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How did you do in ToT3?



Spoils for me from this event:

6 Mempos of Fortune
232 1 charge dyes
4 of each Major Artifact
3 of each Minor artifact
29 Named Urns (6 dbls)
24 Named Sword Displays (4 dbls)
21 Small Blackrock

Extras from Hunting in Tokono (just from Champ)

1 Oak Leaf Cloak Replica
2 Futons (red/tan)
1 Brave Knight of Brit Replica (Katana)
1 Swamp Tile

16 Shrouds of Corruption

I have to say this event was fun for me. I mainly hunted Rune Beetles and also the Champ Spawn in Tokono. Tamer trained pets on Beetles an when I got bored I trained my alts at the champ spawn. The champ spawn was a lot of fun working with others towards mutual fortune. Reminded me of glory days of Doom Dungeon when it was packed and full of fun times.

The shadowlord manifestations were fun/crazy as well and was glad to see the 12hr knocked down to 2 for casuals and having them spawn not on the exact same tile everytime. :thumbsup:

Looking forward to the next part of the story arc eventually leading to SA release.

How did you all fair with this event? /discuss

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

3 full sets of dyes, full set of majors and minors including Mempo (with a few doubles of the majors and a few extra minors and dyes).

Hampered by the concept of having a full time job, but Mission Accomplished.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
42 total drops including blackrock, 1 swamp tile. Alas, no mempo. *ponders heading out for one last run*


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
150 minors, 2 majors. 5 full sets of dye and one of my chars has a light green suit now! 4 mempo's, 1 traded for a AOF. About 30 cloaks

I just want to say to the Devs, thank you. I've really enjoyed this event alot.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a single Sword of the Stampede for me. Not interested in anything else.


Just logged in for this week, that mean the event is Over? I got 2-3 of those single use dyes and 2-3 weapon/ armor pieces., maybe not enough to trade for a major. I DID make easily 500k (gp loot) trying, guess the RNG was buggy. *shrugs*

Mr. Gnome

I think the goal of this thread is to point out this...

The "Treasures" of Tokono are completely worthless. It was FAR too easy to obtain them; even the majors have become absurdly cheap. I'm on Atl and I found a Horselord on the ground yesterday, dyed one of those hideous colors too. So far they have not yet found an equal to the TOT 1 colors.

The only thing worthwhile this event produced was the mempo, which people were freaking out about in the beginning so they made it easier to obtain when the Shadowlords came. The Shadowlords even further degraded the value of the TOTs; now a player could easily get 3 drops every 2 hours investing 10 mins of game time (with an increased chance of a mempo drop and a chance at a cloak).

I'm saving my couple hundred TOTs for the future. Whether it be a Spring Cleaning type event or TOT4 with new majors, ANYTHING is worth more than they are now.


I probably got about 65 minors total, plus like 12 dyes. I was esp happy because while I only got a few colors of dye, they were mostly duplicates of the colors I wanted. I'm gonna keep a few of the minors, like honorable swords cuz they look cool and a few others. the rest I'm gonna turn in for various items. I already got a horselord, which I havnt tried yet. Not sure what else I will redeem for, probably swords of prosperity.

I didn't get a cloak cuz I didn't wanna mess around with the crowded shadowlord spawns. Anyways you can get em for cheap in luna.

All told, though, I LOVED this event. I liked it because it made gold farming fun for a change, and because there was a certain immediacy to it since it was so short. Way to go devs!


Billions of minors (who cares), some dyes, and one lousy mempo.

But hey, it was fun for a while, and I sold a fair number of those dyes at the ridiculous prices they were going for at first, so I'm still calling it a success.

Salya Sin

I had a blast through it all... BUT... I'm sooo glad it's over!!!

Kept two full sets of minors, plus extras. 3 full sets of majors, plus extras. 8 mempos total. 140-some pigments.

From Champ- one swamp tile, 2 legendary boots, 2 brit knight swords, and one pacifier. ALL on my mage.

Cloaks of corruption- I was so proud of my low end greater dragon, all together I got about 40 cloaks. BUT I did almost every SL when I could and I gave most of those cloaks away to guildmates.

