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Anyone found a way to kill Greater Dragons fast ?


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Has anyone found a fast and efficient way to kill Greater Dragons ?

I have tried a few ways including with a well trained up Cu-Sidhe but it still seems a lengthy process.

I am in need to force respawn to find a good one for taming purposes but I do not have unlimited time for that.......

Anyone knows how to kill them fastly ?



Well using a GD yourself would be faster and much safer than a Cu to kill other GDs.It will still take a while tho.. Best bet is probably an ABC archer with a uber dragon/reptile slayer bow with SSI and high DI,but its always a 50/50 gamble of dying horribly if GD decide to combo too much on wrong time no matter how you put it.If you are a mage tamer i would simply use GD and a reptile/dragon slayer spellbook,send GD and unload spells while throwing a heal here and there on your own GD to keep it at acceptable health levels.I have not tried with a peace/disco mage spaming evs but would probably still take AGES,maybe a disco/peace bard with a GD would rip them to bits in no time but its a kinda complicated template and not really cheap to assemble(and you have no means to heal pet either).

But to keep it simple just use your own GD and suport him with a dragon slayer of your choice(book,wep or whatver you use normally) ..
my 2 cents


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Disco it then set 2 reasonably trained kitsune on it. If you're good at vetting then you can get by without the disco, but that's how I prefer to kill them.



Disco, peace, 5 frenzied...

For even faster results, and safer for the health of the frenzied, try going with a friend who has a GD.

Disco, peace, Greater on first, then 5 frenzied.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anyone found a fast and efficient way to kill Greater Dragons ?

I have tried a few ways including with a well trained up Cu-Sidhe but it still seems a lengthy process.

I am in need to force respawn to find a good one for taming purposes but I do not have unlimited time for that.......

Anyone knows how to kill them fastly ?


For farming, Sampire with dragon slayer weapon. Evasion, EoO, consecrate weapon. Joust when evasion runs out.

For taming purposes, discord + peace tamer. Honor or peace tame the first gd you see. Use it to kill others while you discord until you get a good one.

Then use it to lure the good one to a corner and let it kill your temp pet. Honor/peace tame this one.

This is good if you solo.

Also you can scout with a stealth herder with animal lore and herd it to a quiet corner, then come back with your tamer. Not as good as discord tamer though.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
For farming, Sampire with dragon slayer weapon. Evasion, EoO, consecrate weapon. Joust when evasion runs out.

For taming purposes, discord + peace tamer. Honor or peace tame the first gd you see. Use it to kill others while you discord until you get a good one.

Then use it to lure the good one to a corner and let it kill your temp pet. Honor/peace tame this one.

This is good if you solo.

Also you can scout with a stealth herder with animal lore and herd it to a quiet corner, then come back with your tamer. Not as good as discord tamer though.
That is an excellent idea tyvm


.I have not tried with a peace/disco mage spaming evs but would probably still take AGES,maybe a disco/peace bard with a GD would rip them to bits in no time but its a kinda complicated template and not really cheap to assemble(and you have no means to heal pet either).
My peace/disco tamer rocks them GD`s...among other things! :D

While I have no med or eval,it is not missed. IMHO in the PVM world there is no need to spam EV`s when you control a GD or another hi end beast.The only long fight from a GD is if a Paragon GD spawns,than it will take a few minutes.

120 Tame
120 Lore
100 Vet
100 Mage
120 Music
120 Peace
120 Disco

Yes,theres 800 skill points there,but there is also alot of items that will get you this. IMO,nothing will drop a GD faster than having it discoed while your own GD chews em to peices.


Love your sig... I can assure you ONE of the members is flattered... Especially since he wrote the song... ;)
Thanks. I've got a lot of respect for the band. Not just because I like their music, but for all of the humanitarian efforts they've been a part of. I was at the concert in Sacramento back in the 80's when they made the price of admission 2 cans of food, which were then donated to help feed the homeless. My friends and I brought 24 cases of food ourselves, collected from the neighborhoods we each lived in.


