If Basara will poke his head in here (IIRC it was him), he has a list of some of the more pronounced bugs with Haven, and I believe one of the devs even stated as much that Haven was too bugged to attempt to fix, and was easier to just blow it up and create a new one.
Again, they don't care aboput whast we think. And it caused them to lose money, I know this is an issue 3-4 years ago... But it still matters to me... I miss Haven.
Connor is correct...
They knew Haven was Buggy from how it diverged from Ocllo. They didn't know HOW buggy, until I showed them through my accounts, doing BOD runs at the EA demo booth at Gen Con, I believe 2003 (the other booths had a LotR game demo - not the MMO but another), as we all got up-to-date AoS install CDs that Binky had made, at the Town Hall.
They tried FOR THREE YEARS after they saw how my account was being affected in Haven, to try to fix Haven. Much of the trouble was deep seated in how Haven was built, and left-over, undocumented, code buried in the area, from when Haven was "Young"-only. And, Since I was on Lake Austin, this meant that the code SHOULD have been the purest form, having little to no EM/Seer/Councilor alterations prior to AoS. Instead, it appeared to be the MOST buggy Haven, of all the shards.
What they had to do was effectively REMOVE the entire area from UO, then patch in an entirely NEW area coded from scratch. The only things that survived from the old code, were static items coded for specific coordinates, not directly part of the "environment" code. Things like EM/Dev created items, such as the Hammer (now buried south of the New Haven mining training area), and the T-map coordinates.
As they were rebuilding the Haven map from scratch, the idea came around to do a rapid-training area, much like the blackrock hotspots and alacrity scrolls. That led to New Haven, and of course, the KR new character area, that resulted in Haven's demise.
I personally wish they'd left the new character quests alone (I miss the necromancer & paladin quests). And, the hurry to get the KR quest area and the New Player Experience quests up and running, meant they didn't get around to restoring the rest of Haven's surroundings that SHOULDN'T have been affected by the destruction.
C'mon, Devs - once you get SA rolling, give us back the areas of western Haven that we remember, even if you can't restore the town. And, consider giving us back the AoS & SE standard template quests, even if altered to have different start points.