For the record... I had most of my minors/majors before I started messing with the Shadowlords. I did the champ for weeks! I will never do that spawn again! BUT I made about 6 mil from it total. :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
13 reported afk scripters, at least 8 of them caught by GMs.
6 afk tamers eaten by monsters.
1 blown up Armageddon spammer.
A lot of fun with EM organized events.
A lot of time to properly set up the SA Client and get used to it.
Tons of entertainment watching people quarrel about some stupid items.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hampered by the concept of having a full time job, but Mission Accomplished.
I have the same exact problem with that thing called a job, but all things considered, I'm happy with what I did get, including extra flutes, mempos and even snagged several cloaks :D

I entirely forgot to remind tamers on keeping an Ancient Farmer's Kasa handy for those times your stables are full...leave lore at 110 real, then tag on a Kasa and a birds of britannia totem when you need an extra slot to swap pets.

*Runs to post in Tamer forum*

Arnie QuickPalm

I did very well i scored mempos early and sold traded them for a castle(on origin) and a crimmy plus loads of cash now if only i had gotten enough of anyone dye to make dye my suit !!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
13 reported afk scripters, at least 8 of them caught by GMs.
6 afk tamers eaten by monsters.
1 blown up Armageddon spammer.
Wow nice great job, just wondering, how did u get the Armageddon guy blewn up ?

Lord Drakelord

Got the complete set of Urns, plus score a rose that match a urn name so got the matching sword for that as well. I kept one Dragon Nunchaku but traded in all minors [except for one set of 10 dyes].

I put up at least three of every major, plus left a set of them on display at my tower. I still have like 11 robes left, just ran out of threads after turning in 6 last night, two each at all the Seers.

I got 5 mempos but traded one off for a mark of trav, and also gave one to a friend that had not got one. I plan on keeping one but will sell the other two off on Sonoma sometime.


II entirely forgot to remind tamers on keeping an Ancient Farmer's Kasa handy for those times your stables are full...leave lore at 110 real, then tag on a Kasa and a birds of britannia totem when you need an extra slot to swap pets.
Or, you can use a +5 Lore/+5 Vet ring or brace, along with a +15 Vet ring or brace, and the Birds of Britannia talisman to have both 120 Lore and 120 Vet with 110 real Lore and GM Vet to have even more stable slots.


UO Forum Moderator
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Campaign Supporter
Wow nice great job, just wondering, how did u get the Armageddon guy blewn up ?
Remember the mechanics of how one gets blackrock infected by casting the spell, and where the piece of blackrock has to be (not in the pack).

I won't say more.... :p

Lord Kotan

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got a ton of dyes.. over 300 minors total; yet never did get a mempo :( so I just broke down and bought one

Lore Master

Just over 600 minors about 50 cloaks of corruption and 18 Mempos and no I don't script 17 of my Mempos where off the shadow lords the other one was off a Ronin near champ spawn. strangely enough it took me about 360 minors to get my first Mempo. anyone get more then 18 Mempos?


Just over 600 minors about 50 cloaks of corruption and 18 Mempos and no I don't script 17 of my Mempos where off the shadow lords the other one was off a Ronin near champ spawn. strangely enough it took me about 360 minors to get my first Mempo. anyone get more then 18 Mempos?
Good lord. 18? I had more minors than you and only 1. You must be sleeping with the RNG.

Lore Master

Good lord. 18? I had more minors than you and only 1. You must be sleeping with the RNG.
lol i don't know why I got so lucky before I started fighting the shadow Lords I thought the RNG hated me. this is the first event that I ever participated in that I really did great so I don't expect my luck to last.


Wow, I just gotta ask:

How did yall who got hundreds of minors and such DO that??

Granted I work just about 7 days a week, but I found 3 or 4 hours most days to hunt.

Hundreds?? Teach me your wisdom!!

Lore Master

Wow, I just gotta ask:

How did yall who got hundreds of minors and such DO that??

Granted I work just about 7 days a week, but I found 3 or 4 hours most days to hunt.

