Does anyone remember the original bank locations?
...I'd forgotten that at one time we could place the guild stones in the boats! Heck, I bet a lot of people forgot (or never knew) that at one time you had to use a guild stone to access your guild options! I wish the existing stones would at least open the guild menu when you click on them, just for old time's sake. Yeah, I know ... there's an easy li'l button in the paper doll (I have a Ctrl-G Macro).Publish of 2/12/1998
An in-game guild system...
- Deeds ... place the stone.
- You must be in a house or a boat.
- ...
- A guildstone will appear where you were standing.
WOW - Wonderfull peice of nostalgia. Honors and praises for that tidbit.I think this is what you are looking for:
Publish of 2/12/1998
-Banks will become available in Jhelom, Skara Brae, Minoc.
So originally there were no banks in those towns. And as Dermott said, a bank was later on added in Cove too.
Also, for Brit, there was only 1 bank initially - west britain bank. No bank in east britain.The original banks were in Britian, Trinsic, and Vesper. All the others were added later. This is why PK activity was heavy around these cities since they were the only place to deposit.
Couple that fact with having to use keys in your home in the early years and you can see why thieves used to be alot more popular.The original banks were in Britian, Trinsic, and Vesper. All the others were added later. This is why PK activity was heavy around these cities since they were the only place to deposit.
The Skara Brae "bank" was the Bee Keeper I believe.So what were all the buildings in towns like Skara and Minoc before they became banks?