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Where do I get these metal boxes?


Grand Poobah
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Is there a way to get these ingame other than buying them?



Lore Master
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they were originally a server up rare i believe, but not entirely sure. the other way to get them was when they changed to the new customizable house system the old co-owner storage boxes you could place in a house turned into them. at least mine did. so to answer your question i dont think they are available other than buying them from someone

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
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At one time dropping a house with items in it left behind one of those boxes after the house was gone. Talking around after the AoS release. So been a while ago and was fixed. Changing the facing changes the name between strongbox and metal box. Also see those boxes in NPC vendor rooms on the table. Those for a short time could be taken. To tell those type boxes....look at the max item count. They only go to 25 not 125. Maybe little off on the info. Been playing to long and forgot more then some know.


Slightly Crazed
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Nowadays, you can only get them from buying from other players...or by IDOCing :)


Grand Poobah
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Heh, not the answers I was hoping for but thanks nevertheless, guys! :thumbsup:


Crazed Zealot
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I have a ton of these.... wonder what they sell for.


I thought they were available from either plauge beasts or plauge beast lords after they devoured enough fresh meat (corpses), there Hit points would increase and the metal box could be found on the plauge corpse?


I thought they were available from either plauge beasts or plauge beast lords after they devoured enough fresh meat (corpses), there Hit points would increase and the metal box could be found on the plauge corpse?
I think that was the metal chest (solid silver; i.e. the plague chest)? I don't ever remember gold boxes spawning on Plague Beasts. Maybe, though. Any insight?


Lore Keeper
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I thought they were available from either plauge beasts or plauge beast lords after they devoured enough fresh meat (corpses), there Hit points would increase and the metal box could be found on the plauge corpse?
They didn't come from plagues. I specialized in feeding and killing them for the first slayer weapons, long ago.


Seasoned Veteran
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125 boxes come from fallen homes, 25 boxes come from the days when co-owners had their own storage boxes methinks (so more rare). On Baja they sell for an average of 100-200k


Grand Poobah
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I'm sure I have a couple hundred of these just from doing idocs. Most are the 125 item limit variety (if a house falls and there is stuff in the moving crate you can get these that way), some are the old co-owner converted 25 item limit boxes.

I had no idea they're going for so much nowadays, I think I usually put them out at 50k or something. Too funny. ;)

Ok so you can make your own, though it sounds like quite a hassle - all you have to do is have an account without a house, place a house, force lots of stuff in the moving crate so you'll get lots of boxes (you can check the moving crate beforehand to see how many boxes you'll be netting, and even empty them out to 1 item each so that when you pick them up later you wont get overloaded), then condemn that house by placing another house, then wait out the decay timer, then fight with other idocer's. If you make it public and leave it as a blank plot that will probably cut down on the number of people you'll have to wrassle with, you'd also have to keep a close eye on the house sign since it will no doubt fall at a weird time (another thing that will keep regular campers away).

Convoluted, but I'm sure it would work. :thumbsup:


For some reason I thought you could get the strongbox' from plauges, I just tried with a necro mage, bought pets, plauge ate them, killed plauge beast, no box/chest? I knows it's easiest with a tamer/bard/provo, now is there anything special ive missed out here? do all five plauge spawns have to be up before the plauge beast is killed after it's eaten creatures to have a chance at a box/chest? heh x


Slightly Crazed
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gold boxes don't spawn on plague beasts - not now - not ever


yes they did, i had gotten quite a few of them from the plague beast lords, not the simple plague beasts.

It only worked with the plague beast lords and you use a mage to summon animals, the plague beast gobbles them up and after a few hearty meals, you kill it and get the chest.

Unless that has been stopped, it should still work.

I did this in ishenar near the wisp dungeon where the swamps are to the north.


Stratics Veteran
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These are the metal chests that spawn on plague beasts. They are silver, not gold.

Lord Drakelord

Is there a way to get these ingame other than buying them?

Back when all the new quests came out, the ones that give wood boxes today, you got metal boxes like you see above. they are much like the metal boxes that were given to the co owers [those were label "strong box"] long ago. Today however you cannot get either box, the only way is to purchase them in game when you can or pick them up from a IDOC.

What would be neat is if they allowed a tinker to make them out of color ingots.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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old co owner boxes.

if you turned them one way they where "strong boxes"
if you turned them the other way they where just boxes.


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the original server birth gold metal boxes were 2 per shard. all of the gold metal boxes now adays came from the co-owner bug.

when you had a home and had placed a co-owner strongbox. you filled them up and had the owner unlock then secure the box and unlock it you could remove the box, ala the 25 item boxes. that was the first bug long ago. second bug came out when they removed the 25 item limit from the gold metal boxes, you had to place 125 items in the box and then drop the plot and they would stay. when that happened my guild made hundreds of these boxes long ago. plague beasts still spawn the silver and normal chests but never ever spawned gold metal boxes. the only other instance that i know of that they were obtainable was about 6-7 years ago when trinsic was invaded by dragons. the devs/ems/whatever they were at that time accidentally unlocked all the locked down items in the town and many items were obtainable including all the gold metal boxes that each shop had.

also just a warning, if you have the 25 item gold boxes DO NOT use a deco tool to turn them, they will revert to the 125 item gold metal boxes. also as a note, when facing south they say metal box, when facing east they will say strong box.


Slightly Crazed
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The coowner (strong) boxes came from the command "I wish to place a strongbox". With the change to AoS these placed strongboxes got converted to the 25 item metal chests, which could be unlocked and taken away (this was not possible before).

The 125 item boxes came mainly from the bug with demolishing houses with items in the moving crate, I think.

I don't know where the first of these boxes pre AoS came from.