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HKO beats UO


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
This just pisses me off, and I am leaving UO to play Hello Kitty Online. THIS IS WHY:

Farming. It's the most amazing profession that I can't have in UO.

In Hello Kitty Online, I can be a snowman.

Okay, so in all seriousness, I'm not being honest. I'd never play Hello Kitty Online, I just happened to stumble upon this reading gaming sites. However, I am completely pissed off that a MMO that is free and caters to 10 year olds has (seemingly) better graphics than Ultima Online even does. I mean, ignore the fact that it's like anime whatever, but the graphics are just... better.
Make fun of me all you want, but I just couldn't help myself.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
wow, that game is sickly sweet - kinda scary


Crazed Zealot
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My first thought was "Why can't UO have graphics at least at that quality?"


wee papa smurf

Ha! My 9 yo daughter plays this game, i find myself "helping her out" if she gets stuck on something, the graphics are kinda decent :thumbsup:


i really do like those graphics. they're absolutely georgeous. UO would be unbelievable with graphics like that...

ah what i wouldnt give to see that...

maybe ax the pink though.


Well I think maybe it has to do with making things look realistic compared to cartoonish, maybe its just harder. Also while you look at a still does it have the same amount of animations. I don't know.

The cartoon look is what keeps me away from wow and others and what I hope UO does not turn into, I hate seeing big goofy swords that do not fit right.


hahaa that game looks disgustingly sweet in appearance : P how bout joining with a freind, port over your mage archer tamers for a chat; endless avatars to eliminate, literally no oppostion to you and your freinds armageddon spell, cu chomping down and -20 mage skill balance dual hit x bow to boot! wow'zers!:p


I took one look at that pic with my color blind eyes and puked candy canes.

It's all your fault.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Does it have a PvP shard?

Old Man of UO

My first thought was "Why can't UO have graphics at least at that quality?"

I am missing the quality part... the graphics do not in any way appeal to me and I find them rather garish.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Connor the OP is right, there's no denying it. The point he's making is 100% valid. Are you incapable of judging the level of art itself put into HKO? Or are you blind to the fact that if the people behind HKO were tasked to make UO visually better, they'd actually make a far better job than EA's guys?

By far superior to SA/UO in general.

Ohh... Don't forget. We already have candy canes in UO, ironically.. And we can only wish they looked at least that good. :loser:

I love how EA works- They now have that screenie contest.. As if ANYTHING has changed for the best to the point of convincing us it's a real step forward.

Not only that, they're covering this in FOF somewhat :
"The original UO art is great and is guaranteed to provide you with a consistent user experience." , "We are always investigating ways to continue to enhance the graphical experience of the new client."

You don't need me to tell you what a load of BS the latter part is.. As for the first part- A decade later I couldn't disagree more with their POV. If UO had been released a couple of years earlier and EA gave us that kind of statement I'd back off. But dude.. It's 10 years and more..!? So regarding graphics UO fails.

.....And I don't see where it succeeds except keeping 10-20(figure of speech, talking in comparison with ALL other MMOs) people happy, of which more than half are cheating to either make a profit or convince the rest they rule all Netkind.

At this point a completely new engine similar to [Longest List You Can Imagine!] may be the only thing to revive UO.. After implementing some kind of measure against cheating of course... And a big balance pass.. And good marketing... And... Oh, nevermind. :bored:

@Old Man of UO : That's your problem, YOU are missing the quality part. There's way more people than just you and Connor who say UO's the one missing the whole idea behind graphics quality. Sorry to break it to you like that. The only reason you still like the graphics is nostalgia, being really old, not paying to buy last year's cheapest peripherals for your computer and plain old HABBIT. Move on.

EDIT : And really now, weren't MOST of you posting in these parts AGAINST moving onwards technologically?... How come most posters now agree with the OP that the game actually NEEDS better graphics? Bipolar, the lot of you.. Said it before.


