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[NEWS]House of Commons is back!!!

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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Stratics Legend

Stratics IRC and UO Stratics proudly announce Ultima Online House of Commons is back.

HoC has had a long tradition throughout the years and has been missing in action for a good while.

Our staff had been hard at work with the EA team to get the ball rolling again.
The first of hopefully many more HoC is scheduled for Thursday July 30th, 7 pm EST. Please join us in the #straticshoc channel on the Stratics IRC network for another great hour of questions and answers with the UO team!

The HoC Topic of this week will be:
New Client’s open Beta and Stygian Abyss

You can connect to one of our IRC servers through the use of your favorite IRC client or you can visit our downloads section to choose a client. Connect to irc.stratics.com port 6668 or choose a server listed below that is closest to you:
  • stratics.frws.com USA - Colorado 6667 6668 7000
  • irc.glowfish.de EU - Germany 6667 6668
  • irc.us.glowfish.de USA - Missouri 6667 6668
  • irc.gamers-irc.org USA - Colorado 6667 6668 7000

Once connected, join the #straticshoc channel and you'll be able to submit your questions to the assigned question taker. You can also join us any time in #ultima-online on Stratics IRC for general chat about the best MMO ever - Ultima Online!

Newer readers that have not taken part before can find instructions and some information on the House of Commons below.

House of Commons:






Please feel free to cross-post this new to other UO-Fan-sites. We'd love to have a great turn-out!

Special Thanks to the UO Community Coordinator - Chrissay - for coordinating things on their end! :thumbup:


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
sweet..... and crud all at the same time....... gods How I hate IRC.


If for some reason you could not attend, what would you want someone else to ask the developers? (Real questions please - not "Can you describe how gargoyle flight works so that it will not be unbalancing?".


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
If for some reason you could not attend, what would you want someone else to ask the developers? (Real questions please - not "Can you describe how gargoyle flight works so that it will not be unbalancing?".
Rats! There goes my question. :lol:


Old and in the way
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dread Lord
But how do you dismount a flying gargoyle? He really is not mounted...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But how do you dismount a flying gargoyle? He really is not mounted...
Same way you dismount a player in animal form, etc. ;P no real logic to dismounting in fact any fool can do it, just take a few steps out of Yew Gate Fel and someone will show ya eventually ;D

Yay for HoC!!!!!!!!!!!!


I can't make to the UOHOC tonight but I would appreicate if someone could ask this question:
"Any plan to make new TOT major reward available for turning in the minors?".

My storage is getting tight with 100s of minors in the secures. The current majors are as useful to me as the minors. I am sure I am not alone.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can't make to the UOHOC tonight but I would appreicate if someone could ask this question:
"Any plan to make new TOT major reward available for turning in the minors?".

My storage is getting tight with 100s of minors in the secures. The current majors are as useful to me as the minors. I am sure I am not alone.
Stackable Dyes would be nice too


1. Any new animals we will be able to tame?

2. And of course the question I have submitted to the FOF every week
for the past umpteen months "Will we be getting additional Stable slots
with SA?

3.Is the Shadow Lord event leading up to the release of SA or will there be
a different story arc?


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If for some reason you could not attend, what would you want someone else to ask the developers? (Real questions please - not "Can you describe how gargoyle flight works so that it will not be unbalancing?".
3 Questions because I cannot attend.

1. Siege players take bigger risks in Doom, Tokuno, Ilshenar and so on, more so than any of the other shards... yet players gets the same rewards you would on any other shard. Do you Devs intend on increasing how cursed artifacts, ML artifacts, ML ingredients, ToTs, runics kits and just good, usable loot in general is obtained to balance the risk vs reward aspect of this shard?

**takes note that bringing the items Siege players use in every day play closer in line with the rest of the shards makes balancing PvP, PvM and the game in general much easier on you guys too.**

2. Is there any consideration being given to enhancing 2 handed weapons so that there is more incentive to use them?

3. Are there any intentions of allowing reds into Ilshenar, Tokuno and Malas with SA? (Assuming that they are subject to the Trammel ruleset while in those facets.)


*takes notes on questions so far...*

1.) "Any plan to make new TOT major reward available for turning in the minors?".

2.) Any chance of the Tokuno Dyes being made stackable?

3.) Any new animals we will be able to tame?

4.) And of course the question I have submitted to the FOF every week
for the past umpteen months "Will we be getting additional Stable slots
with SA?

5.) Is the Shadow Lord event leading up to the release of SA or will there be
a different story arc?

