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[UO Herald] Great Lakes Shard


Babbling Loonie
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Wow...And your a Mod... *shakes head* Ok....I'd say that there where far more items (qty) lost in Luna of much value than where gained during the 3 days of game play. And I'd bet if you where one of the ones affected, you would be playing a diff tune......No? You'd be ok with no revert if you Lost 98% of your items in a Luna house? Say VERY old rares that CANNOT be gotten in game anymore.... you'd be ok with that PAS??? I think not! And if you say different, I say your a LIAR. A 3 day revert on a low pop shard to restore TONS of players items and Shard History through such items should be a non issue.

I can't believe a mod here would rather see people affected in Luna Losing all their items in their house's than what ever people gained during game play the past few days..
If I had been affected by this and lost most of my stuff then it would give me something to play for then. As it is right now I have everything ingame that I really want and enough gold to probably replace it all twice so right now the game is kind of borring since I have nothing to work for. Also I believe that what is good for the goose is good for the gander so if they will not replace items for one person then they should not replace items for anyone. It is the risk of the game. And when I post on the board like a normal person then I am expressing only my opinion and not that of a Moderator. So just because I am a staffer does not mean that I am any more special than anyone else. I follow the same rules as everyone else.


I just finished skimming through these posts and I have to say I have never read more self absorbed BS. Every home owner in Luna lost almost everything in thier houses and people are whining about the skills they lost due to revert or the good item they lost.

EA screwed the pooch. So they corrected thier error. This is not the first time this has happened in fact it isnt even the 50th time this has happened nd it wont be the last. Grow up and look at the big picture instead of worrying about the 5 hours you spent training that just got reverted or the good item you just looted.


Grand Poobah
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I just finished skimming through these posts and I have to say I have never read more self absorbed BS. Every home owner in Luna lost almost everything in thier houses and people are whining about the skills they lost due to revert or the good item they lost.

EA screwed the pooch. So they corrected thier error. This is not the first time this has happened in fact it isnt even the 50th time this has happened nd it wont be the last. Grow up and look at the big picture instead of worrying about the 5 hours you spent training that just got reverted or the good item you just looted.
I thought there were only 2 people in this entire thread that were against the revert, IAMTHEWHITERABIT and PAS. Did I miss some others?


Babbling Loonie
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For the old timers, reverts were common in the early days. So common that people that got killed would hope for a server revert. Yeah, I totally understand how frustrating it can be when you lose hours of play/training and most importantly, loot!

In situations like these, unfortunately, a full shard revert is the best resolution.

Note that they would never revert for cases where someone has been hacked and lost stuff. Not even 20k USD/GBP worht of rares (see hemisphere's thread), they only revert when there is a server-side issue. So there's no comparing to the GM's policy to replace lost items.

Also, while they definitely can restore on individual basis (think of how block holing works), this is avoided for data consistency reasons.

If the system is to continuing working properly, you want to bring the entire system back to a specific point in time.

Restoring only parts of a system would lead to immediate issues where some items are duped and others are lost. The duplicates (from dupes) and orphaned records (from items that are lost, but the server has no record of it being deleted) would leave inconsistencies and errors that in the long term might propagate and do more damage down the road.

And by then, a full revert would be inevitable, but this time because they tried to avoid doing it for a week, the revert would undo a entire week of play.


Lore Keeper
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I'm actually shocked that there are people opposing the revert because they lost out on a days "work"... lol

U Hall reaches a new low.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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If I had been affected by this and lost most of my stuff then it would give me something to play for then. As it is right now I have everything ingame that I really want and enough gold to probably replace it all twice so right now the game is kind of borring since I have nothing to work for.
Erm? Do in game events and sponsor rewards out of your own pocket? Be creative? Try doing something else? Possibilities are endless - only your imagination, or lack of it, limits you.

You don't need a random bug to delete your things. Your logic, on this particular matter, is flawed and abject.

Also I believe that what is good for the goose is good for the gander so if they will not replace items for one person then they should not replace items for anyone.
This does not work in real world, nor in virtual. They concluded that the damage from not reverting in this particular situation would have been greater than the damage from reverting. Looking at this thread, most people seem to agree with this analysis. They acted based on that. Your absurd belief, which you probably yourself don't follow to a tee, would provide little to no flexibility and only serve to ruin the game.

Lady Aalia

Atlantic's Finest
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Nevermind the fact that anything can be tracked to prevent fraud.....
so every 2, 3 years a few items might get duplicated.....you think that is worse than a whole shards day gone?
you dont seem to remember a certain guild that as soon as they figured out a way to dupe stuff by crashing a shard did just that many times over and over to dupe many more items...

