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There's a Summer Sales promotion on Japan's UOStore. New items!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

1) New items -
  • 2 types of ladybird lamps
  • 2 types of small 1-tile rugs (each token gives a set of 5, comes in it's own "named" backpack)
  • 13 types of new hair dyes
  • New BOD cover colours

2) EVERY 1000 yen spent nets you 1 free gift, so 4000 yen nets you 4 free gifts. However, purchases of gametime codes don't count. 3 types of gifts (randomly determined) -
  • New hair dye - 1 randomly chosen colour (out of 13)
  • BOD book covers - 1 randomly chosen colour (out of 12)
  • Original 50 charge TOT1 Neon Dyes - 3 selectable colours (out of 19)
Codes for the free gifts will be emailed to you separately.


Before anyone cries foul on this being restricted to the Japanese players, I figured out that it's actually open to anyone with a UO account and how we can buy stuff from the JP UOStore. Have gotten the codes for my purchases immediately after clicking the confirm button. Claimed the tokens in-game without problems.

Pics of the Ladybird Lamps:

Pics of 1 of the 2 types of rugs (the one with a bit of red in the centre):

I'm just waiting for them to email me the codes for the free gifts (probably needs to wait for someone to go to the office on Monday). Once I get the codes for the gifts (to ensure I didn't misinterpret the free gifts part or in case they can't charge to a non-locally issued CC), I'll make a comprehensive post on how to do this.

Edit: Guide is up - http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=150333
Use a translator to read the agreement and make sure you are not signing away your first born. And note that you do this at your own risk :D

I made a typo in my email addy and didn't get the first batch of codes. Second purchase with the right addy received an email with the gift codes immediately.

When you claim the gift code you received in the email, you will get a randomly determined token for 1 of the 3 types of gifts offered. Could be the hairdye, could be the BOD cover (I confirm I only got 1 BOD cover from 1 token), could be the ToT1 neon dyes.

I claimed a BOD cover token and got only 1 cover, but the colour is new (I got wyrm white). So when they say "BOD cover 2" it means a second round of new BOD colours, not 2 BOD covers...whoops.

Haven't tried the rest. If anyone has, let me know!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would be very grateful for this. On Siege, the *only* way to obtain these is through buying them, which I heard is difficult to do. Apparently you have "the way of it"


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would be really damn nice if this stuff would make it to the other stores as well... for once...

All it is right now though is incredibly f***ing annoying and nowhere near fair. This is the third or fourth special offer like this for them in the time we've gotten.. 0-1 special offers.


Thanks for putting up a guide, Harlequin! I don't care about the bugs but might buy a rug or two.

I really dont understand why the "other" UO doesn't do these kinds of promos for us.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you very much, Harlequin!

I would like to get something of all those new things....the ladybug lamps are adorable, I see some new blue hair colors, and *blue* rugs!

I sure wouldn't mind finally having some of the original ToT dyes, either! :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would be really damn nice if this stuff would make it to the other stores as well... for once...

All it is right now though is incredibly f***ing annoying and nowhere near fair. This is the third or fourth special offer like this for them in the time we've gotten.. 0-1 special offers.
Probably a nightmare to co-ordinate offers from different marketing teams globally. It took like 6 months(?) to get "the other store" to start selling them.

I'm guessing the ladybird lamp thingies are inspired by firefly watching during the Japanese Summer. By the time they have gotten it together globally, chances are, it might not be summer anymore :p


So how much does this all cost?

Because if it's 735 Yen for just one ladybug lamp, that's kinda expensive (at least in my opinion - that's 5.49 Euros!).



Few Questions...

It looks like there are new bod book colors? is that me or a graphics glitch?

Can you ball park the prices?


PS the ladybugs are already in the game as lights in Heartwood.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Probably a nightmare to co-ordinate offers from different marketing teams globally. It took like 6 months(?) to get "the other store" to start selling them.

I'm guessing the ladybird lamp thingies are inspired by firefly watching during the Japanese Summer. By the time they have gotten it together globally, chances are, it might not be summer anymore :p
To hell with coordinating.. they need to just "coincidentally" start offering the same items at the same time. Its getting f***ing old to have this happen every time.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

Few Questions...

It looks like there are new bod book colors? is that me or a graphics glitch?

Can you ball park the prices?


PS the ladybugs are already in the game as lights in Heartwood.
I use http://www.xe.com to covert the currency (I'm lazy, it's the first one that shows up whenever I google currency converter).

735 yen would be 5.44 euros or 7.76 USD.

Currency rates fluctuate daily though, so if you wait for the Japanese yen to fall a bit, it'll be cheaper (btw, it also depends on which daily rate your CC company uses)...