I empty out the room in Wind, then drag them around the corner and call guards. It's not as quick as a template for killing them, but you don't need to use two templates and to time out inbetween.

Alternatively poison fields - temporarily blocks their healing (when their low and cast it on themselfs) and means they spend time casting dispel field - and hitting their lowest resist, usually either cold (mindblast) or if you have a slayer book energy (energy bolt/lightning).

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I use an ACT with a Cu and my fastest firing slayer to keep its spell casting down. As with most fatties the mortal wound is big help from a weapon if speed is not there. From the earliest days just getting them to half life is half the battle. Then its all down hill. ACT (archer/chiv/tamer). As few memntioned nothing beats teamwork and two templates that compliment each other. Something that has been reduced to the husband wife combo teams.


Lore Master
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Easiest way I found is Disco + Cu. They drop in about 30 seconds. Now that is a tamed one ... not sure about wild.


Seasoned Veteran
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Get a tamer with 860 skill points, taming can only be 90 real... then you go to loc 8.234 E and 16.435 N, stand there, teleport in between two rocks, target the dragon, invis, let it target the NPC behind the wall, don't worry, it wont kill it, then beat it down in the usual fashion using disco, EV's and firebolts (use corpseskin to make it go faster, for which you will need SS and necro) and then you either tame it or trash it. Take the gold and make a milion while doing it. In other words abuse every game mechanic known to man and it is as easy as pie.

/sarcasm off

Popps, it is just so funny to read your righteous posts about skill points and such one day, and then this request for a work-around the next day. I can't wait for your post requesting the greater dragons to be "real" greater dragons with "real" dangers... After you get your pimped out GD yourself of course...

Other than that observation, the wind solution works great, it may just take a while to get a nice one. I personally like to run around Ilshenar, invissing left and right until I see a nice one that will next take me 3 hrs to tame with the help of some friends. That is because i apparently still suck at what I do even though my gimped templates should have made it all so easy...


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Personally I find taming GD's to be a good excuse to get all the friends together and go to either Illsh or Fire temple or to Destard... and play tame the dragon... using old fashioned skill.... none of that cheap Honor for me.... nope.... walk right up to that bad boy and say..... Won't you be my friend?

If you have a good group of friends you won't die too many times... Of course another fun thing is to make it a challenge..... who can tame it.... 2 man teams one taming one healing and invising... and see who gets the tame...


Disco Bard in leet armour (i use sorcerer's) with 120 magery and a -0 weapon.

Not the highest dps, but I can get four or six fighting each other... other templates can take down one faster, but I can take out more over time.

Llams Anit

Popps, it is just so funny to read your righteous posts about skill points and such one day, and then this request for a work-around the next day. I can't wait for your post requesting the greater dragons to be "real" greater dragons with "real" dangers... After you get your pimped out GD yourself of course...




For farming, Sampire with dragon slayer weapon. Evasion, EoO, consecrate weapon. Joust when evasion runs out.
Woah, really? I've found sampires (and any melee) to do really poorly against firebreathing creatures. If the GD hits you with firebreath + claws while evasion isn't up, it's pretty much game over. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I'm not sure how you'd do it any different than I have. Reptalons kill my sampire too, FWIW, and they're easier than GDs.

ABC Archers do ok, but you can definitely take a dirtnap if you're not careful. Best result I've had is with a disco/tamer & a fully-trained GD. It's not "fast" really relative to the loot they drop...usually around a minute and change per...but it's safe at least.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
3 Minutes with my Mage/Spellweaver, using a reptile slayer spellbook and spamming E-Bolts.


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Popps, it is just so funny to read your righteous posts about skill points and such one day, and then this request for a work-around the next day. I can't wait for your post requesting the greater dragons to be "real" greater dragons with "real" dangers... After you get your pimped out GD yourself of course...

I am amazed, no, a-s-t-o-n-i-s-h-e-d.......

I remain speechless.

