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[UO Herald] Gametrailers.com Rates UO as the #3 Breakthrough PC game


Lore Keeper
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haha that brought back memories...pretty sure i played all those games.


UO Forum Moderator
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omg I did play all of those and still have wizardry and a couple others

Lucy of Kenton

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I can't believe they used clips from KR :( Ewww.
yah me too, looks horrible. some great games there and i mostly agree with the order.
reminds me, i bought a brand new zx spectrum and 6 games still wrapped at an auction the other day and if i can work out a cassette player i will have to break it out


I can't believe they used clips from KR :( Ewww.
yah me too, looks horrible. some great games there and i mostly agree with the order.
reminds me, i bought a brand new zx spectrum and 6 games still wrapped at an auction the other day and if i can work out a cassette player i will have to break it out
I guess it goes to show that, as reviewers, they consider the KR client to be better looking.


Babbling Loonie
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I didn't think it looked too bad, that target circle thingy looked pretty snazzy :)

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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I guess it goes to show that, as reviewers, they consider the KR client to be better looking.
Kingdom Reborn is supposed to be the latest client. They would have likely shown Third Dawn if this was made a couple years ago.


I just watched the video and it is really bad. Not only is it Kingdom Reborn but it looks like they couldn't even capture the video correctly so it is all fuzzy. They might have used a video camera pointed at a monitor. I know I was having issues when I tried to record KR videos. Plus the game play looks awful with studdering monsters. It is too bad they didn't use 2D to show off the game.


Kingdom Reborn is supposed to be the latest client. They would have likely shown Third Dawn if this was made a couple years ago.
A fair point.
They did use Half Life: Source (and CS:S seemingly), rather than the originals.
Although I imagine they would have given thought to the original client, considering they were talking about its impact back then.

zared of napa

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I guess it goes to show that, as reviewers, they consider the KR client to be better looking.
Better looking wasnt the deal the client interface was ,.Inspired The "Wow" client I cant say that name lol *feels like skins crawling off*

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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it's the KR promo stuff that came out when the client was being taken round the town halls, it wasn't even in beta at that point if I remember right.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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The video and the choice of music were awful. Thank god, they had some screenshots.


I just watched the video and it is really bad. Not only is it Kingdom Reborn but it looks like they couldn't even capture the video correctly so it is all fuzzy. They might have used a video camera pointed at a monitor.
The fuzziness you are referring to was built into Kingdom Reborn.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Dang I remember how much I loved Sim City.... I played that for days on end.


Lore Master
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This is funny stuff. Biggest accomplishment for UO is a noble comparison to classic PC games.

Gawd I hope SA does something for the old girl.. perhaps even get it knocked up the ranks with Jazz Jackrabbit and Castle Wolfenstein. :thumbsup:


hmmm, UO ... check

Doom ... check

Wolfenstein 3D ... check

Kings Quest, Police Quest, etc ... check

SimCity ... check

Civilization, Civ II as well ... check

Golly but many of the ones I've played (or still have around) are in there somewhere!


Seasoned Veteran
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The footage of Kingdom Reborn is footage from a handheld camera at a media preview event back in early 2007 I believe. It was alpha footage, as you can tell by the pink dots. Thats so sad, considering theres a release trailer that is much superior.

Mr. Gnome

So I don't have to sit through that horribly narrated video, what were #s 2&1?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
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Wizardry was #2, Doom was #1. That was a pretty big honor for UO to get number 3.


Always Present
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I think the way they compiled the list was to think "okay, what is HUGE right now in the world of PC videogames?", and derived their list from that. Hence UO has to be very near the top, because WoW is the biggest PC game there is, and the MMO genre was well and truly kick-started by UO - it was, as the name suggests, THE breakthrough MMO game.

UO has it's place in history, and that's safe.

The very cool thing is that if it keeps appearing in toplists and nostalgia sites like this, EA/Mythic might start to develop a sense of pride about their incredible franchise, and actually DO something with it.


Old and in the way
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Wizardry was #2, Doom was #1. That was a pretty big honor for UO to get number 3.
I agree. Yes, the video was stock footage... Still it is good to be recognized. Most game groups/blogs/magazines... etc do not even know we are still here.


