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Origami Paper & Origami Fish...How and where do you get them at?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I checked everywhere on Stratics and google searched and cannot find anything on the specifics on drop rate of origami paper on fan dancers and the specifics on how to get a fish from the paper which i understand is the rarest to get?

Anyone have a source location or any specifics? Im really needing to get my hands on 6 or so origami fish for decorating purposes and hunted fan dancers for hours with minimal luck (the drop rate for TOT is much higher than the drop rate for the origami paper it seems).

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



The easiest way to get the fish is to be on a female char and to be drunk.....no i'm not kidding , it really does work

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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not sure where the 'female char' comes into it, but you do need to be drunk, and lucky.
I don't think the drop rate has ever been revealed, but when you get an origami paper there is a 1:5 chance of it being each of the standard 5 types. If you are drunk the fish is added to the mix and you have a 1:6 chance of folding the paper into a fish.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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I seem to remember reading somewhere that your dexterity level is relevant, but I can't remember where, nor how credible the source was.


not sure where the 'female char' comes into it, but you do need to be drunk, and lucky.
I don't think the drop rate has ever been revealed, but when you get an origami paper there is a 1:5 chance of it being each of the standard 5 types. If you are drunk the fish is added to the mix and you have a 1:6 chance of folding the paper into a fish.
I never knew that.. chalk that up to my "learned sumthin' new about UO today" item!


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
I just tried it, male character, drunk, Got 2 fish out of the 2 origami paper I had.

Bo Hica

ok it has everything to do with you drinking the right alcohol and doing it while drunk. I believe it was ale, but I have not done it since shortly after the ML release. I used to wear tri-corners back then but cannot remember if that was part of it or not.


Drink like a fish i believe was the first clue we were given when it came out :D
I remember sitting in an inn with a couple of guild mates with a bunch of origami till all we saw on screen was *hic* we got so many fish that night heh


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can anyone picture doing this in real life in a Origami making class? ;)

- "Ok class, today we learn how to make a fish in Origami."

Step 1 : Get drunk !
Step 2 : ...........

I doubt alot of fishies are going to look good when folded! :D

Of course its a excelent excuse when you get home drunk.
You can always explain your wife you have been at the Origami class.



Seasoned Veteran
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Drunk (very!), on a male character, I got 1 fish out of 6 papers.

edit : drink was liquor and char is a dexxer.