Sad thing is it is allways just a few people taking advantage of those things , but usually they do it so well that it screws it up badly for everyone else


Seasoned Veteran
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you dont seem to remember a certain guild that as soon as they figured out a way to dupe stuff by crashing a shard did just that many times over and over to dupe many more items...

Sad thing is it is allways just a few people taking advantage of those things , but usually they do it so well that it screws it up badly for everyone else
Yes that is terrible but is nobody's fault but EA's for allowing that security breach to exist. People will take advantage of any syetem, it is human nature. It's thier job to seal the leaks and prevent the problems.
A full shard revert to replace items on some accounts is plain terrible. That data should be (and probably is) available by itself to be restored individually.
And I agree with PS, EA/UO has said billions of times in game, in TOS, on thier FAQ web site, lost items WILL NOT BE REPLACED. Doing a revert to replace items ( I don't care what the items were, if you have a rule stick by it) causes others to lose items and goes against that famous line we have heard since 97-98. It's one of EA's Mantras.......LOST ITEMS WILL NOT BE REPLACED! OHMMMMMM


Well it may be "just pixels" to some.... but its as important as the picture of your new grandchild, the picture of your childs first day of school, or anything like that...
I'm sorry, but anyone that values pixels that don't even belong to them equally as much as pics of their kids or grandkids needs to log out of UO, cancel their account, and go back to RL, because they've completely lost perspective about what's really important in life.

I can't believe anyone would even think this, much less put it down in words for the world to see. :coco:


Comparing loss of items through individual players actions to loss of data for sections of the game cause by some code failure is the same? I suspect those pancakes about the revert do know there is a difference..

... but here's a clear case of the anonymity of the internet allowing people to show their true selfish nature.. we do and say things on the internet we would never dare say to someone when we are looking them in the eye.

Trebr Drab

This revert is like a corruption to time itself! I had killed Ettin number 156,879. Now, that Ettin is no longer killed by me. I must correct this. I must find Ettin156879, and slay him again to set time itself a'right. But how am I to know which Ettin is the right one? And what happens when I kill an Ettin that someone else killed? It's like a warp in time, a loop. A time sink!


Grand Inquisitor
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I can't believe people would object to the GL Shard 1 day revert, it is just absurd. People lost most, if not all in some homes... I think a revert far out weighs the "few skill Points, PS or what ever" was achieved in the 1 day. If the shoe was on the other foot & it was you that lost 75% or more of your things, I would bet it wouldn't take many more then 5 min's & they would be here to P & M :rant2: of their lost items demanding they be replaced & replaced NOW.


There are certain implications regarding shard transfers I still would have liked to get cleared up. If you transfered an item from GL to another shard, this item will have been duped.
What about your char? Is he duped as well? And if you transfered the other way TO GL is your item and your char gone forever?


If I had been affected by this and lost most of my stuff then it would give me something to play for then. . .
Even if some of what you lost would no longer EVER be obtainable?

I guess it's easy for you to say that's how you would feel because it didn't happen to you, did it? The lack of compassion from some people on this board just flat out astounds me.


There are certain implications regarding shard transfers I still would have liked to get cleared up. If you transfered an item from GL to another shard, this item will have been duped.
What about your char? Is he duped as well? And if you transfered the other way TO GL is your item and your char gone forever?
Character Transfers are handled on a separate server from the regular shards. So once a transfer is complete the player and the items they transfered will be on their new home shard. They will not be able to log back into GL to see their character or items.


If I had been affected by this and lost most of my stuff then it would give me something to play for then. As it is right now I have everything ingame that I really want and enough gold to probably replace it all twice so right now the game is kind of borring since I have nothing to work for. Also I believe that what is good for the goose is good for the gander so if they will not replace items for one person then they should not replace items for anyone. It is the risk of the game. And when I post on the board like a normal person then I am expressing only my opinion and not that of a Moderator. So just because I am a staffer does not mean that I am any more special than anyone else. I follow the same rules as everyone else.
WOW now aren't you special!!! Not everyone has lots of gold and can replace
things twice over. And if the game is boring for you then take a break.


Crazed Zealot
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'I Survived the Great Lakes Black Monday' t-shirts all round :D


Character Transfers are handled on a separate server from the regular shards. So once a transfer is complete the player and the items they transfered will be on their new home shard. They will not be able to log back into GL to see their character or items.
Thank you Chrissay for clearing that up :)