6.) Siege players take bigger risks in Doom, Tokuno, Ilshenar and so on, more so than any of the other shards... yet players gets the same rewards you would on any other shard. Do you Devs intend on increasing how cursed artifacts, ML artifacts, ML ingredients, ToTs, runics kits and just good, usable loot in general is obtained to balance the risk vs reward aspect of this shard?

**takes note that bringing the items Siege players use in every day play closer in line with the rest of the shards makes balancing PvP, PvM and the game in general much easier on you guys too.**

(I've got it on the list - but isn't this why you choose a Veteran Shard like Siege - to have it tougher?)

7.) Is there any consideration being given to enhancing 2 handed weapons so that there is more incentive to use them?

8.) Are there any intentions of allowing reds into Ilshenar, Tokuno and Malas with SA? (Assuming that they are subject to the Trammel ruleset while in those facets.)

9.) Why have they reverted back to the KR paperdoll that makes females look like they all work in a tavern with painted faces?

10.) We all have heard of PvP balance, PvM balance, Siege balance, ad infinitum. Any chance that you guys will consider a serious economy balance on production shards? For instance, prices of basic items sold by vendors, insurance price, etc. have not moved an inch despite a near hyperinflation condition in UO over the years. From having an economy that was an envy of even some countries, UO has become a virtual Zimbabwe due to its economy being given a little more than a cursory glance over the years.

11.) What do you plan to do about the gate "Connection lost" message?

12.) While there are a lot of various runic hammers, saws and fletcher kits, any chence of getting more sewing kits and leathers with the new monsters for SA?

13.) What about giving is a pre AOS shard.... OR a shard with Haven.... Though Haven was around Pre AOS... But you get the question

14.) Can we have an "drop all runes" button or option on the Runebooks

15.) Can we have an Option to convert secures in a house to lockdowns

16.) Can we have Donation Boxes? (like you used to be able to lock boxes down make them publik and people could donate and noone but the houseowner could release the stuff)

*Space reserved for more*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Question - Why have they reverted back to the KR paperdoll that makes females look like they all work in a tavern with painted faces?


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Question: We all have heard of PvP balance, PvM balance, Siege balance, ad infinitum. Any chance that you guys will consider a serious economy balance on production shards? For instance, prices of basic items sold by vendors, insurance price, etc. have not moved an inch despite a near hyperinflation condition in UO over the years. From having an economy that was an envy of even some countries, UO has become a virtual Zimbabwe due to its economy being given a little more than a cursory glance over the years.

Feel free to edit out the last sentence, if it is too long!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Question: What do you plan to do about the gate "Connection lost" message?

Question: While there are a lot of various runic hammers, saws and fletcher kits, any chence of getting more sewing kits and leathers with the new monsters for SA?

Question: What about giving is a pre AOS shard.... OR a shard with Haven.... Though Haven was around Pre AOS... But you get the question


Please keep in mind that the topic of tonight's discussion is "The SA Client and Expansion". Questions outside of this area may not be answered - or answered at the end if time allows.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
6.) Siege players take bigger risks in Doom, Tokuno, Ilshenar and so on, more so than any of the other shards... yet players gets the same rewards you would on any other shard. Do you Devs intend on increasing how cursed artifacts, ML artifacts, ML ingredients, ToTs, runics kits and just good, usable loot in general is obtained to balance the risk vs reward aspect of this shard?

**takes note that bringing the items Siege players use in every day play closer in line with the rest of the shards makes balancing PvP, PvM and the game in general much easier on you guys too.**

(I've got it on the list - but isn't this why you choose a Veteran Shard like Siege - to have it tougher?)
To answer your question in blue.

Of course! But let's define "tougher."

You have to remember that Siege does not have item insurance or Trammel. When hunting in Doom, Tokuno, Ilshenar, heck... anywhere really... you have the risk of being PKed.

Siege does not have item insurance. If you die, chances are... you lost your items and you also risk having to walk all the way back home or to a bank just to replace them. You cannot just res, put on your 100% LRC suit and go back at it.

Those are the things that make the shard "tougher." What makes the shard fun to play and not seem "broken" is a balance between risk versus reward.

Now you beg the question, won't this make things easier? If good/usable items are easier to get? The answer is, No.

The average player will become better equipped and in turn, more deadly and harder to kill. More players will be out hunting monsters to sell and use the loot they obtain, which will also increase the number of PKs that patrol for these players... making it remain tough to get those rewards.

You have to understand, Siege does not have item insurance and our economy does not work like the rest of UOs. If we get items, they circulate through our population through trade, sales and conquests. Sieges set up supports a different system than the rest of UO. We on Siege go out, hunt for and earn the item, then use it until we lose it. Rinse and repeat. The rest of UO goes out and earns the item, insures it and uses it until they no longer feel like. There is no "rinse and repeat" step... and that right there is what we are asking be addressed.