To hell with coordinating.. they need to just "coincidentally" start offering the same items at the same time. Its getting f***ing old to have this happen every time.
Calm down, Crysta... your broken record approach is getting old. It's almost as bad as when you cried foul for not getting into the first phase of beta for SA.

It's ok... breathe and count to 10. It will be all right, pinky swear. Maybe it is because I've grown indifferent to UO and don't play like I used to, but this promotion doesn't bother me really.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
To hell with coordinating.. they need to just "coincidentally" start offering the same items at the same time. Its getting f***ing old to have this happen every time.
OH I agree 100,000%....... totally ticks me off... One would think being in the good ole US of A where the game originated and where the main "dev" team is supposed to be we'd get crap like this first..... but NO..... year after year we get spat on while on the Japanese shards they have a consistent supply of new and awesome things..... Cow, Robes, 11th year collection.... just to name a few ..... how about availability of the 50 charge 1st year tokuno dyes...... *scowls*.... this is really beginning to seriously tick me off.... year after year the Japanese shards get tons of "free stuff"..... as well... things we don't get.... slimes... which could dye FABRIC...... not just one lousy item.... and not restricted to working ONLY on stuff that is limited to what you can dye with Tokuno dyes..... no..... fabric you can save and use years later.....

Pardon me while I rant..... as I'm now more ticked off than ever...

Dev's better do something about this... And this had darn well better be offered on UOGameCodes...... And it best not take them 18 months to get it there....

*grummbles loudly mummbling something about BS and PoppyC**K...*


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To hell with coordinating.. they need to just "coincidentally" start offering the same items at the same time. Its getting f***ing old to have this happen every time.
While it'll be good if they can better co-ordinate this, I'm happy that there's a way it can now be made available to us, neh?

Many online stores have different monthly offers for branches in different countries. Eg Amazon UK and Amazon US.

If Amazon US don't have a certain item for sale, we can always get it from Amazon UK. While Amazon as a company still earns our money, let the regional manager explain to the board why their sales figures are so much lower than their counterpart's. Perhaps that would work better than us complaining.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You never know. This mite be just the encouragement they need to give us our 11th year Anniversary gifts......oh wait wouldn't that now be 12th year........:coco:


I take it would be a good idea to upgrade accounts to access the SA dungeon through the Japanese UO shop then? x


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
While it'll be good if they can better co-ordinate this, I'm happy that there's a way it can now be made available to us, neh?

Many online stores have different monthly offers for branches in different countries. Eg Amazon UK and Amazon US.

If Amazon US don't have a certain item for sale, we can always get it from Amazon UK. While Amazon as a company still earns our money, let the regional manager explain to the board why their sales figures are so much lower than their counterpart's. Perhaps that would work better than us complaining.

That's just it..... You would think after all the stink about stuff the EM's give out PIE anyone..... that they would eventually learn that what you give to one you best give to another...

I don't read japanese... I can't understand a thing on that website .... What I do understand is that yet again the rest of the communities including Europa are once again slighted....

I told them before that this preferential BS needs to end.... if they get something then by Gods we best have it available at UOGameCodes.

I don't want to send my money to Japan... I want my Money to go to EA US.. and go towards keeping UO going .... HERE where "I" play.... where I pay for all of my 8+ accounts regularly every stinking month unlike others who pay for one account and then pay once every 3 months for their other house holding accounts...

And I think that anything that is offered on ANY shard should be offered ON EVERY shard... I am tired of the BS.

The ONLY Shards that should be different at ALL are Origin, Siege and Mugen... For obvious reasons...

Yes I'm mad.... and Yes you can bet I sent them a feedback about it and told them EXACTLY how I feel about it.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
might be a case of UOJapan jumping the gun.... it's happened before

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you hadn't noticed, UO actually has a market presence in Japan and other asian countries. Even, dare I say it, a shelf presence - something which it hasn't had in the US since ML.

EA marketing has not only dropped the ball on UO, its kicked it under the refridgerator to rot. SA won't even half a shelf presence, and be digital distribution only.

And we wonder why UO subs are in the toilet compared to other MMOs (aside from the '97 graphics (which are really '91 graphics..), and 12yo bugs). And before someone blathers that there over 100K subs, yay UO.. thats PEANUTS compared to trash like WoW, LoTRO, etc.

As for the continued release of cool items on the asian shards, thats two fold... They have more subs, and they do very little actual development. Coding this probably took less than a week (it really should only take about 5 mins to plug the item IDs into the well used token code). The fact they also get a bevy of free ingame items from their EM/GM program is because they probably don't act like complete babies at events and demand items every 5 seconds like us idiot Americans do (seriously people, STOP ASKING THE EM'S FOR STUFF! BE FRACKING HAPPY WE EVEN HAVE EMS!)

