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Half of Luna is Missing On Great Lakes


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Don't diss the place I live in game, dude. I'm just lucky the same hasn't happened on LS, I guess.

And I didn't think it was a hack attempt.. I was referring to the post that said it happened after they killed a Shadowlord last night. :p

So what.. he used Armageddon 1/500th?


Ok :) There were some hints above and in another thread I just wanted everyone to know that that wasn't the case.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
So i'm guessing subserver data corruption for the chunk of Malas Luna is in relating to player houses is what happened. Of course, it's figuring out what caused it that's the problem.

Trebr Drab

The Shadow Lords did it?

They stole our history? Ok now, I want a wyrd with those dudes.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
What seems so strange about this situation is that it appears that vendors and their contents were not affected. And some houses still have event-type items (not from deeds, e.g., large blackrock pieces) locked down on the floor.

Very strange.

Trebr Drab

What seems so strange about this situation is that it appears that vendors and their contents were not affected. And some houses still have event-type items (not from deeds, e.g., large blackrock pieces) locked down on the floor.

Very strange.
I don't know, but could the way items unlock when a house falls have anything to do with this?


From what I've been hearing, my first guess would be that its happening by the type of lock down and/or secure it is.

It sounds like anything that isnt a container (vendors would be a different configuration, even though they have similar properties) or a 'recent' creation like the rubble is what was affected. Some identifier or indexing unique to them would have to be the target of the glitch.

This is complete guesswork on my part as I cant get in game right now to see what all is missing and the condition of the houses I know.

Tina Small

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And then there are the houses on the southwest end of Luna that seem fine, to a casual observer unfamiliar with the houses. They still seem fully decorated and you can see plenty of container-type items.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The other strange thing I noticed in a couple of houses is that museum/zoo and vet reward statues are still standing in place.


Im hopeful reading chrissays posts that there is going to be some kind of SL invasion in Luna forcing everyone back to Brit!!!

So, my advice would be...MOVE! :p


Ok Rich, how do you get that out of her posts?!

The only thing she's said, is 'We're looking at it' and 'It was not a hack'


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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They are not going to have bunch of people get their stuff deleted from a bug. I wouldn't worry too much - it will be reverted at worst.


I dunno, maybe because she decided to quote the "hell of a final attack" post rather than any other?!?

Besides LIGHTEN UP! your stuff isnt gone, only anything you've done for probably the last 24hours when they have to revert the servers.

Stupid Miner

Ooo! check it!
Great Lakes Shard
Chrissay Zeeman
28 Jul 2009 11:13:37

On Great Lakes we will be doing a revert back to Monday morning maintenance. While the decision to do a revert is never an easy one, this is the only way to resolve an issue that caused items to disappear out of player's homes on Great Lakes. This revert will restore the items players have lost. We apologize for this inconvenience and thank the players for their understanding.
I hope you didn't get any mempos today or yesterday!


Fortunatly I didn't get anything good from the Shadow Lords...but I did burn a bunch of armor and tweak a few of my suits yesterday...so that blows, but at least I will have the hammers back and can try again...


I dunno, maybe because she decided to quote the "hell of a final attack" post rather than any other?!?

Besides LIGHTEN UP! your stuff isnt gone, only anything you've done for probably the last 24hours when they have to revert the servers.
Probably quoted that because it was another 'It was hacked!' posts. Not in regards to a UO invasion attack.

And the only thing I'll lose are a few counts. But I've a good friend who stood to lose alot more. Everyone forgets that even pixels can have sentimental value. Items from friends, reminders of good times, and the history things can represent. Some of the history is game based and some of it is friendship based.

And beyond all of the joking and immature (no this is not directly pointed at you Rich; you're quote got used in the 'final attack' part not neccesarily the rest of the post) reactions everyone enjoyed throwing out because they thought they were funny were not.

Sometimes humor is needed; and if at the time we'd have had word from EA that things were being handled, then it might have been a different story. But it wasnt. Until Chrissay stepped in with something, there wasnt a single bit of information (good or bad) of what was going on. And that is what had people, myself included, in such a snit.

Thats the point of irritation.


Always Present
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Revert europa to monday server up too then??.. and save Hemis collection??

Tis only a small time frame of play for most casual gamers 2-3 hours loss.


Wow. Some people need to chill and realize UO is just a game.


Revert europa to monday server up too then??.. and save Hemis collection??

Tis only a small time frame of play for most casual gamers 2-3 hours loss.
His account would still have a different password and no access for him.

You would need a RL revert to save the collection...


See i read it, as im sure alot of people who werent directly involved and such have heighted emotions, that the final attack comment was following on from previous statements about the Shadowlords.

As such i thought it was quite amusing.


See i read it, as im sure alot of people who werent directly involved and such have heighted emotions, that the final attack comment was following on from previous statements about the Shadowlords.

As such i thought it was quite amusing.
Which is why I put in the part about the rest of the post not being directed at you on the whole 'final attack' part.

And who knows, maybe it was in part a reference to that.

Some took it to relate to the Shadowlords attack. Myself, I took it in regards to a final 'hack' attempt. Probably because I got stuck on repeatedly saying that this wasnt a hack attempt.


Thanks Devs for getting things back to the way they should be. A lot of people can stop freaking out now.


Wow, you all bicker alot over some of the stupidest stuff...back to my scripting paradise lol.


Seasoned Veteran
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Still...a revert and having them FREEZE all activity on that account...would give him time to have them look into into it.

Hemis stuff tech would still be in the house and not able to be carted of the shard while the account was frozen :)

The Craftsman

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Stratics Legend
This is Luna housing were talking about. Lets hope for no revert. This glitch has probably deleted more duped items from the server than anything EA has ever done to address the problem.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
dupes are a separate issue, Craftsman, you know that... even if there were some there in this case, restoring years of work to these players far outweighs that concern

cheers to EA for fixing this and setting minds at ease


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Well if they really were dupes, good riddance.
If not dupes, let's hope for a fix.
Hopefully it's not some lockdown bug that players are exploiting.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Well.... I'm gone from the game for 2 days and look what you guys do! Wipe out Luna then revert..... hum.....

Glad all is restored...


If? Some?

No ifs ... theres a ton of dupes locked down in Luna houses for all to be seen.

Some? Lots!

Look at it as a server cleanse. Maybe they should do it unannounced on every shard.
Should they have started by wiping your houses and your accounts clean first?

I mean if you're saying all of Luna are dupers, then why not all of uo, and why not you?

Old Man of UO

NOW... who is going to be the first one to ask for another TOT week delay to end the event because of the revert? HMMMMMM? Not ME! :D