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Are MIBs still worth doing?


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I just returned to UO and found 50 or so mibs in my bank box.
But I wonder if they are worth the trouble... will I be able to get some decent items from them?

Thanks in advance



I just returned to UO and found 50 or so mibs in my bank box.
But I wonder if they are worth the trouble... will I be able to get some decent items from them?

Thanks in advance

Not worth the time.
Open the SOS bottles. If one is white its an ancient SOS thats worth doing. Deadly but worth doing.


Lore Keeper
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Not worth the time.
Open the SOS bottles. If one is white its an ancient SOS thats worth doing. Deadly but worth doing.
Interesting... so what are the droprate of those white maps? And with deadly... do you mean monsters will spawn that I cant solo?

If so Ill have to ask my guild if anyone can come along... if I even get a white one :)



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The ASoS have White nets in thm and also a Martie. There is a Chance of getting some of the fishing marties also; Anchor, Sea Horse.

Those used as decorations alone are a good sell.

You can Solo them but the Leviathan can be dificult. Best bet to Solo them is find a Depp Water Location close enough to land were you can toss the net from the Shore.

Loot from the Asos is 6K gold a White Chest (metal or wood) and a Martie. The rest of the loot os like a level 5 or 6 T map.

ATM i would just store them up until they get some more lovin.

Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
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Not worth the time.
Open the SOS bottles. If one is white its an ancient SOS thats worth doing. Deadly but worth doing.
At this time they are worthless to do Im waiting to do mine when there is another spring clean up. That is when they will be worthy again. I have done ancient scrolls and nothing deadly ever spawned.


Yeah, MiBs suck now, unfortunately. Used to be my favorite thing to do in game.

If you have the storage, I'd suggest just hanging onto them on the off-chance that the dev team decides to invest some time making fishing fun again at some point in the future (hey, it could happen!). It'd be hard for them to be worth less than they are now, so it's an investment that can only improve with time. ;)

If you run out of space, trash them or give them to a newbie with a boat to play with.

I have about 60 sitting in my house. I could really use that storage space, but I just can't bring myself to toss them.


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the droprate for the ASOS is supposed to be 1 in 24. However, the devs have found an issue that causes streaks of similar numbers for short term calls (that balance out over the VERY long term because they hit at all points of the call), that can be used to your advantage.

Most people open 5-10 MIBs - if they get a white one, they keep going for another 10. If not, they wait hours or days later to try again. If the ASOS result was part of a streak condition, you can get 2-5 times as many from your opening than would be expected from a properly built RNG - but there's no way to know IF you caught a streak.

Think of it as the equivalent of Blackjack card counting. those that do it are more likely to do good, but are still vulnerable to bad beats.


Stratics Veteran
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The ASoS have White nets in thm and also a Martie. There is a Chance of getting some of the fishing marties also; Anchor, Sea Horse.


Loot from the Asos is 6K gold a White Chest (metal or wood) and a Martie. The rest of the loot os like a level 5 or 6 T map....
Not entirely accurate. The white SoS gives the white chest which is equivalant of a level 5? treasure map. The Marties come from drops when you toss the white nets and dont drop every time. Buddy of mine and myself in decent luck (him with max and a pet to do the killing) went 6 nets with nothing, 7th we got a wonderful club.

IMO they're not worth the time anymore. Sad too, used to love my fisherman


Lore Keeper
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the droprate for the ASOS is supposed to be 1 in 24. However, the devs have found an issue that causes streaks of similar numbers for short term calls (that balance out over the VERY long term because they hit at all points of the call), that can be used to your advantage.

Most people open 5-10 MIBs - if they get a white one, they keep going for another 10. If not, they wait hours or days later to try again. If the ASOS result was part of a streak condition, you can get 2-5 times as many from your opening than would be expected from a properly built RNG - but there's no way to know IF you caught a streak.

Think of it as the equivalent of Blackjack card counting. those that do it are more likely to do good, but are still vulnerable to bad beats.
Ouch... should have known this before I opend the first 20 :) I got no ancients from them :)

Thanks thou!


If you can get some special fishing net, you can get the white fishing net so after you use it, and kill the leviathan, you can loot the Sea horse "20m" or the Ghost Anchor "20m" ;)


the droprate for the ASOS is supposed to be 1 in 24. However, the devs have found an issue that causes streaks of similar numbers for short term calls (that balance out over the VERY long term because they hit at all points of the call), that can be used to your advantage.