Should these promotions be worldwide? Hell yes. Well we have to wait 9 months to get this crap? Probably. We're still waiting on 11th year vet rewards as we move into the 13th year soon....:coco:


Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You never know. This mite be just the encouragement they need to give us our 11th year Anniversary gifts......oh wait wouldn't that now be 12th year........:coco:
Actually both years were waiting for. the 11th anniversary collection is not our gifts.

Lore Master


1) New items -

  • 2 types of ladybird lamps

  • 2 types of small 1-tile rugs (each token gives a set of 5, comes in it's own "named" backpack)

  • 13 types of new hair dyes

2) EVERY 1000 yen spent nets you 1 free gift, so 4000 yen nets you 4 free gifts. However, purchases of gametime codes don't count. 3 types of gifts to select from -

  • New hair dye - 1 randomly chosen colour (out of 13)

  • BOD book covers - 2 randomly chosen colours (out of 12)

  • Original 50 charge TOT1 Neon Dyes - 3 selectable colours (out of 19)

Codes for the free gifts will be emailed to you separately.


Before anyone cries foul on this being restricted to the Japanese players, I figured out that it's actually open to anyone with a UO account and how we can buy stuff from the JP UOStore. Have gotten the codes for my purchases immediately after clicking the confirm button. Claimed the tokens in-game without problems.

Pics of the Ladybird Lamps:

Pics of 1 of the 2 types of rugs (the one with a bit of red in the centre):

I'm just waiting for them to email me the codes for the free gifts (probably needs to wait for someone to go to the office on Monday). Once I get the codes for the gifts (to ensure I didn't misinterpret the free gifts part or in case they can't charge to a non-locally issued CC), I'll make a comprehensive post on how to do this.
I hope these items are available to the non Japanese shards too eventually I think all Items should be available to all shards at the same time.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I take it would be a good idea to upgrade accounts to access the SA dungeon through the Japanese UO shop then? x
Yes, but you would need to have a valid address and contact number originated in Japan to create a account in order to purchase from that site.

If you got friends in Japan, you will be fine (but you gotta give them your account info/password). I know a girl there and she did it for me (you need their credit card)... The price stand point for Jgamecode and our gamecode site are very similar. But they ALWAYS have some kind of promotion going on which in the end makes ordering in bulk/or upgrading multiple accounts very "rewarding".


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'll admit this is getting a bit old. It shouldn't matter if the UK/US doesn't have the same size audience, it's an online shop. They're not going to lose out on production cost if no one buys it off a website. It just seems disrespectful after awhile.

That aside... I hope they make small rugs in all the different types :)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some of you people are so selfish. I can't imagine what you are like in real life, if this is how you act over something that does not affect your gameplay.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You never know. This mite be just the encouragement they need to give us our 11th year Anniversary gifts......oh wait wouldn't that now be 12th year........:coco:
Actually both years were waiting for. the 11th anniversary collection is not our gifts.
I know the collection isnt our anniversary gifts, thats why i didnt say that.
It was sarcasm due to the fact its nearly 12th anniversary time.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Oh man. If only we weren’t the red-haired, left handed step child of EA. I've been looking on my shard for inv. blue pigments for several weeks. I can’t find any. I was even considering submitting a question about the US shards being able to buy the pigments from the US store. I guess it will never happen.


Thats all I have to say about whom ever is in charge here, not about the Asian team.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Erm, maybe I didn't explain this well enough...

This is currently available to all shards. You just make a purchase from UO's online shop in Japan, you get the codes, you can claim the promotional code on any shard you want - Atlantic, Baja, Pacific, Siege, Europa, Oceania etc etc.

Only the site is in Japanese. The items are not restricted to Japanese shards. It's just like buying something from an online store that's in another country.

You know - like Europeans buying their UO codes and subscriptions from EA North America?

And it's in English?

And it has this little field that asks you which state you are from?

Now imagine a French/German/Italian that can't speak English well nor live in the States (Brits/Aussies/Kiwis are still hindered by the address problem even though they are from English speaking countries). Should they and everyone outside US feel slighted by EA North America?


Does anyone else besides me see pixel crack for $$ sale and think, "man, I wish I had a way to print money like that"?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Erm, maybe I didn't explain this well enough...

This is currently available to all shards. You just make a purchase from UO's online shop in Japan, you get the codes, you can claim the promotional code on any shard you want - Atlantic, Baja, Pacific, Siege, Europa, Oceania etc etc.

Only the site is in Japanese. The items are not restricted to Japanese shards. It's just like buying something from an online store that's in another country.

You know - like Europeans buying their UO codes and subscriptions from EA North America?

And it's in English?

And it has this little field that asks you which state you are from?

