Vaen Swiftar
There's been some RAMPANT hacking on ICQ lately, and the person has done it WITHOUT sending you any files or getting your IP. In fact, the way this person does it is actually quite genius.
He will go to icq.com and find your SECURITY QUESTION for you account, and then initiate a conversation with you based off of that. Because the ICQ is coming from a friend, you won't suspect it. After you've answered the security question, it's too late.
Don't answer fishy questions. kthxbai
He will go to icq.com and find your SECURITY QUESTION for you account, and then initiate a conversation with you based off of that. Because the ICQ is coming from a friend, you won't suspect it. After you've answered the security question, it's too late.
Don't answer fishy questions. kthxbai