One sadness, though, I am concerned about my abilities to express myself because, apparently, I seem to have a real hard time making myself, and what my opinions about the game are, understood.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know this sounds crazy but I just timed myself in Destard and I took one down in 39.5 sec. hehe

My build is a Sampire Swordsman with a dragon slayer Ornate axe.

I used EoO and honor too. I did about 118 to 134 dmg per swing not counting crits.


Llams Anit

I am amazed, no, a-s-t-o-n-i-s-h-e-d.......

I remain speechless.

One sadness, though, I am concerned about my abilities to express myself because, apparently, I seem to have a real hard time making myself, and what my opinions about the game are, understood.
I understand you perfectly
You want a bonus because you worked 6 skills to 120

Yet you with your 6x120 skills have no idea to do things

Are you not the same person who complained that you could not heal your pet fast enough when the shrines had all those red mobs at them?

Are you not the same person who complained that at the first Moonglow (those wisp things) event not these shadow lord things the Moonglow event before them that even though you were hidden that you should stay hidden while looting a corpse?

Are you not the same person who ( INSERT YOUR COMPLAINT HERE )

So now you don't have the time to force the spawn but you have time to 120 6 skills and you want a bonus for that but can't see the fact that some people do not have the time to 120 their skills they want to play the game.

To answer your original post get some friends to help you if you can not do it yourself

Tina Small

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Popps, when I make a new tamer on a different shard that I've never played before, the first GD I tame is usually pretty crummy. I tame it by myself using peacemaking and honor. Then I throw it in the stable for a week to let it bond. After it's bonded, I go back to Destard and kill greater dragons for as long as it takes to have a decent one or two spawn and then attempt to tame those and hope it works. I just keep repeating that cycle over the space of several months until I get one or two that I like fairly well. The GDs that have bonded get some excellent training killing other GDs and my tamer also has a chance to get some honor gains killing them while searching for a good one. I know it's probably not the quickest way to get it done, but I enjoy the process and that's what matters to me.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Popps, it is just so funny to read your righteous posts about skill points and such one day, and then this request for a work-around the next day. I can't wait for your post requesting the greater dragons to be "real" greater dragons with "real" dangers... After you get your pimped out GD yourself of course...

I am amazed, no, a-s-t-o-n-i-s-h-e-d.......

I remain speechless.

One sadness, though, I am concerned about my abilities to express myself because, apparently, I seem to have a real hard time making myself, and what my opinions about the game are, understood.
Well Popps, I actually understand your posts just fine. And frankly, some of your posts contain thoughtful ideas about the game. I think what i am addressing is the notion that you have been complaining about a lot of game mechanics because they may not be suitable for your particular view of how you would like to play the game, while using or asking about commonly known flaws of the game that irritate most others in UO to suit your goals. The commonality in the threads is, quite frankly, a fairly egocentric approach to a MMORPG, yet you righteously suggest to have the best interest of the game in mind when making some of your posts. I guess one way to be less amazed, astonished and speechless about some of the negative feedback you have received, is to introspectively review your previous posts and try and understand the reasons people are passionately replying to your remarks. For starters, with direct reference to one of the recent threads, it is quite selfish to want a reward for one particular choice one can make in the game that favors your game style, i.e. 120 real skill points vs skill points obtained with items. Yet at the same time, referring to this threat, you search for help bypassing something that others would argue is a valuable reward for hard work themselves, i.e. finding that one elusive perfect greater dragon. Arguing issues from your own narrow perspective only leads to frustration with the people with whom you are trying to have an online "conversation". However, i want you to know that I hold no grudges, and i actually gave you the best work around for greater dragons that I know in my previous post. I just made an observation, because I am ultimately just as passionate about this game as you appear to be. By the way, that SA client rocks! Try it!


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
For farming, Sampire with dragon slayer weapon. Evasion, EoO, consecrate weapon. Joust when evasion runs out.
Woah, really? I've found sampires (and any melee) to do really poorly against firebreathing creatures. If the GD hits you with firebreath + claws while evasion isn't up, it's pretty much game over. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I'm not sure how you'd do it any different than I have. Reptalons kill my sampire too, FWIW, and they're easier than GDs.
You aren't still standing toe to toe against the GD when evasion is down are you?

