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A Mixed Bag of Questions


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Coming back to UO, many questions have dawned upon me. I thought I would just get to the point and ask them point blank..

1. I have one melee character who wares plate. He is a Paladin with Soul Seeker, Shield of Invulnerability, and the Virtue Armor set. On my Blacksmith mule, would I ever be able to craft anything better than that?

2. I need the final word on Resist Spells. I play PvM only, no PvP. Do I need it at all?

3. Bouncing off question #2 above, I also have a Tinker who can make trap boxes when one of my characters gets paralized??? Will any type do? Will a dart trap work? I dont see the option to create a "trapped box"

4. It seems that logging out at an inn or your house can still sometimes be a crapshoot as far as switching characters without getting the dreaded "Another character from this world is currently logged in" etc). Is there some trick to this? Do I need to log out closer to a bed? Or is logging out at my house preferred?

5. On my mule, I often struggle with picking Magery or Chiv + one Melee skill. The key here is, I want to be able to somewhat defend myself and teleport. It seems that most mules need high Strength. But at the same time the better choice seems to be Magery because it is only one skill and you have lots of tricks to get away if needed from ore elementals, etc. So my question is, does anyone out there have a mule that can carry a ton yet also be a mage with like 50 mana or so? Enough to get off a couple spells?

6. Are their currently any crafting professions that just aren't worth it these days? How is tailoring? What good is Tinkering for in later levels? Is Carpentry worth it later on to make nice decorations?

7. It does not seem like mana is ever an issue for me. Why do people suggest the skill "Healing" when if you have Chivalry you can easily heal yourself or Sprit Speak for a Necro or healing spells for a Mage?

8. If you have a spellbook lets say for example with +10 damage do you still get that bonus with a spell channeling weapon in your hand? If you so, what happens if you have two spellbooks in your inventory? Which one takes preference?

Thanks in advance!


I'll try on some of these, can't help you on all.

1. Soul Seeker is one of the most popular swords because its pretty good. The Virtue armor set has good resists, but not much else. Shield of Invul is pretty good. You can craft some good stuff with high level runic hammers. But if you mean just craft without runics, no. Imbueing is coming soon with the expansion and it will be possible to make some very nice stuff, but you will need to learn the new skill of Imbueing.

2. For PvP, magic resist is pretty essential because once your opponent realizes you don't have it, your dead. For PvM, it is generally seen as not required -- and lots of PvMers don't have it. But you will be poisoned more, you'll be paralyzed longer, and curses will effect you more.

3. You need to make a box or buy one, then give it to your tinker. "TRAPS" is listed on the screen when you use your tinker tool. Dart traps are the weakest.

4. The "trick" is that if you were in combat in the last 5 minutes, you need to wait to timeout. Even just running by a monster that took a swipe at you will activate the timer and you'll need to wait. You don't need to be closer to the bed; and the Inn or your House are the same.

5.On a mule, you should be easily able to max your STR and have room for enough INT get off a few spells -- and still have OK Dex to fight off whatever comes near you. You won't be super-warrior, but you'll survive.

6. Depends what you mean by "worth it" -- many crafters enjoy running a vendor to sell various goods. Some just want to craft for themselves and create the best stuff. Imbueing will change alot of things, but crafters will always be need. My tailor does BODs, repairs my stuff, and does some runics. Tinkering doesn't have a lot of high end stuff (golems? magic jewelry?) but is a good compliment to your other craft skills.

7. Healing is awesome for a someone with anatomy, high dex, and not alot of int. You can heal a lot of damage quickly.

8. Spellbooks with mods do not have any effect unless equipped into your hands. Merely being in your backpack inventory won't do anything.

Maybe some other people can fill in what I missed.



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
1. Definitely, with bronze, gold and aggy runics only, gm armslore, plus ml receipes, I have crafted weapons way better than the soulseeker, and armour that's better as well.

2. My warrior does fine without resists in pvm. Mana drain still sucks, coz you need to leech back mana quickly to continue chaining specials but most others you can counter with dart trap box and apples.

3. You make a normal crate or box with a carpenter. But make a dart trap using a tinker. Trap strength depends on tinkering skill, so don't use your gm tinker or you will be in a world of hurt. You want to use the crappiest tinker (best at minimum skill required). Offhand, I can't remember the min skill required for a dart trap, but you can check from the tinkering gump.

4. Not all spots in inns/taverns insta logout. So you have to find out by trial and error. Rule of thumb is, if there are bedrooms, go into them. Or sit on the stools and and benches in taverns. Also, if you were in battle, there is a 5 min delay before you can insta log.

5. Even without stats scrolls, you can get 125 str, 90 int and 10 dex. If you need dex, you need to reduce int and pump dex up. Elves get 20 extra mana. Humans get extra carrying capacity.

6. Tailoring - runic leather armour, ML receipes and ML craftable arties
Tinkering - Magic jewelry, ML receipes, ML craftable arties (pendant of magi), high level traps, mid level - shovels if you are a miner as well.
Carpentry - Most add-ons like anvils/forges/looms etc are made with carpentry. Same with furnishings. Plus ML craftable arties, ML receipes and runic weapons/armour.
Not to mention repairing your equipment. All the crafting skills are quite useful. Saves you a ton of gold to buy equipment from other players. Use that gold to buy stuff you can't make, or those that are better than what you can make.