I think their comments about all the companies learning from Origin's mistake in having freewheeling PvP speaks volumes.


Crazed Zealot
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I'm a little surprised X-Com didn't make the list ... I guess that genre of multi-level strategy never really took off, but it was the first game to make me go "wait, why is the sun setting in the east?".

In addition to UO's gameplay, I imagine it was a breakthrough for subscription-based business models.


Babbling Loonie
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I'm a little surprised X-Com didn't make the list ... I guess that genre of multi-level strategy never really took off, but it was the first game to make me go "wait, why is the sun setting in the east?".

In addition to UO's gameplay, I imagine it was a breakthrough for subscription-based business models.
Thye probably classed XCOM under turn-based strategy games, which CIV1 started off. Even the turn-based tactical combat in XCOM had already existed in Master of Magic.

Fallout was classed under RPG games like wizardry...Wished they had mentioned the Ultima series instead as they did predate wizardry :D

But they probably felt mentioning UO was good enough.

Lode Runner might likely make it to the #11 - #20 list too - for opening up an unlimited replayability for games - player modding.


Crazed Zealot
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Thye probably classed XCOM under turn-based strategy games, which CIV1 started off. Even the turn-based tactical combat in XCOM had already existed in Master of Magic.
Oh ... Master of Magic ... now that was a fun case study. It shipped badly, badly broken with crash bugs in ordinary play. The patches fixed this, but for some reason nerfed the AI to a completely predictable march-at-your-capital single minded strategy. Despite this, watching the development of my mage/civilization was so much fun, I kept playing it for years anyway.

I guess I can see the chain there XCOM has similarities to MoM which in turn has similarities to CIV ... but it still felt like something new and different and I've never played a game since that captured that same atmosphere mixing resource management, squad-level tactics, RPG-like character character development / loot-gathering.

*ponders starting a new character on some shard as a squad commander of hired NPCs*


Lore Master
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A game franchise I believe would have been worthy of being on the list would have been... Wing Commander. Which was hugely popular, and spawned many sequels & spinoffs... even a movie.

WC was the first to blend a story-based space sim with arcade style flight and cinematic cut scenes in way that had not been done before.


Stratics Veteran
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I'm glad someone finally said something nice about our old game.

Gosh looking back on all those brings up alot. Even now from time to time I will load up starcraft. I loved building defense perimeters of siege tanks, bunkers and missle turrets. Or leveling everything in my path with a fleet of battle cruisers or carriers. I'm pretty pumped about starcraft II and Diablo III.

Even before all that though I remeber hours spent on my C64. Anyone here that old? Legacy of the Ancients? Bard's Tale? Wasteland? Heart of Africa? Elite? Anyone remeber?


- Lode Runner was great & on a C64 :)
(Second PC, after the Vic20, hehe, memories)

I coulda sworn I saw this exact UO video on G4 a month or so ago.
Good stuff.

edit: Yeah, Bard's Tale was also a great game in my book; still have the box from it, heh.


Babbling Loonie
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Oh ... Master of Magic ... now that was a fun case study. It shipped badly, badly broken with crash bugs in ordinary play. The patches fixed this, but for some reason nerfed the AI to a completely predictable march-at-your-capital single minded strategy. Despite this, watching the development of your mage/civilization was so much fun, I kept playing it for years anyway.

I guess I can see the chain there XCOM has similarities to MoM which in turn has similarities to CIV ... but it still felt like something new and different and I've never played a game since that captured that same atmosphere mixing resource management, squad-level tactics, RPG-like character character development / loot-gathering.

*ponders starting a new character on some shard as a squad commander of hired NPCs*
One thing I liked about the patch for MoM was that you can get almost unlimited extra picks after starting the game! (Spellbooks were still capped at 13 I think, but you can grab all the other perks like warlord etc). Champion level (via crusade + warlord) Halfling slingers with adamatine weapons, woot!

