mention the event wasn't unprecedented, the EM's on the shard have had Cascan events Interacting with the shard's High Council every HC meeting for the past several weeks.


I say its about damn time they burn luna to the ground, and bring back population to other towns again. luna is too crowded with spammers in the bank.

For those that say luna is convenient because of the closeness of the shops and the vendors i say this.......get off your asses and stop being so lazy! ya ya i know there will be people that whine "but i only have so much playing time and im not gonna waste it searching for hours for one thing. to you people i say....that is part of the experience of the game.

Finally to the op.....if you expect to be "safe" from everything in this game i suggest you get a job as a gm or em and run around in god mode


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Two clicks away from logging out a character with a backpack full of plants; but when he/she doesn't and dies it is someone else's fault.

You reap what you sow.


Hey guys

there was just a miscommunication. I just wanted to take a look at the situation.



Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I have never been so devasted with UO as I was yesterday. Apparently, UO decided to have some sort of invasion in Luna on the Great Lakes Shard. My character was inside of my cousin's house (within the Luna city walls) when this invasion happened. I had to step aside from my computer ( due to reality, real life). I come back to find that I am dead with no bones in sight. I couldn't even fathom what happened since I was inside a home that was inside the Luna walls.

It is unfortunate that UO has decided to have an invasion inside of the walls of Luna. If you are a crafter and do not constantly look at message boards you would have no idea that such a thing could happen to you.

It would be nice if UO would send an alert to your character that could inform you THAT YOU CAN DIE INSIDE OF A HOUSE INSIDE OF THE CITIES WALLS. Especially since with these invasions the rules change and you have no safety at all.

What is most unfortunate, is that I came back to UO after a hiatus and have been working dilligently on the new plants and creating new plants. Beautiful new colors of hops, spider trees and bonsais. Now, because of this city invasion I am done with UO and done with the plants.

The loss is just too much for me.

Give yourself a week, you're upset now but in a few days you'll feel better and have learned a valuable lesson - don't go afk anywhere, ever. Not just because of surprise town invasions, but also because it's illegal and you can get in trouble for it, so be glad you just lost some pixels instead of getting a warning or ban. As another player suggested, you can also hide. I am usually hidden while watering plants tho there is never any monster spawn by my plant vendor house, it's just out of habit. I hide before I log out on my characters, and hide whenever I'm going to be doing something while standing in the same spot for a while.

I don't have any seeds on GL, but if you want to stick around I can farm boglings with you, I do have a tamer on GL who isn't too bad. :)


Seasoned Veteran
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Two clicks away from logging out a character with a backpack full of plants; but when he/she doesn't and dies it is someone else's fault.

You reap what you sow.
Right on man, right on.

Sad thing is, EA will probably interfere with the EMs now. As was stated above, Great Lakes has awesome EMs. This will be another case of "fixing" something that is not broke to begin with.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I am saddened but not surprised at all of the hate spewed in this thread.

Take a look at Vidma's previous posts? What do you see? 17 posts about growing plants. Clearly this is a person who greatly enjoys growing plants in UO.

From what I can gather from some of her prevous posts, she was keeping a lot of the plants she was cross-pollinating in her characters' backpacks. This was probably because she couldn't guarantee she could log on every day to care for the plants and thus only had to worry about them needing attention when she actually logged in.

I have no way to know what she lost. Could have been plants grown from rare-colored seeds from the naturalist quest, or perhaps white and black plants grown from randomly spawning seeds in those colors. Or perhaps they were plants she had cross-pollinated for the first time and she was anxiously waiting to see what the end result would be.

If these were the types of plants she lost, she may have lost weeks or months worth of time and chemicals, plus made a total mess out of any records she was keeping.

Yes, growing plants may not be as exciting as many of the other things that happen in UO. And no, I'm not by any means suggesting that every single EA-activated event in UO must be announced ahead of time.

However, for people playing a game that doesn't have a lot of "extra" subscriptions to lose, I would think some of you should step back and consider what effect your posting style has on some of the gentler souls who bother with visiting the Stratics forums. Because of your attitudes and comments, we may have lost yet another subscription. Someone who had no effect on your playstyle whatsoever came here in a moment of pain to express herself. Shame on you people that had the temerity to say to her in reply, "Good riddance." Your attitude sickens me.


Oh, it's a good thing you know what actually happened because you know... you were actually there for the entire event. (Were you there for any part of it? do you even play Great Lakes?)