Hundreds?? Teach me your wisdom!!
If your asking me i had a 2 week vacation from my job which I am currently a part timer right now guess you can call it good timing.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Spoils for me from this event:

6 Mempos of Fortune
232 1 charge dyes
4 of each Major Artifact
3 of each Minor artifact
29 Named Urns (6 dbls)
24 Named Sword Displays (4 dbls)
21 Small Blackrock

Extras from Hunting in Tokono (just from Champ)

1 Oak Leaf Cloak Replica
2 Futons (red/tan)
1 Brave Knight of Brit Replica (Katana)
1 Swamp Tile

16 Shrouds of Corruption

I have to say this event was fun for me. I mainly hunted Rune Beetles and also the Champ Spawn in Tokono. Tamer trained pets on Beetles an when I got bored I trained my alts at the champ spawn. The champ spawn was a lot of fun working with others towards mutual fortune. Reminded me of glory days of Doom Dungeon when it was packed and full of fun times.

The shadowlord manifestations were fun/crazy as well and was glad to see the 12hr knocked down to 2 for casuals and having them spawn not on the exact same tile everytime. :thumbsup:

Looking forward to the next part of the story arc eventually leading to SA release.

How did you all fair with this event? /discuss
God I can't believe I'm gonna do this, I just posted about its a bad idea...

But, you guys brought it up.

1914 arties, 15 mempos, over 50 sets of dyes. 60 chaos and 64 fresh rose 24 cloaks. You guys would not believe what all these dyes look like.

The cloaks all came from the desert in Atl. We didn't even go to the other places. The thing I'm the most proud of is my son and I got 2 of the 3 cloaks that spawned in the desert on the last 3 dragons that spawned. We have excellent dragons, and he has great reflexes for a young person.

I think unless someone lies we're gonna win this...

I have never played this much in this short a period of time though. I basically gave a mempo away to this sweet guy Deedlit, who by the way is still in the desert because he won't believe its over. I traded him one for 2 dyes. :)


Lady Michelle

Sprite Full SP
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
400 on my tamer no mempos
Last day got 2 mempos and a cloak off the shadowlords on my mage.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I didn't do any Shadowlords as I had about ZERO desire to try and find one underneath the 876587658765 pounds of dragon meat, I also had 3 cloaks from Dark Moonglow that I converted into one of each type of new cloak, so on that issue I'm happy, did decent on the event itself, and made enough gold to snag a Cincture off a vendor which I had been working on saving for for a long time, so all in all, a good run for me.

Now the question is... what do I build towards next?

Thanks to the ToT, I FINALLY have a decent Luck suit for melee as well as a pretty buff Combat suit for higher end PvM (based a lot on HPR and stat increases).

Luckily the event fell when I was NOT going out of town every other week, so I didn't miss too much and ended the weekend before I go out of town next.

Another successful ToT, but glad it's gone for a while.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the goal of this thread is to point out this...
To me threads like this just confirm how differently people play that game and how difficult it is to scale a system that appeals to all playstyles/obsession-levels.

(overall, ToT events do a very good job of this, in my opinion)

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
413 drops and no mempo. Dusted off my archer /chiv/ mage after years of not using and got back to back champ relic drops. Futon & Pacify. My Necro mage at the champ was averaging 5 drops per champ rotation. One rotation 3 of the 5 drops had been dyes and all rose. So ya I gota a hint on what they can do with the RNG.


Lets see...

Around 700 total minor drops
2 Mempo's
And made around 150 mil on my luna Vendor selling majors and cloaks throughout the event.

All in all i had alot of fun in this event. The feeling i got when i got my first mempo after about 600 drops was great lol.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
457 drops I have several of everything except the mempo non of these for me with over 1400 luck ... turned alot in for majors now trying to decide if I will keep the dyes or sell em or maybe both

very dissapointed in how the luck system is not working well


This thread sounds like a bunch of kids after an Easter egg hunt, or comparing Halloween candy. I managed to collect maybe 15 minors before the mindlessness of this event bored me half to death. You can only rehash the same event so many times before it loses its ability to excite a person.