Connor the OP is right, there's no denying it. The point he's making is 100% valid. Are you incapable of judging the level of art itself put into HKO? Or are you blind to the fact that if the people behind HKO were tasked to make UO visually better, they'd actually make a far better job than EA's guys?
Actually, I was making an offhand joke about all the pink and candy loooking items in the pics, but way to go turning that into some slight against my ability to judge anything. :loser::dunce:


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I dunno, maybe you're so eager to speak up when someone "slams" UO by stating anything the least bit negative, that I can't know when you're serious or not.

Stupid Miner

You could probably kill a diabetic just by showing them those pictures.

The 2D art is better but... It still looks terrible. (full of nauseating pastels)


UO art is in a pitiful state even with all clients combined compared to that FREE Candy graphics game.

FREE is the OP's in your face slamdunk point here. While we all still have to pay for the "great" awe inspiring "new" innovation being pro-offered to satisfy the natives.

For those who disagree fine again I tell you "That's your take,savour it!" Besides I don't think anybody cares hehe.



Old Man of UO

UO art is in a pitiful state even with all clients combined compared to that FREE Candy graphics game.

FREE is the OP's in your face slamdunk point here. While we all still have to pay for the "great" awe inspiring "new" innovation being pro-offered to satisfy the natives.

For those who disagree fine again I tell you "That's your take,savour it!" Besides I don't think anybody cares hehe.


Have fun playing your FREE game! I am sure the crafting system, PVP and PVM are all worth the price you pay for it.

Xalan Dementia

Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
You need to realize that its easy to make a good looking game from scratch, but the uo devs have to work with old code and such. If they could start uo from scratch, new client, new servers, and no old stuff ported over, itd be another generic 3d wow-style lvl up game with no heart. ive tried almost every mmo out that has a free trial and always come home to uo were the heart is. The reason all the uo sequels got canned was the fact that a majority of the uo 1 players wouldnt want to give up thier items/chars/etc for a new version.


I dunno, maybe you're so eager to speak up when someone "slams" UO by stating anything the least bit negative, that I can't know when you're serious or not.
Luckily it's pretty easy to know exactly what your posts will say without even having to read them.

I think that game looks kinda fun. But call me old-fashioned, I certainly don't think it's a better looking game than UO.

And xalan pretty much nailed it. There's 12 years of legacy code & legacy players for the devs to deal with here. That being said, sometimes I wish they'd just work on improving the 2D client interface & playability rather than rolling out a new (invariably doomed) client every 3 years or so.


Have fun playing your FREE game! I am sure the crafting system, PVP and PVM are all worth the price you pay for it.
Duh what free game are you referring too? Where? Did I mention to play one? Evidently you missed the point as usual. I think you are off topic except for half the truth on the latter part of what you said hehe.

Anyways not meant to argue with a die hard fan such as yourself kept under heavy bonds and chains to the ways of the old fashioned based on your declarations and handle which truly fits you.

May I then suggest that you remember one thing. There is such a thing as progress. Ten years is a long time to see nothing really that good has changed as far as graphics on UO is concerned.

Forget about WoW forget about your PvP and PvM the crux of the matter here are the graphics that's all old timer. Stick to the graphics.



It Lives

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Connor the OP is right, there's no denying it. The point he's making is 100% valid. Are you incapable of judging the level of art itself put into HKO? Or are you blind to the fact that if the people behind HKO were tasked to make UO visually better, they'd actually make a far better job than EA's guys?

By far superior to SA/UO in general.

Ohh... Don't forget. We already have candy canes in UO, ironically.. And we can only wish they looked at least that good. :loser:

I love how EA works- They now have that screenie contest.. As if ANYTHING has changed for the best to the point of convincing us it's a real step forward.

Not only that, they're covering this in FOF somewhat :
"The original UO art is great and is guaranteed to provide you with a consistent user experience." , "We are always investigating ways to continue to enhance the graphical experience of the new client."

You don't need me to tell you what a load of BS the latter part is.. As for the first part- A decade later I couldn't disagree more with their POV. If UO had been released a couple of years earlier and EA gave us that kind of statement I'd back off. But dude.. It's 10 years and more..!? So regarding graphics UO fails.