Not that you mention it, I too loved XCOM with its refreshing mix of gameplay. Resource efficient too, I remember running XCOM with a 386 with 2mb of RAM (RAM was expensive for a while back then). Oh, and you are absolutely right about the character development! I would mind control aliens, make them drop their weapons, then hem them in a dead-end corridor with my squad blocking the exit. When the alien moves during its turn, members of my squad that made their reaction rolls would auto-fire on it (with the weak pistol). Trains reaction, which was the hardest stat to raise.

Did the same for XCOM 2 and 3 as well.


Lore Keeper
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I thought it was dissapointingly negative. Didn't point out some of the beatiful aspects of UO and basically said "UO made loads of mistakes which benifited MMOs that followed because they knew what trapdoors to avoid"

Was also disspointed that they didn't showcase the 2d client

Still though, was nice to see UO at number 3 and gaining some form of recognition :)


Crazed Zealot
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I'll always have a place for The Bard's Tale. I still load it up sometimes and play on my c-64 emmulator.


Even before all that though I remeber hours spent on my C64. Anyone here that old? Legacy of the Ancients? Bard's Tale? Wasteland? Heart of Africa? Elite? Anyone remeber?
Yep. Bard's Tale, AD&D, Summer Olympics. And for one of the early 'online' games, remember Empire? (actually BBS game for Color64) I even wrote a BBS version of Minesweeper based on descriptions from friends with PCs, before ever seeing Windows.


Crazed Zealot
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Yep. Bard's Tale, AD&D, Summer Olympics. And for one of the early 'online' games, remember Empire? (actually BBS game for Color64) I even wrote a BBS version of Minesweeper based on descriptions from friends with PCs, before ever seeing Windows.
Bard's Tale, Pool of Radiance, Curse of Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades..... all ROCKED!

I wish they would update those games and re-release them, I would buy them in a heartbeat.


Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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A fair point.
They did use Half Life: Source (and CS:S seemingly), rather than the originals.
Although I imagine they would have given thought to the original client, considering they were talking about its impact back then.
no, they showed original halflife, not source when they mentioned half life, also they should have only showed UO:2D because thats where it all started, they didn't show the newest version of Doom but only the original, so i dunno why they showed KR at all


Bard's Tale, Pool of Radiance, Curse of Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades..... all ROCKED!

I wish they would update those games and re-release them, I would buy them in a heartbeat.
lol back when games needed graph paper.

The last map on Bards Tale 3 or dungeon, to fight the mad god, had me sooooo lost.

The list is agreeable though, UO and Ultima should be seperate, I loved the old Wizardry games but the young Lord British was arleady paying for his green in collage selling what we would later call Ultima 2 years before work began on Wizardry.

My roomate who plays UO for the last 2 years saw this and when it showed the KR sceen during the opening he repied with "WTF was that game?"


Stratics Veteran
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Bard's Tale, Pool of Radiance, Curse of Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades..... all ROCKED!

I wish they would update those games and re-release them, I would buy them in a heartbeat.

You know it was distributed by EA. It does take place in the town of Skara Brae after all. Could make for an interesting mini game in UO....

A quest to subdue a modern UO enemy by using some catalyst item won from a peerless to enter the mind now elder champion of Skara Brae. In his mind you re-live the events of the elder hero and his battle against Mangar.

Meh nevermind. But those games are actually what cultivated my gaming interest. Doom was a blast. Diablo/Starcraft/Warcraft is a gaurunteed sale to me for anything (save any wow like MMO) they produce. Final Fantasy XIV(online) is annouced to be out in 2010... and square never lets us down in the graphics/content department. UO was an absolute joy to finaly discover a game I could not win.

But w/o the Atari 2600 and C-64, I would have never been the hard core gamer I have enjoyed being up and until today. I'll be doing Campaign Battle after work tonight in FFXI.

p.s. Pool of Radiance, Curse of Azure Bonds, Secret of the Silver Blades... Yup those were a blast. I'll never forget playing Pool of Radiance. My mom wanted to see what I was so involved in. She sat down and watched for an hour or so. The next day I was at a friends house. She called me to explain to her how to run the software so she could play it.

Kingshore Dad

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i missed UFO. That was a fun game :) they dont even have any simulation like X-wing in the list and man i played that game for month but with no joystick no i only had a mouse lol. I think that game cost me about 4-5 mouses and there where no optical mouses back then :)