Not to mention the event wasn't unprecedented, the EM's on the shard have had Cascan events Interacting with the shard's High Council every HC meeting for the past several weeks.
No, I didn't get to participate in the event because it was unscheduled and unknown for some unjustifiable reason
I apologize for not playing ultima online 24x7 , but I think it's only fair to working people and others who have defined 'normal' behavior from years of play to expect that to continue....

if you want random events , do it in Jhelom, Serpents Hold, Minoc or other remote city... Not where everyone shops and carries expensive items on their person to place on vendors


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Finally to the op.....if you expect to be "safe" from everything in this game i suggest you get a job as a gm or em and run around in god mode
Not even they are safe... need i remind you of Lord Birtish and that Field of Fire?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
im sorry OP for your loss :( but as far as town invasions...i wish towns got invaded weekly if not daily from roaming monsters...specially the banks ;) get rid of all you sitters.


Two clicks away from logging out a character with a backpack full of plants; but when he/she doesn't and dies it is someone else's fault.

You reap what you sow.


Shame on you people that had the temerity to say to her in reply, "Good riddance." Your attitude sickens me.
It's been that way for years on this board.
Alot of sucking up almost like they are expecting something back for their attitude.

Stupid Miner

No, I didn't get to participate in the event because it was unscheduled and unknown for some unjustifiable reason
I apologize for not playing ultima online 24x7 , but I think it's only fair to working people and others who have defined 'normal' behavior from years of play to expect that to continue....

if you want random events , do it in Jhelom, Serpents Hold, Minoc or other remote city... Not where everyone shops and carries expensive items on their person to place on vendors
You're right it was at a random time. 8PM CST, which happens to be the time every single GL event occurs.

And the EMs have interacted with the High Council meetings for the past 5 or 6 meetings. Who could have expected they'd do it again?

Lady Mana

There needs to be some sort of system message when an invasion like this takes place to warn players such as the OP who want no part of it.I agree with the OP and think they have a totally legitimate gripe.

I could have been in Luna with my 5 Pack Horses after a shard transfer and lost all my stuff I had spent months acquiring. If that had happened to me you've probably see the biggest rant to date on stratics that surely would have earned me several infractions and perhaps a banning because I would have been livid. Point is it could have happened.
First of all... if you do a shard transfer and you pull things out of your box while you see a huge invasion going on, you're asking for trouble. When I do shard transfers, I wait until I'm at my unloading zone to unpack my boxes. It makes sense. Secondly, you should always *research* what you're going to do instead of just diving headlong in. You check around your vehicle before you drive, don't you? And thirdly, if some people weren't so self absorbed and actually paid attention to the community around them, they might not be caught unawares.

I concur with what other people said. This guy was just looking for a reason to quit. If he was in a friend's house, he should have hid. When it comes to UO, I think it's common knowledge that being afk is not a safe thing. He could have logged out, yes... but just standing there without even hiding? You shouldn't blame other people for your mistakes.


I am saddened but not surprised at all of the hate spewed in this thread.

Take a look at Vidma's previous posts? What do you see? 17 posts about growing plants. Clearly this is a person who greatly enjoys growing plants in UO.

From what I can gather from some of her prevous posts, she was keeping a lot of the plants she was cross-pollinating in her characters' backpacks. This was probably because she couldn't guarantee she could log on every day to care for the plants and thus only had to worry about them needing attention when she actually logged in.

I have no way to know what she lost. Could have been plants grown from rare-colored seeds from the naturalist quest, or perhaps white and black plants grown from randomly spawning seeds in those colors. Or perhaps they were plants she had cross-pollinated for the first time and she was anxiously waiting to see what the end result would be.

If these were the types of plants she lost, she may have lost weeks or months worth of time and chemicals, plus made a total mess out of any records she was keeping.

Yes, growing plants may not be as exciting as many of the other things that happen in UO. And no, I'm not by any means suggesting that every single EA-activated event in UO must be announced ahead of time.

However, for people playing a game that doesn't have a lot of "extra" subscriptions to lose, I would think some of you should step back and consider what effect your posting style has on some of the gentler souls who bother with visiting the Stratics forums. Because of your attitudes and comments, we may have lost yet another subscription. Someone who had no effect on your playstyle whatsoever came here in a moment of pain to express herself. Shame on you people that had the temerity to say to her in reply, "Good riddance." Your attitude sickens me.
Your right.
I am sorry for her lose.
And you are one of the nicest souls in the game.