.....And I don't see where it succeeds except keeping 10-20(figure of speech, talking in comparison with ALL other MMOs) people happy, of which more than half are cheating to either make a profit or convince the rest they rule all Netkind.

At this point a completely new engine similar to [Longest List You Can Imagine!] may be the only thing to revive UO.. After implementing some kind of measure against cheating of course... And a big balance pass.. And good marketing... And... Oh, nevermind. :bored:

@Old Man of UO : That's your problem, YOU are missing the quality part. There's way more people than just you and Connor who say UO's the one missing the whole idea behind graphics quality. Sorry to break it to you like that. The only reason you still like the graphics is nostalgia, being really old, not paying to buy last year's cheapest peripherals for your computer and plain old HABBIT. Move on.

EDIT : And really now, weren't MOST of you posting in these parts AGAINST moving onwards technologically?... How come most posters now agree with the OP that the game actually NEEDS better graphics? Bipolar, the lot of you.. Said it before.
If technology includes the lifeless pastel graphics and over sized anatomy, all aimed at 8-10 year olds, then have at it...heeeeellooo kittty weeeee!

I would rather use some imaginations, while we are mashing your head with our macing weapons in uo.

* The UI looks damn near Identical to SA minus the horrid colors*

I am pretty certain that the SA UI has far more functionality as well.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO is plagued with the same old and tired problems since the first day. I'm not predictable.. The game is. Or rather these annoying issues. Heck, all I CAN do is actually report them over and over. Which I do, in a not so polite way after a rather lengthy effort to get them sorted in a polite way.

Sue me? :next: Telling me I don't play any more and so I should shut up might have made you look like you had half a clue at least.

Twelve years of code which should have been dumped on the fourth year if not earlier, you mean.. If not, at least a sequel should be out by now. But let's not go there..

Instead I'll insist that interface and such are all nice but.. Twelve year old graphics? Sorry, it IS a problem now. As said maybe it was forgivable or even viable if we were 6 years in the past. ;)

All in all most of the replies keep bashing the colours and "over-sized anatomy" which could be altered to be realistic... And can't look at the level of art work itself. Sad. Hardcore to the bone. :sleep2:

*EDIT* Let me further assist the OP in clearly stating IT'S ALSO FREE WHILE WE'RE PAYING. And it's not about him preferring HKO over UO. He's only wondering at the amount of F4iL we're getting served by the art "department". Should I edit this to be in red fonts so you CAN MAYBE PAY ATTENTION!?!?!?!


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
*EDIT* Let me further assist the OP in clearly stating IT'S ALSO FREE WHILE WE'RE PAYING. And it's not about him preferring HKO over UO. He's only wondering at the amount of F4iL we're getting served by the art "department". Should I edit this to be in red fonts so you CAN MAYBE PAY ATTENTION!?!?!?!
OP here, and I am a lady.
The point that I am indeed trying to make is that HKO is completely free. While I would never try to play HKO and join the Sailor Scouts Guild the world has to offer and make a Sailor Mars that farms (not that I thought about it at all or anything), I am just baffled that a game that is free and that ten year olds play has graphics of better quality than a game I am PAYING $13 a month for. The fact that is has code and it's twelve years old is bull**** - these graphics can be changed as you have seen graphics "change" in SA. I guess I don't know much about coding, but isn't it just an issue of getting a good animation team together and switching new codes for graphics for old ones? Why would that change what I have or loosing anything?

Phaen Grey

Lore Master
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Most of the "free" games have item shops where you spend real money for items to better equip your characters. Its a system that has merit as it allows for game play without cost if you choose not to buy into better quality items; however it does have an income to pay for new content and expenses, some of the newer "free" games also have advertising in the game to generate an income.

I think the biggest issue is that HKO along with many other games in this genre are new games, built on a game engine that could produce what the developers wanted. UO's legacy code, art, game engine has some real compatibility issues with "progress"; Draconi and the dev team can only do so much with what they have to work with. I for one appreciate that they are keeping the game online, rather than loose it altogether.