Lastly, there is a hidden, but huge benefit to doing this to Siege. If Siege players are equipping like the players do on other shards... it will be a big plus for the Devs and we will all see far fewer "Siege posts" on UHall asking for rebalancing because of our shards circumstances. The Devs can focus on balancing PvP and adding new things to UO without having to worry about the "unintended" consequences it will have on Siege because Siege will be more in line with the rest of the shards.

Fun fact: More than 3 out of 4 Siege players want this to happen and we are hoping the Devs are considering it.

I hope this answered your question.

*tips hat*



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please keep in mind that the topic of tonight's discussion is "The SA Client and Expansion". Questions outside of this area may not be answered - or answered at the end if time allows.
I hope it's realized that my Siege question is an SA question. The Devs have said they are looking to re-balance loot. This question is on behalf of Siege.


I am asking all of the questions from here, and hope they have time to answer them all - but it looks like a good turnout and we only have an hour...

and I do understand the Siege issues... there is a Tazar there... (however unused he is...)

Ole Cheapy

Question: Could you please ask the devs to get rid of faction arties on siege because it's causing a huge balance issue between faction members and non faction members. The non faction members just cannot compete against supersuits that are character specific which allows them to buy their suit back for gold. It may as well be blessed and that is definitely not what siege is about. Ask them to plz re-think this and I'm confident that they will agree. Thank you.


We had over 80 participants in tonight's chat and a nice crowd (about 12) of UO Developer team members.

The Chat log will be available soon at Stratics IRC and will be posted to U-hall as [NEWS] late tonight. I only saw one question answered from our list here, but there were many great questions asked and some new content stuff hinted at (Custom Carpets?) in the answers.

Questions that were not answered due to time limitations have been forwarded for possible answering in the Five-on-Friday series.

Thanks to everyone who participated!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Will there be a log posted for those of us who were late to the party?

nevermind ... apparently Tazar is telepathic :)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No publish notes on the changes - basically BODs which used to give 'lower' rewards have been bumped up to give a chance at a better reward, e.g. a +30 ASH LBOD before the change now has a chance at giving a Valorite hammer. Definately a change for the better :)


UO Forum Moderator
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Campaign Supporter
They weren't announced, JC....

With Publish 59, there appears to have been a change with the BOD Point Systems (see the entries in the knowledge base for them, or my crafting FAQs in UO Craftsman here on Stratics).

It appears that something random has been introduced, perhaps as much as a 150 point bonus, about 20% of the time, to most of the PS/higher-Runic level larges.

Details are a bit fuzzy, but some Smith BODs that normally give PS are giving runics 20% of the time, and many of the Agapite, Verite and ASH+60 Hammer BODs now have a chance of giving a Valorite hammer (and some 120 Tailor and Horned kit BODs occasionally giving Barbed kits).

Again, these are just sightings, and some BOD filling tests - we don't have the actual chart changes to look at yet.

Hopefully, the Knowledge Base entries will get updated soon, so that ToR can change its tables, and Stratics can change its BOD calculator apps.


I want to thank Stratics for hosting the House of Commons. We had a lot of fun answering questions.



Will the UO devs be making trips around the country like they used to? Like when they did in 2006 or 07 when they stated that stygian abyss will be realeased in spring of that year when they were in Atlanta?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Will Imbuing, Mysticism and Throwing skills be made available on the Advanced Character Tokens?

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Isn't that kind of stepping on UOS' toes a bit?

At least give UOS a chance to post the log of their own event first... they organized the event, promoted it, hosted it, and have their staff working on the transcripts.
I don't think so. While it is great and all that Stratics held the chat, it is still a public chat and anyone who was there can post what happened. I would be a little irked if I came to this forum and after 5 hours there still wasn't any transcript posted.

Cear Dallben Dragon

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
eh, i have a responcibility to report new to atlantics RP community.
I cant really worry about people to who link of a niche groups messageboard.
most people on the ARPC forum dont have irc, and dont read stratics. They just sit in taverns and drink ale. and kill eachother. Stratics did, however, Prepare a great event, and host a great event. I just happened to post the log. hell tho, i work for stratics.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The transcript is now posted.
My apologies for living in the wrong country, it had to wait till I woke up. I didn't start work on it till 5.45am.


Isn't that kind of stepping on UOS' toes a bit?

At least give UOS a chance to post the log of their own event first... they organized the event, promoted it, hosted it, and have their staff working on the transcripts.
As with many of the fan-sites - to us it is all about the community! Numerous sites were invited to participate fully.