7. Some people like to devote mana for offensive attacks, like special moves, lightning strikes, EoO etc. Healing is not mana dependant. Spirit speak doesn't use mana if there are corpses around, plus, it complements necro well (esp sampire/wampire templates where you already need necro)

8. You only get the SDI bonus from the book you equip in your hand. Any other books in your backpack do not count. So using an SC weapon means you don't get the extra SDI from the spellbooks either.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Coming back to UO, many questions have dawned upon me. I thought I would just get to the point and ask them point blank..

1. I have one melee character who wares plate. He is a Paladin with Soul Seeker, Shield of Invulnerability, and the Virtue Armor set. On my Blacksmith mule, would I ever be able to craft anything better than that?

2. I need the final word on Resist Spells. I play PvM only, no PvP. Do I need it at all?

3. Bouncing off question #2 above, I also have a Tinker who can make trap boxes when one of my characters gets paralized??? Will any type do? Will a dart trap work? I dont see the option to create a "trapped box"

4. It seems that logging out at an inn or your house can still sometimes be a crapshoot as far as switching characters without getting the dreaded "Another character from this world is currently logged in" etc). Is there some trick to this? Do I need to log out closer to a bed? Or is logging out at my house preferred?

5. On my mule, I often struggle with picking Magery or Chiv + one Melee skill. The key here is, I want to be able to somewhat defend myself and teleport. It seems that most mules need high Strength. But at the same time the better choice seems to be Magery because it is only one skill and you have lots of tricks to get away if needed from ore elementals, etc. So my question is, does anyone out there have a mule that can carry a ton yet also be a mage with like 50 mana or so? Enough to get off a couple spells?

6. Are their currently any crafting professions that just aren't worth it these days? How is tailoring? What good is Tinkering for in later levels? Is Carpentry worth it later on to make nice decorations?

7. It does not seem like mana is ever an issue for me. Why do people suggest the skill "Healing" when if you have Chivalry you can easily heal yourself or Sprit Speak for a Necro or healing spells for a Mage?

8. If you have a spellbook lets say for example with +10 damage do you still get that bonus with a spell channeling weapon in your hand? If you so, what happens if you have two spellbooks in your inventory? Which one takes preference?

Thanks in advance!
1. You can make armor better than the virture set as man made armor can have other attributes that the virture armor does not have. most Pvper don't use the virture armor because of wanting these other properties. hit chance increase etc.

2. Some say you don't need magic resist on a PVM character but it is nesscesary on a PvP character. however I have gm resist on my archer and it is coming in handy when going to Maginica to collect threads. So it depends on what you intend to do with you character.

3. As for tinkered trapped boxes, a gm made explosive box will kill you. So you will want to make them with a low level tinker for breaking spells.(if you don't invest in Magic resist). I don't make trapped boxes so, i am unsure where in the tinkering menu you will find them but I believe they are under containers.

4. Logging out in an Inn or in your house should allow to switch characters rapidly UNLESS you were recently in combat then you are stuck with the 5 minute combat timer.

5. The clue here for a mule is the +25 stat scroll. use most of it on str and you have a mule that can carry a lot also having a blue beetle helps. also not overloading your mule with crafting skills keeping it to one or two allows you to build some warriors skills too. Balancing skills/stats is an art in its self. it takes a lot of fiddling.

6. crafting skills, so far I find carpentry tedious in that really all you can make is some really pretty containers and some chairs and tables. so unless you make these containers for sale, once you have decorated your house, what is left to do with it. Now with tinkering you can make all the tools for other professions. Blacksmithing used to be fun untill you had to have runic hammers to make anything good.

7. The bad thing about chivalry is you nearly die when you try to rez your dead buddy and you can be interrpted when trying to heal yourself. with high healing you can't be interrupted and you can't be killed while you are vunerable.

8. You MUST equip your spellbook to get any spellbook modifers to work.

I hope this is helpful


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Excellent, excellent information people.

Everything looks good to level up, however, I may not spend time leveling up Carpentry. I think I will just keep it "on ice" until Imbuing comes into play.

Old Man of UO


4. The "trick" is that if you were in combat in the last 5 minutes, you need to wait to timeout. Even just running by a monster that took a swipe at you will activate the timer and you'll need to wait. You don't need to be closer to the bed; and the Inn or your House are the same.

Pretty sure it's a 2 minute timer. The 5 minute timer is for logging out outside of an Inn or your home.


Weighing in late here, but healing is REALLY good to have on a Paladin ... 85 at least so one can have a shot at bandage rezzes of others.

I would only use Noble Sacrifice when no major mobs were around and several ghosts needed rezzing rapidly. Example would be First Aid station in Magincia when those invasions were going on.

Then I'd let loose a couple Close Wounds on myself to get back some HP as I bandaged the newly rezzed to full HP. With high Compassion I was rezzing at 80% health on all involved. Once all healed up I slapped a bandage on myszelf to finish any HP restore I needed.