Eman Resu

Remember the pentagrams and arcanist circles in KR? How they weren't even drawn from the right perspective? UO's art team is incompetent.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
OP here, and I am a lady.
The point that I am indeed trying to make is that HKO is completely free. While I would never try to play HKO and join the Sailor Scouts Guild the world has to offer and make a Sailor Mars that farms (not that I thought about it at all or anything), I am just baffled that a game that is free and that ten year olds play has graphics of better quality than a game I am PAYING $13 a month for. The fact that is has code and it's twelve years old is bull**** - these graphics can be changed as you have seen graphics "change" in SA. I guess I don't know much about coding, but isn't it just an issue of getting a good animation team together and switching new codes for graphics for old ones? Why would that change what I have or loosing anything?
Sailor moon guilds? Farming? Being a snow man? I'm sold. If only they had Fluffy Kitten backpacks and puppy handbags...

Old Man of UO

... Evidently you missed the point as usual. I think you are off topic except for half the truth on the latter part of what you said hehe...

May I then suggest that you remember one thing. There is such a thing as progress. Ten years is a long time to see nothing really that good has changed as far as graphics on UO is concerned.

Forget about WoW forget about your PvP and PvM the crux of the matter here are the graphics that's all old timer. Stick to the graphics...
I didn't miss the point at all, but I think you are seeing a green leaf of a single tree, and think you are looking at a jungle. A game is a whole of its parts. You can point out a single thing that you like, graphics in this case, but it is still a horrible (adult) game.

I agree that the graphics in SA could be "prettier" but I also understand that compromises were made because so many "I WILL QUIT UO RATHER THAN SWITCH FROM 2D GRAPHICS" whiners complained so long and loudly. You should be ranting at those people, not the Developers.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I didn't miss the point at all, but I think you are seeing a green leaf of a single tree, and think you are looking at a jungle. A game is a whole of its parts. You can point out a single thing that you like, graphics in this case, but it is still a horrible (adult) game.

I agree that the graphics in SA could be "prettier" but I also understand that compromises were made because so many "I WILL QUIT UO RATHER THAN SWITCH FROM 2D GRAPHICS" whiners complained so long and loudly. You should be ranting at those people, not the Developers.
The reason we 2Ders shout "I WILL QUIT UO RATHER THAN SWITCH FROM 2D GRAPHICS" is because the only alternitive we've been given is ****ty graphics like KR. Those are absolutely awful to look at! The new SA is alright, but it's still ugly and make 2d look like heaven (in my opinion) to what I see in SA or KR.
Now, if they offered me graphics like HKO, I wouldn't be pancakes. I have invested $1000+ into UO since I started playing 9 years ago. I think I deserve to see something for that.

red sky

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
IMO, graphics can ruin a game. It's like making something into something that it's not. Whenever I look at the trailers for Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2, they seem to have lost that old feel that they used to have. It's just not the same when you drastically change the graphics of a game. Especially if you have played it for a significant amount of time. That's probably what the source of the feeling is, all of those memories that are attached to the old school graphics. I can play the Stygian Abyss client in comfort, but it just doesn't feel quite like the old familiar UO that I've always known. Maybe it goes back to that old dog who can't learn new tricks. But that dog is original and that is what makes it special. So maybe you are a new player who happens to be disappointed with the graphics but, to me, it's the substance not the color that makes the difference.


Its all about the money. The last time UO had a budget for anything other then small patches and tiny expansions was back at UO2.

Right now UO is a 1981 Station wagon. No amount of bondo will turn it into a Veyron.


Wow............. some of you guys really like the look of that vs. the look of UO? To each there own I guess. Personally I would have a hard time bringing myself to play something that looked like that. Not flamming anyone's personal prefference, it's just not my cup of tea.