Most people open 5-10 MIBs - if they get a white one, they keep going for another 10. If not, they wait hours or days later to try again. If the ASOS result was part of a streak condition, you can get 2-5 times as many from your opening than would be expected from a properly built RNG - but there's no way to know IF you caught a streak.

Think of it as the equivalent of Blackjack card counting. those that do it are more likely to do good, but are still vulnerable to bad beats.


If you can get some special fishing net, you can get the white fishing net so after you use it, and kill the leviathan, you can loot the Sea horse "20m" or the Ghost Anchor "20m" ;)

The "cans" need to be replaced with "could".

Of all the Levi`s I`ve killed I`ve never gotten a seahorse or an anchor.I know of few peaple who have really. They are pretty rare and if you do manage to get one,its a fine day indeed.

To the OP,no.... the MiB`s are definately not worth doing.For the time invested in doing them they are rediculously cheap in whats in them. Only thing MiB`s are worth is saving them,than opening them in hopes of a real MiB,the white Ancient SoS.THOSE are worth doing,with that ya get a Minor Arty and an Ancient fishing net (white) and a lil better loot.

I REALLY wish fishing would get some luvin. My biggest pet peeve is all them damn shoes. Thats bar none the stupidest thing involved with fishing IMO. Maybe they should make mining similar to fishing.Maybe every 3rd strike with the pickaxe would produce some kind of worthless junk that could fill your pack. Sounds fun doesn`t it!?


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
. My biggest pet peeve is all them damn shoes. Thats bar none the stupidest thing involved with fishing IMO. Maybe they should make mining similar to fishing.Maybe every 3rd strike with the pickaxe would produce some kind of worthless junk that could fill your pack. Sounds fun doesn`t it!?
I think they put in the shoes, so that new players can fish some junk and sell it to npc vendors? Annoying they sure are :)


Fishing can't be compared to mining. You don't really fish for fishes. You don't get that much footwear in deep sea. You just prefer fishes because they stack.
In fact you fish for white pearls, MiBs and maybe deep sea serpents for the fun.

I don't see the problem with footwear except if you're afk fishing and it clutters your inventory.


Just to put in my two cents:

I tend to save up a lot of MIBs and then sort them: first into quarters of the world, then arranged by location. I tend to get a lot clustered within 10-20 seconds' ride from one another. Pull one, ride to next, pull next, on the ride to the next, combine the boxes to conserve weight, pull next, etc. While the items really suck, selling the gems (though I'm hoarding them right now for imbuing) and scrolls out of these can net you money a lot more quickly than I've found I can get it off of monsters, and without any risk.

Hunter Moon

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On the white nets... I saved up a ton then conned my husband into helping me do them all at one time. We threw 26 white nets and I got one sea horse. I have done probably 50 plus white nets before this and got nothing... Good luck and good fishing!

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


I just returned to UO and found 50 or so mibs in my bank box.
But I wonder if they are worth the trouble... will I be able to get some decent items from them?

Thanks in advance

A guildie and myself just got done throwing 40 nets, (been saving them for awhile) 20 yesterday and 20 today. We got 3 Marties yesterday and 4 Marties today. On the 38th net as we we're pancakes about the drop rate and that we'll never waste the vast amounts of time it took to get these nets again, my guildie got a nice blue seahorse. So the months of fishing here and there collecting hundreds of mibs to get 40 Asos, the day it took to sail around and fish up the white chest, and the two days we took to throw nets and the total is;

1 Blaze of glory
1 steed
2 night kisses
1 Polar bear mask
1 model ship
1 Capt's Cutlass
and 1 turquoise Seahorse

Now if we can just get this damn Seahorse to stop squirming around so we can split it between us.


On the white nets... I saved up a ton then conned my husband into helping me do them all at one time. We threw 26 white nets and I got one sea horse. I have done probably 50 plus white nets before this and got nothing... Good luck and good fishing!

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic
Sea Horse? I prefer the live version!

Well... live...

Yeah I know I'm pro. :loser:


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BTW, another common tactic for the footwear is to take normal leather, normal quality footwear Bulk Order Deeds out with you, and every so often, combine the footwear with the BODs.