Do a quick run thru simple baddies with Soul Seeker to get mana leeched back if the armor didn't have it refreshed by then. Then back thru the heal/rez circuit!

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Pretty sure it's a 2 minute timer. The 5 minute timer is for logging out outside of an Inn or your home.
I swear there is some kind of punishment for trying to log in before the timer is up, like it resetting the timer, I've spent a lot more than 2 mins waiting for a swipe from an ice snake outside my home to wear off.

Sometimes if you toggle war mode and hide you can break the timer but its random in its success.

Old Man of UO

I swear there is some kind of punishment for trying to log in before the timer is up, like it resetting the timer, I've spent a lot more than 2 mins waiting for a swipe from an ice snake outside my home to wear off.

Sometimes if you toggle war mode and hide you can break the timer but its random in its success.
Nope... no penalty and no way around the two minute timer. I've done it many times, but if you are in a hurry (like your body is decaying) it sure seems like there's a penalty period! :D

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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I *think* I'm right in saying if you stay in game the combat timer will wear off in 2 minutes, but if you log out flagged you will have to wait 5 minutes before you can log another char in.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I *think* I'm right in saying if you stay in game the combat timer will wear off in 2 minutes, but if you log out flagged you will have to wait 5 minutes before you can log another char in.
interesting observations. What I do and always works is 1) try to log out at home onto another char after getting hit by a monster 2) getting the dreaded "you need to wait" message, 3) log back in and out immediately with your first character, then 4) freely log into your new character. This, I timed it, I can do well under 2 minutes and always lets me play on. Maybe it is just an illusion and I am just spending my 2 minutes logging in and out, but try it... it may work for your OCD also :)

Old Man of UO

I *think* I'm right in saying if you stay in game the combat timer will wear off in 2 minutes, but if you log out flagged you will have to wait 5 minutes before you can log another char in.
Yes, that's right. I wasn't very clear.

interesting observations. What I do and always works is 1) try to log out at home onto another char after getting hit by a monster 2) getting the dreaded "you need to wait" message, 3) log back in and out immediately with your first character, then 4) freely log into your new character. This, I timed it, I can do well under 2 minutes and always lets me play on. Maybe it is just an illusion and I am just spending my 2 minutes logging in and out, but try it... it may work for your OCD also :)
I've tried this a couple times when I read about it before, and timed it even, and it doesn't work (at least for me). I have to wait the full two minutes in my house.

KR BBE mod has a timer function, so pretty sure you have to wait the full two minutes if you log back in, or the full five minutes if you log out flagged like Petra said.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmm... I've been hit multiple times by random gargoyles outside my castle and I never had to deal with the timer, only if I auto defended would I have to wait. Hmmmm Odd.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was mistaken as well. Petra and Old Man are right about the 2 min timer.

The 5 min timer is for your char to timeout and isn't actually insta-logging. So you can be at the bank/dungeon/house, as long as you are not eligible for insta-logging, but logout/disconnect your client anyway, you char will stand at that spot for the next 5 mins before the server automatically logs you off.

To insta-log, you must satisfy a couple of requirements:

1) Must be in a location where you can insta-log (inn/tavern/house)

2) Must not have done damage to any mob for the past 2 mins

Konge is also correct, if you were aggro'd and damaged, you are still eligible for insta-log - as long as your auto-defending did not hit/damage the aggressor.

Also, I have noticed that if a mob attacks your pets, you are still eligible to insta log. Doesn't seem to matter if your pet did any return damage or even killed the mob via autodefend. However, if you issued an "all kill" command (and maybe "all guard" as well), you will be subjected to the 2 min timer.

Old Man of UO

Also, I have noticed that if a mob attacks your pets, you are still eligible to insta log. Doesn't seem to matter if your pet did any return damage or even killed the mob via autodefend. However, if you issued an "all kill" command (and maybe "all guard" as well), you will be subjected to the 2 min timer.
I don't think the part about the "All Kill" is correct. There have been times when I needed to "rescue" one of my characters. I logged onto my tamer and killed the offending beast, recalled for instant log-out. As long as the tamer doesn't do any direct damage, there is no battle flag, and I did not have to wait the two minutes.

It has been a few months since I needed to do this, so something may have changed. I'll try later to verify this.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think where people get stuck with the 5 minute timer is when they try to insta log from their house while they have that 2 minute flag. If you don't log back in to the char that has the flag, he/she will remain for a full 5 minutes from you first logging out because the insta log wasn't succesful.

The key is, to log back into that char and instalog when the 2 minute timer has run out.


UO Forum Moderator
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Excellent, excellent information people.

Everything looks good to level up, however, I may not spend time leveling up Carpentry. I think I will just keep it "on ice" until Imbuing comes into play.
Something the others forgot.

Stygian Abyss will have weapons and armor made of stone, and Masonry/stoneworking is a carpentry specialty that requires having GM Carpentry, to learn. So it might be in your interest to go ahead and max it.

BTW, there are means to train carpentry and other crafting skills to minimize simply throwing stuff away. Check the UO Craftsman forum for the FAQs for each skill, and some suggested training regimens.