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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Serious? Look like Barbie blew up. o_O


There are hundreds of free 2d mmos that have better graphics then UO. I know 15 year old kids who are better pixel artists then the ones at UO. Aside from having a host of killer servers to support the players on UO and one of the best skill and pvp systems out of any mmo 3d or otherwise there is nothing more going for UO seeing as the new expansion is a step back from 98 :/


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Wow............. some of you guys really like the look of that vs. the look of UO? To each there own I guess. Personally I would have a hard time bringing myself to play something that looked like that. Not flamming anyone's personal prefference, it's just not my cup of tea.
I don't think anyone likes the "look" of it. They like the technical level of quality through out the product.

I would say for one, that KR art is much better than HKO... in some regards, such as most monsters, and terrain. However, KR has some really amateur level art in other places, item art prominently, the complete lack of understanding of the UO perspective as evidenced in anything circular was already brought up, but its a good example.

I would be happy to play a game that employed the KR art. Well, a game that wasn't UO that is. I think that aside from the obvious ineptitude of the item art KR art is fab, but it should have just been art for its own game, it really doesn't fit UO's world IMO. Slapped on to the 10+ year old infrastructre... it just looks out of place to me.

Should have just gone ahead and made SA its own game, with a world designed to take advantage of new art, based on, or a more or less direct copy (with maybe some tweaks and additions to some rules and systems) of current UO.

SA if you ask me is a step in the wrong direction art wise. The mixing of the new flashy KR art with the old charming, but clearly dated art just comes across as awkward.

To me KR was pretty much 100% a plot to get new players with graphics that didn't look laughable (to the modern gamer) on a retail box, or website screenshots, but SA client, takes that away, and while its provide a robust new UI, they wont get the conversion numbers they want to make it worth while, because basically "UO2D+UOA if it aint broke don't fix it" mentality will reign supreme. Could be wrong, but I doubt it.


Does it have a PvP shard?
Nope :)

CCP Wrangler:
EVE is a dark and harsh world, you're supposed to feel a bit worried and slightly angry when you log in, you're not supposed to feel like you're logging in to a happy, happy, fluffy, fluffy lala land filled with fun and adventures, that's what hello kitty online is for.


Does it have a PvP shard?
It reminds me when I was trying all kind of stupid F2P and trying to PvP. Blocking people in Habbo Hotel was so Felucca style! That was before 4chan started some take-over with a bot program. But back then it was faster to create an account than to get banned. :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
one of the best skill and pvp systems out of any mmo 3d or otherwise
UO's PvP system is a complete joke.

The majority of the people left PvPing are a bunch of speedhacking, tree stump/field hacking cheaters.

The only thing UO has going for it is a small group of die hard players.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO's PvP system is a complete joke.

The majority of the people left PvPing are a bunch of speedhacking, tree stump/field hacking cheaters.

The only thing UO has going for it is a small group of die hard players.
Bruce Willis plays UO????


Everything in those screenshots looks defined and detailed... everything UO in KR and SA are not.

I mean, even the new current client looks cheaply made. Sad, sad, sad.

When Grimm spoke of 'quality' it is stuff like THIS being made where we have to question his (and his art teams') ability.


My pappy told me a saying that relates to UO's graphics....

You can't polish a turd.


I recently discovered Dwarf Fortress. It says your pappy is wrong! :)


Pretty sad when Hello Kitty Online has better graphics than a game thats been developed for 11 years now. Heck HKO looks way better than SA imagine that! Looks like the end of UO may be closer than we thought.....


I love uo.

I also love my 16 year old lab/shepherd mix. He's lumpy and fat, and his hair is falling out. I get him groomed regularly so he looks a little better. Even though he's old and fat and uglyand gray, I still love him; it'd be nice if I could put him in a new, better looking body.

Thus, I love uo, even though its old and lumpy and fat and gray. Visually, it could really use a grooming, and I wouldn't be opposed to putting it in a more attractive body.


I think those graphics actually are more impressive then SA as well. While UO doesn't want to be sickly sweet, the avatars there are well defined and detailed compared to SA's. Everything seems to be well shaded and distinct. Take those graphics, tone down the colors and change kids to armor swords and it would blow UO away...