If you're in 2D using UOAssist, a good tactic is to put one of each stackable fish type on the deck behind you (where all later fish of those types will autostack, out of your pack), and have 3 organizer bags set up for #1 Sandals, #2 shoes, #3 Boots. Thigh boots are obvious enough (and heavier) to leave on the top layer. When you get to about 100 items on you from all the footwear, organize each bag, pull one BOD of each type out of a BOD book, then start combining, starting with the thigh boots first, then opening each bag for the others. Get new BODs as necessary.

Both the footwear fished up normally, and the "Recovered from a Shipwreck" types will work.


Good idea on the footwear BoD`s,never thought of that. Gonna hafta start saving them.

Wasn`t really trying to compare fishing to mining.Just used mining for example.I don`t afk fish,but I do watch tv while I do it.How else could one spend enough time to get a white pearl? So yes,I do spend alot of time fishing and yes it does clutter my bag,and yes I`m pretty lazy and hate draggin all that garbage out of my bag,hehe. But I like the BoD idea.

I`d love to see fishing skill get bumped to 120. If its chiseled in stone somewhere that you MUST get shoes,maybe at 120 they could make the chances of fishing up a shoe as likely as gettin a white pearl.


I do something else while fishing too, that's not a problem. From time to time I remove the occasional footwear and put it in the hold of the ship. From time to time I check the weight of the fishes and if necessary I cut them in steak and put them in the hold.
Footwear is only a problem on the shores.

And I would hate that they add another 120 skill. Any content or advantage to fishing should be given in the range of the 100.


Yea,I usually drop all my footwear into a corpse whenever one becomes available.As for fish steaks,I just wait till I`m done and cut them all up.I let them pile up on the deck so the only thing that fills my pack is leather and pearls.

The notion that most footwear comes from the shallows is a falacy btw.

My boat hasn`t seen shallow water in years,I`m sure I could fill just as many packs with shoes as the random n00b can fishing from shore.

I know it will never change,never has. I just question the need for a GM fisher to drag up so much garbage.

Britannia must truely be a filthy place if that much rubbish resides at the bottom of the oceans.

**Save our sea`s!!!!! Stop the pollution!!!!** No wonder all those walruses stay on dry land on ice island! :D


The point is : what's the difference between shoes and fishes for you?
Personally I think that fishing footwear is humorous, even if I'm not rolling on the floor laughing, and add a light 2nd degree to that tedious activity.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just returned to UO and found 50 or so mibs in my bank box.
But I wonder if they are worth the trouble... will I be able to get some decent items from them?

Thanks in advance

Once in a blue moon you get some nice LRC armour or jewelry, but MiBs are not THE place to look for any good items to keep and use. However, many items in the chests might be good for unravelling when the time comes. Even the wands. So that is what I do. Gather and archive.


Dang it hawkeye, now you are making me want to go hit the water again!

Tyranissa Wrath

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I know the white net unleashes all kinds of fishy hell, but is there any spawn to worry about from actually fishing up the chest in which you get the net? I have several Ancient SoSes, and would like to clear them at the same times as the other MiBs, if possible.


I know the white net unleashes all kinds of fishy hell, but is there any spawn to worry about from actually fishing up the chest in which you get the net? I have several Ancient SoSes, and would like to clear them at the same times as the other MiBs, if possible.
Fishing up the ASOS chest is as per normal, no leviathan spawn etc..

Lord Frodo

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With UNRAVILING coming they may be worth doing. Do a few and take all the loot and unravil it to see what you get. Might be the same with T-Maps too.


With UNRAVILING coming they may be worth doing. Do a few and take all the loot and unravil it to see what you get. Might be the same with T-Maps too.
Doubtful. The loot in treasure/SOS chests is just too low in intensity. You might get something worth unraveling every once in a while, but there are better ways to get those relic fragments.

Lord Frodo

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Doubtful. The loot in treasure/SOS chests is just too low in intensity. You might get something worth unraveling every once in a while, but there are better ways to get those relic fragments.
You will need more than relic with imbuing. You going to train with relics?


You will need more than relic with imbuing. You going to train with relics?
You can get the other stuff off of junk runics and trash mobs. Way easier than hunting down MiBs. It's a way to get essences, I'll grant you that. There are just a lot easier ways to do the same thing.


During open beta I fished up an ancient sos and unraveled all the items and got 20+ residue and 2 essence so imagine regular sos arent going to have many that qualify for essence. So regular sos arent goin to be good for for essence.

I like sos for pillows and gems.


Lore Keeper
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Hey here's an idea. You can use them for the lower levels of raising imbuing by unraveling all that crap.