But my comments though unclear are directed at her quitting. Not at her loss.

I have lost and have found great support by talking about the loss. And people help out.

I would certainly help out on GL if I played there.

But the post sounds like a farewell Im out of here, Ill show UO.

If the post would have ended with - Any help would be appreciated, I bet this thread would have been differenent vs. Im quitting.

You can die in this game.
I lost a box full of rares a few weeks ago. I went shopping. Put them in a chest on my characture to declutter my pack. They weighed 238 stones. I buzzed into an ILSH champ spawn. It was hopping, I thought let me get a REPLICA.

I got killed. Liche lord looted me. YEP THE HEAVIEST thing.
By the time I rezzed there must of been 25 lich lords.
Out about 9 million.

It SUCKS. but if you love then game keep playing.


UO Forum Moderator
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Stratics Legend
We need more random events not less the game is way to predictable as it is as for luna i hope it gets destroyed .... oh and Draconni hinted a while back that luna may get invaded..


You're right it was at a random time. 8PM CST, which happens to be the time every single GL event occurs.

And the EMs have interacted with the High Council meetings for the past 5 or 6 meetings. Who could have expected they'd do it again?
A Completely moot point.
The idea that I'm supposed to be everywhere on GL at every 8:00pm every day is silly and impossible. The idea that an event is going to happen "somewhere" at 8:00pm every night it also fallacy.

Secondly if the event wasn't on the shard EM schedule , then this "event" being announced elsewhere would not have been known to the vast majority of players....

These posts are just justification , they are wet toilet paper like excuses


Always Present
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Character with endless lives died in an online game.
Good reason to quit....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if you want random events , do it in Jhelom, Serpents Hold, Minoc or other remote city... Not where everyone shops and carries expensive items on their person to place on vendors
I think Nujel'm would be better. That way you can ensure that nobody knows there was a random event on their shard.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry for your loss, it sounds like your gardening meant alot to you.

...suggestion snip...

Let's have some better vibes everybody...you never know what someone might be going through in their real life. Sometimes when what you enjoy doing for fun angers/disappoints/upsets, it can be the vent for other stresses and hardships.
didn't scrutinize every post as most of them seemed rude

Littleblue, props to you for looking at it from another direction

let's lay off the rudeness people. Remember a time when you got so frustrated with something in the game (or any game or any other whatever) that you just wanted to walk away, and insert that feeling here. Even if you don't agree with the OP's feelings about town invasions have at least some tiny bit of compassion to understand that he/she has reached a level of frustration to outdo a desire to play. Instead of spitting his/her direction and kicking them out the door, you should be more concerned about losing another player.

Disagree with the OP if you choose, but do so in a respectful way...


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Maybe there was an announcement while you were away from computer. What did you lose you cant replace?-
I'm not on GL and haven't seen any invasions in Luna on the shards I do play on. I haven't lost anything but that doesn't prevent me from seeing what is clearly not right. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the logic as to why notice should be given under the Trammel ruleset which perhaps speaks volumes about some of the people reaction to the OP's position.:thumbsup:

We have two rulesets Trammel and Fellucca. If your going to make changes to those rules then proper warning needs to be given. I'm not sure why all the numbskulls in this thread can't understand that.

And in the event I was away from my computer for whatever reason (e.g. Phone call or Call of Nature) enough time should be given so that word got around.

I'm all for having events but I'm also for having the people the option whether or not to partake in such events.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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There wasn't a scheduled event in Luna at that time. This is why we want to look into the situation.
Chrissay: http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=150562 and http://greatlakes.uoem.net/.
The Em site doesn't tell you when the event is going to take place.
Something is posted after it happens not giving anyone any warning what so ever. If the Ems are going to have events in areas where housing is then they should posted a week ahead of time. Giving players enough notice to be prepared so they don't go afk. The next time it might be in the housing area your house is in.

Maximus Neximus

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I give props to the GL EM for doing an event like this... I wish more EMs would do unscheduled or atleast non-storyline event stuff more often.


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Its been said more then once. Hide or log out. The OP wouldn't be in this spot.

I grow plants. It would realy suck to loose plants. This is why I safe log out.

Is it really any more complicated than that?

Lady Mana

Madrid: I don't think anyone appreciates being called a numbskull, and kittykat has already openly said that there will be no more insults in this thread. Way to go there.