Now imagine a French/German/Italian that can't speak English well nor live in the States (Brits/Aussies/Kiwis are still hindered by the address problem even though they are from English speaking countries). Should they and everyone outside US feel slighted by EA North America?
Hey, I would buy from there. Maybe I'm missing it, but the link you posted, for me, is the Japanese gamecode store. And its not in english. You are probably tired of this topic, but I really would like to buy some pigments.

I can understand there is a big language barrier. But after the 11th anniversary items fiasco, one would think we would not be back in the same situation this quickly.

But, if you can help me/us out on how to purchase from the Japanese store, I would be greatful.



Always Present
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<--- sad face :sad3:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well I´m using a translator (copy/paste) to understand a bit of the site.
Step 2 is entering account and password.
Seems simple, but none of my accounts is accepted.. *feels clueless*


*goes off to check bank balance*

Those Ladybugs are CUTE =D

*edits* Been a while since I did it Esmerelda, but I'm pretty sure you have to set up an account with their website - still using same login though. PLEASE wait for someone else to confirm that though, cos it was a year or two ago when I did it, and my memory is rusty!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
*goes off to check bank balance*

Those Ladybugs are CUTE =D

*edits* Been a while since I did it Esmerelda, but I'm pretty sure you have to set up an account with their website - still using same login though. PLEASE wait for someone else to confirm that though, cos it was a year or two ago when I did it, and my memory is rusty!
You should register your account at the first time when you purchase at UO Store of EA Japan officioal site.

Please follow explanations below to do this.

Note: please do it at your own risk. And please read Harlequin's post carefully. His report explains it most correctly.

to see a large picture


Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
y'know I sometimes wonder if these Japanese promotions are as much a surprise to our devs in Virginia as they are to us. Japan office seems to go entirely its own way with little or no regard for the rest of EA. I can just imagine Draconi, Wilki et al doing a 'face palm' and groaning 'oh no, Japan's done it again'.

We'll never know if there's any accuracy to my guess work, but just in case there is, can we keep the complaints civil please, don't be nasty to the EA folk that visit us here, it's not their fault, the marketing guys don't come here.


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Those little rugs are cute, but I've always been a sucker for miniatures. So tiny rugs in UO are kind of like miniature miniatures. :p


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
*goes off to check bank balance*

Those Ladybugs are CUTE =D

*edits* Been a while since I did it Esmerelda, but I'm pretty sure you have to set up an account with their website - still using same login though. PLEASE wait for someone else to confirm that though, cos it was a year or two ago when I did it, and my memory is rusty!
You should register your account at the first time when you purchase at UO Store of EA Japan officioal site.

Please follow explanations below to do this.

Note: please do it at your own risk. And please read Harlequin's post carefully. His report explains it most correctly.

to see a large picture

I love you athos.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You should register your account at the first time when you purchase at UO Store of EA Japan officioal site.

Please follow explanations below to do this.

Note: please do it at your own risk. And please read Harlequin's post carefully. His report explains it most correctly.

to see a large picture

I assume that the account name and password are UO account names and passwords? So we are not setting up a new user account for the store only?

Thanks (in advance) for clearing this up!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I assume that the account name and password are UO account names and passwords? So we are not setting up a new user account for the store only?

Thanks (in advance) for clearing this up!
Yes, UO account names and passwords. You need not to make new accounts for the store.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I'm still ticked....... And I don't read Japanese....

At all...

There is honestly ZERO reason why this continues to go on ....... Zero.... this crap should all be available all the time on our own UOGameCodes store...

That's the point and it's always the point.

If they put this stuff on the Japanese purchase site then by god they need to put it on ours.

Sick and tired of the BS. I don't care if they know or not.... this stuff should be something that is important enough to co-ordinate between the two teams. And crap like this should not be allowed. PERIOD.

Yes it's just pixels..... but while other folk may collect crap that fills up their RL house ..... I collect crap that does NOT fill up mine. But does it make me any less happy then the coffee mug collecter?? NO.

It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would be really damn nice if this stuff would make it to the other stores as well... for once...

All it is right now though is incredibly f***ing annoying and nowhere near fair. This is the third or fourth special offer like this for them in the time we've gotten.. 0-1 special offers.
What she said.

Mabey they will be craftable in sa's(new content).


Hey folks!
With all the announcements last week, this one fell through the cracks.
We will have this on the gamecodes store quite soon, and you should see an announcement early next week.

We mentioned reducing the gap between the two markets from 7-10 days, and we intend to hold true to that.

Sorry, for the confusion. Was just an oversight in messaging.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Hey folks!
With all the announcements last week, this one fell through the cracks.
We will have this on the gamecodes store quite soon, and you should see an announcement early next week.

We mentioned reducing the gap between the two markets from 7-10 days, and we intend to hold true to that.

Sorry, for the confusion. Was just an oversight in messaging.

Bel'la Dos.... Cal for your response.