If so, when evasion runs out, you have to rely on a lost skill that warriors have perfected way before bushido was discovered and before swing speeds were affected by dex.

A skill called...jousting.

Also known as quickly-charge-past-and-let-your-char-take-a-swing-at-the-mob-then-run-out-of-range-and-heal-yourself-if-injured-then-repeat-till-you-win.

Or in the case of the sammy, joust when evasion runs out. Once evasion cooldown has completed and you can fire off evasion again, you can close in. Or you can joust the entire way, esp if your swing speed is slower than the mob.

eg mob swings once every 1 sec, you carry a hally and swing once every 2 sec. If you go toe to toe, every 2 secs, the mob will hit you twice for that 1 time you hit it. If you time your jousts at 2 secs, the mob gets a chance to swing only when you also make your swing. Even trade. No reason to stand there and let him take extra swings at you while you wait for your own char to swing.


I do move around, although it's quite possible I'm underestimating the crucialness of doing so (and therefore doin it rong). I do this on my ABC Archer all the time, of course...well, more like kiting, really.

Actually, now that I think about it, the last time I tried to do reptalons on my sampire (they got in my way when I was miasma fighting), I kited them all the way back to the labyrinth entrance. I didn't die, but it was definitely close a few times. I seem to remember the issue being at least in part one of the huge stamina drains when I took big hits. It's been a while though since I've done it, so I'll concede that my memory could be cloudy. ;)

Anyway, it's really easy on my tamer. Lol. My sampire does destroy miasmas at a ridiculous pace, though, and they give better loot than GDs anyway.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Just to clarify, I meant jousting as in running like a little girl out of the mob's range if it happens to have ranged attacks :D

Then turning around and charging back in again and don't stop running until you are out of the mob's range.

Kiting is more of moving a couple of tiles, then waiting for the mob to walk into your range. Works well for archers, because you can move out of range again after you fire off a shot. But less so for melee'rs, since they will be vulnerable to the mob's ranged attacks. Hence, the tactic of actively darting in and out far enough to further reduce time you are exposed to attacks. You can still get combo'd though, but less often.

But due to the traps that spawns mobs in Labyrinthe, not very good tactic there. I use a stealth mage to ev miasma :D


Always Present
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I understand you perfectly

Hmmm.... there's a bit too many "yous" in that post, IMHO.

Meaning, that at least from what I seem to understand, there's a (wrong) feeling that I may want changes to the game for personal advantage.

This is what I dispute.

The reason for me advocating sound and usefull bonuses for real skills is regardless whether I may or not be using +skill items instead.
It is simply because I see it as proper.

What I lament is the fact that behind my words may be felt, sometimes, a personal Agenda to better me with the changes when this is not.

If there was a change that I would see good for the game, overall, I would speak out for it, even if it harmed my gameplay or style.

And even if I was not playing the game, therefore I could not better myself with any change, I would just the same speak out about the same issues because I feel them as a good thing for the game.

Might agree or disagree, it is a matter of opinions, afterall.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Yet at the same time, referring to this threat, you search for help bypassing something that others would argue is a valuable reward for hard work themselves, i.e. finding that one elusive perfect greater dragon.

Well, just a note here.

I never asked for a "work around", I merely asked for an efficient and fast way to kill Greater Dragons not having endless time at hand to play a computer game when life and family has its priorities over leisure time.....

That is, I asked fellow players what their experience was, since there may be many ways to hunt and kill a Greater Dragon, what to their opinion was the most efficient way to kill one.

Most efficient does not necessarily mean how to kill one in 3 seconds.....

And in regards to the thread about valueing real skill, I do not see how using a template that makes use of +skill items to kill fastly a Greater Dragon may conflict with that proposal.

On the contrary, should a +skill items template be more efficient of a real skill template in killing Greater Dragon this, the way I see it, would show right on spot why the need to prize real skill points over +skill items points.......