Someone mentioned before that Draconi *had said* Luna would be getting invaded. So people should have been on their guard, anyway. But that's besides the point. It doesn't matter if this was announced on message boards or not. The OP said that as a crafter they *don't check* message boards. So even if this were announced ahead of time, this particular person was choosing to live in ignorance. The least they could have done was hide themselves, as is common practice among most players.

Sure, it's unfortunate they are leaving. But blaming someone else for you not practicing a safe playstyle, and then dying because of it, is not the right thing to do.


Sorry OP only thing this thread makes me want to do is make a char on GL.
The program Robert Garriot was working on, would have had stuff like this going on without EM, to bad it got cut.

Also I dont think you should quit, I have been so pissed in UO i knocked entire walls down before, yet still im glad I still have my account.

Realy though, you should pay attention to EM events.

The reason that most are hating on you, is IMO they feel any complaints on UO HALL, about the EM program will make it go away again, some of us realy like the EM program.

Now if you want to stay unattended in a house, I would suggest a private one from now on.

Even then, every one of my chars have issurance covered for about 500 deaths minimum.

If you lost everything, then it could not have ment that much, or it would have been issured.

This game is ment to be played however you want, and I am glad that it has a huge diveristy of ppl in it. PPl like you included.

We even need folks like Puffy :coco:


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
The numbskull remark was rather mild and I actually edited the originally word that I chose but that's besides the point. Not a doubt in my mind people that cannot see the logic in warranting an advance notice of the Event in Trammel are lacking in brainpower.

Whether or not people agree with her decision to leave over losing items is a separate issue.

"Playing a safe playstyle?"

That's exactly what she was doing while hanging out at the Luna Bank under the trammel ruleset.

I'm not going to keep going around in circles pointing out what's obvious. Either you can be objective enough to see the logic validating a warning or you can't.

UO is a great game and I hope Vidma sticks around even though what happened to her was clearly BS.

Don't quit Vidma! UO is more about friends and experiences than it is about all the other things that happen...right or wrong.:thumbsup:


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here's a thought: If you have to go afk...LOG OUT. It's this wonderfully awesome option. Otherwise, quit whining and deal with it. You had the option to log out...let me be clear on this...YOU COULD HAVE LOGGED OUT. The loss is YOURS. Personally, I'm praying they bring that entire ****hole known as Luna to the ground, and I'm certainly not going to stand in their way. When you quit, can I have your stuff?


Character with endless lives died in an online game.
Good reason to quit....
Please someone wipes Flutter's inventories. Just to help her catching the point.

Of course it's a very valid reason to quit. When you come back, it means that you already left at least once for various reasons which are more than likely to be there when you come back. The OP wanted to give it a try and put interrest into plants. Plants aren't about being rich, it's about spending time. That incident didn't just killed the character (who cares), it removed the interrest the OP had from her backpack. Instead of achievement at the end of a long time, "work" as some players like to say, all she got was frustration.

If you find that UO is so perfect that someone quiting can only be wrong, you are obviously from the worse part of the community and your loss would actually be a win for the game. Ugly selfish fanboys that aren't able to understand someone else point of view and feel so special to check news every minute.

In case you spend to many IQ point doing BOD/Heartwood quests endlessly like a robot during all those years, lastly EM decided not to invade towns stupidly without visible warning. The Dark Moonglow duplicate area was in order to have a fight in town but not to annoy players who saw 10 years of security in their town and suddenly from one day to another it's a laggy massively overwhelming mayhem that welcomes you. When I say I'd like Luna to be annihilated, it's humour. If there's a fight to be, it's either in an outdoor non-housing area or a duplicate area. I already got an event spawn in my house, and it turned from a peaceful 0 spawn area into a dangerous place. You can have all your theories about hiding on log off, it's still ********.

I'm really disgusted by your reactions. I know it's UHall, but I didn't know you were so low. What a shame :/


That's exactly what she was doing while hanging out at the Luna Bank under the trammel ruleset.
Just an FYI: She wasn't at Luna Bank.

@Coppelia: One of the great things about UO is that it's like another world, with its own laws. But, like in real life, if you want to be left alone you should have a house away from everything. If you're in Luna, you're more apt to have house thieves. And *of course* you're going to be more prone to invasion -- it IS a city, after all.

