Not strictly pixel graphics, more of a mix of 3D, pixels, and general graphical wizardry, but I thought some of you might be interested in seeing some of the stuff I was working on recently:
I just suffered a bit of an unfortunate loss so I'll be brief for now, but will be updating this thread with much more stuff in the future (If people are interested), and also would love to revive the vibe of the original pixel graphics challenge thread, in that if there are any recent ****ty graphics that you would like to see redone, or old graphics redone at a higher res, I'll give it my very best shot!
I'll also be including some details of the production processes, and other interesting tidbits that will help those who would like to make stuff of their own. Hopefully there will be some contributions from others like last time too (Crysta? and others, I forget!)
One of the major issues with Saphireenas original challenge (in my eyes, and also those of EA), is that it all involved an INCREDIBLY high workload, and also highly skilled artists, something which doesn't come cheap, and is presumably out of reach of UO's meagre art budget.
What I would like to show is that a lot can be done to retain the style that UO's players are used to, on an absolute shoestring budget!
Anyway, for now, some pics - later, some accompanying text
Not much more meaningful I can add for now without going into depth, but put briefly: that's how I would do it
P.S I know I should have taken more time to construct this thread properly, but I'm looking for something to lighten my mood atm! I will update this first post extensively.
Edit: Updating first post with some more revant images:
UO basket tribute, showing from left to right the original, my version, and the unprocessed render.
Some random pieces I made for Illarion.
Illarion hats
More lutes, this time again comparing the original render to the processed version
Drums, this time demonstrating the lack of finesse on the unprocessed models
Ditto backpack
More Illarion stuff.
I just suffered a bit of an unfortunate loss so I'll be brief for now, but will be updating this thread with much more stuff in the future (If people are interested), and also would love to revive the vibe of the original pixel graphics challenge thread, in that if there are any recent ****ty graphics that you would like to see redone, or old graphics redone at a higher res, I'll give it my very best shot!
I'll also be including some details of the production processes, and other interesting tidbits that will help those who would like to make stuff of their own. Hopefully there will be some contributions from others like last time too (Crysta? and others, I forget!)
One of the major issues with Saphireenas original challenge (in my eyes, and also those of EA), is that it all involved an INCREDIBLY high workload, and also highly skilled artists, something which doesn't come cheap, and is presumably out of reach of UO's meagre art budget.
What I would like to show is that a lot can be done to retain the style that UO's players are used to, on an absolute shoestring budget!
Anyway, for now, some pics - later, some accompanying text
Not much more meaningful I can add for now without going into depth, but put briefly: that's how I would do it
P.S I know I should have taken more time to construct this thread properly, but I'm looking for something to lighten my mood atm! I will update this first post extensively.
Edit: Updating first post with some more revant images:

UO basket tribute, showing from left to right the original, my version, and the unprocessed render.

Some random pieces I made for Illarion.

Illarion hats


More lutes, this time again comparing the original render to the processed version

Drums, this time demonstrating the lack of finesse on the unprocessed models

Ditto backpack

More Illarion stuff.