I didn't get a mempo. I'll have to come to terms with this fact and somehow go on living. Call me when they come up with something NEW and INTERESTING to do.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
had a great 6 weeks with tot 3 was so much fun got a lot of cool stuff and talk to a lot of new people i never talk to before thank you devs team

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

This thread sounds like a bunch of kids after an Easter egg hunt, or comparing Halloween candy. I managed to collect maybe 15 minors before the mindlessness of this event bored me half to death. You can only rehash the same event so many times before it loses its ability to excite a person.

I didn't get a mempo. I'll have to come to terms with this fact and somehow go on living. Call me when they come up with something NEW and INTERESTING to do.

And for all your griping about it, here you are participating in it :p


Honestly i think the very best part ToT event's is the fact so many people come online and actually play. Its great to hunt all over Tokuno to see so many others doing the same. You actually can spark up conversation with people while you farm. That imho makes it all the more enjoyable. A little like how it used to be when you could not hunt anywhere really without actually encountering other players. Player interaction plays a important role in making this game fun. If you actually try to BS with others rather than sitting there farming mindlessly and being a recluse (def. A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.) then it does not become so damn boring.

Just my 2 cents to those who didnt enjoy the event. :)


Reconnected with an old friend, made 3 or 4 new ones (all at the Tok Spawn)...

around 200 minor dyes
around 150 minor artis

4 mempos
8 cloaks

Even though it was the 3rd time around I had a great deal of fun with this event. Connecting with old friends and making new ones deff make it all worth while. ;-)

Long live UO and Great Lakes , ty Des and keep the good times coming.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Campaign Benefactor
I didn't count. :-(

It was a fun event, though!


440 dyes
250 minors
56 majors
7 mempo's
and about 5 mill in gold

I spent the entire month killing demons. So boring. Time to resume normal programming.


I came back right in the middle of it

scored -

Enough minors to get about 6 more Majors, already had a full set

a few more sword displays and urns for the collection

at least 2 if not 3 of each new dye

7 cloaks

and 3 mempos, (of the SL's)

and as a previous poster said made several new friends, thanks guys for all your help.

oh i forgot a swamptile and one of the replica swords, cant remeber which right now.

As a side note also placed a large tower easily whilst waiting for the shadow lords. I found several spots so if any one on cats needs to place a Large Tower of 2 story, (customizables included though not sure if 18x18) send me a PM.

Overall I enjoy the TOT's have been to all 3 so far and this was the more entertaining with the SL's every two hours.


About 10 dyes 25`ish minors 2 majors and a Mempo.

Stupid job! :sad2:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
60+ dyes, only 1 chaos blue and 0 light greens.
Enough minors to have 1 of each and turn in for 1 of each major.
2 mempos
4 blackrock
3 Flutes of Renewal

~10 drops from farming, the rest from the Shadowlords. After they popped, I stopped doing the mindless grind to get the drops.

Never got any cloaks because I a) already had a bunch I can't turn in yet and didn't need anymore b) didn't use any blackrock and c) not a tamer.

Made a load of gold, though, scavenging the scrolls and gold from the Shadowlords, as well as the Fire Bunnies and Ladies of Snow that fell.

Black Tom

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Close to 400 minors and dyes. Got 6 mempos and 17 cloaks off shadowlords. Over 8 mil in gold.

After getting over 300 minors on my warrior and no mempos, I moved to the shadowlords and finally got a mempo. After that I only did the every 2 hour thing.

I really got tired of rune beetles. Though they did seem to give the most arties per hour, at least for me.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I stepped out of the gate, and was attacked by 3 revenant lions before I even realized what was happening, and died. I decided I'll just buy a mempo for my luck suit later on when I decide to finish building it.

So, my spoils:
1 death robe.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I stopped at ten when I realized you could not turn them in for even a 10 charge dye.


28 Cloaks
10 Mempos
149 Dyes (gave them all away)
513 Minors


Several minors and ugly dyes, turned in for three majors.
2 Mempo

Used one mempo and two of the majors for my archer, gave my wife the other major (Tome).

The mempo I traded for a full set of majors minus the tome, and 14 dyes...6 Chaos Blue, 5 Fresh Rose, and 3 Light blue. I intend to sell the majors and dyes at some point in the near future I hope.

(All of this in three days, just came back)