Yes, pity her that she lost plants (if she did). But don't pity her attitude. As people said earlier, she could have worded her post a lot differently if that's what she was looking for: pity.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm still confused as to the situation... You said you where in a house... and had to suddenly leave to tend to "something" and when you came back your body was gone... HOW LONG where you gone? I know things come up, IE phone call, boss says get to Alberta now! and you have to dash... but if you know you are going to be gone more than 5 minutes (which you where since body decayed) shouldn't you have hid? or atleast logged (i do not know your situation thus i can not call on it)
Also I though that if you were in a house monsters can't attack through walls... or did that change?

Stupid Miner

We even need folks like Puffy :coco:
Um... yea... no comment there. :D

Another reason you're getting grief from people is *everyone* who has played UO for a long time has lost stuff in similar situations. They dealt with it and continued playing and therefore don't think much of you who went through the same experience and decided to quit because of it. No offense, everyone's been so mad at UO they wanted to quit at some point or another.

... and then there are other people who are just jerks, and they shouldn't be taken seriously anyway.


Crazed Zealot
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Here's a thought: If you have to go afk...LOG OUT.
A ring of the phone, a knock at the door, the cry of a pet/child .... yes, logging out is always a good idea as a reflex when you have to leave your chair, but sometimes real life does take precedence over whatever you are doing.

Whether or not you feel the original poster has taken this one incident too much to heart, don't you hope that if something ever rubs you the wrong way at the wrong moment that others will respect that yes, it does make you upset?


Seasoned Veteran
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I'm still confused as to the situation... You said you where in a house... and had to suddenly leave to tend to "something" and when you came back your body was gone... HOW LONG where you gone? I know things come up, IE phone call, boss says get to Alberta now! and you have to dash... but if you know you are going to be gone more than 5 minutes (which you where since body decayed) shouldn't you have hid? or atleast logged (i do not know your situation thus i can not call on it)
Also I though that if you were in a house monsters can't attack through walls... or did that change?
I could be wrong, but I think its 14 mins for bones to decay.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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OMG ..... Crying about being afk and dying.... first of all doesn't the rules state your NOT to do that???

For any reason.....

So what Luna got invaded.... big deal.... should happen more often if you ask me... Luna is full of afk scripters...

As for the GL's EM Don't you dare fire them.... they've been awesome.... and they have provided quite a bit of entertainment to GL's...

They ask about things all the time and what they can do to improve things... and make things more fun and exciting... they've been the best...

As for quitting over losing a few plants... boo hoo... I have lost tons of things after getting killed by all kinds of things.... Why I recall a particular Halloween Event where they spawned Harrowers in a few Cemeteries in Tramm...... I not only died... but my body was instantly vaporized.... I lost everything on it.... blessed and insured.... I even lost my runebooks after that incident.... but I still play....

At least our EM's actually do events... regularly.

I think they should just blow Luna up and be done with it. More people unattended macroing, scripting bods afk and everything else afk there than anywhere else... having random unannounced invasions should clear that right up pretty quickly.

So you were in a house... if it has vendors it's open to the public... even if not I'm betting it's not to secure from spell casting nasties...

I stand by what I said you should NEVER be AFK ingame..... if you were friended there wouldn't have taken two seconds to log out .... problem solved.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Character with endless lives died in an online game.
Good reason to quit....
Please someone wipes Flutter's inventories. Just to help her catching the point.
Oh please save us the melodrama. People used to drop everything when they died. It's NOT that big of a deal. I've lost con, had electricity go off, had my cable drop, etc etc many times over the years and lost everything. I've lost stuff I have forgotten to insure. Again it's NOT that big of a deal.
No one was hacked here. No one lost everything on their accounts.
The game is still the same game as before the character died. No reason to post a big dramatic "I died so I am quitting" post. People have lost a lot more than this guy and still love the game enough to keep on playing. So this guy doesn't. Oh well.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please someone wipes Flutter's inventories. Just to help her catching the point...

...The Dark Moonglow duplicate area was in order to have a fight in town but not to annoy players who saw 10 years of security in their town ...
Insurance? Bags inside of a house?

Wait luna was around was around ten years go before trammel... damn that is how people got the houses there so fast... :\ i need to keep up with the times...

gjohnson5 said:
Why not spend time bug fixing and balancing the game then creating random events that noone needs or wants....
EMs do not equal Drac, If you haven't noticed a lot of bugs have been fixxed and the game is changing now and then to create ballance... what people call "nerfing" a skill because they had it... and it became "useless" :\
Also I'm not sure what you do... and i'm not going to even guess... but if you aren't having fun with the EM Events you sir have something wrong in teh head....
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