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[UO Herald] Stygian Abyss Expansion Beta Invitations

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
I like the fact that this was being posted as early as the 24th...
And it took till the 26th to get a response that they would look into it.

The whole setup has been fubar'ed from the get go, it seems. Kinda shakes your faith in the new expansion, if a company can't even email codes out.

And no, that's not being said because I don't have one, I really don't care one way or the other at this point in time. If I was gonna go in, I wanted to go early to do some serious looking, by the third and 4th rounds, I suspect its all pretty set and not a whole lot will be changed. (hope I'm wrong)


It looks as though we pressed the wrong button. We will send out the correct round of invitations on Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
It looks as though we pressed the wrong button. We will send out the correct round of invitations on Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Remember Chrissay.... Konge... you want to send Konge a Beta invite... You know you want to....


It looks as though we pressed the wrong button. We will send out the correct round of invitations on Monday. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Yay! There's still hope for me! Thanks for catching this, everybody.


Seasoned Veteran
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Send me one. Ill test your game so hard it'll walk funny.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And let us know please if your invite wont be sent to Hotmail accounts (some emails and companies wont or cant be sent to Hotmail) so we can try and get another email set up?


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Wait for the reset button tomorrow... See Chissay's post above.

About beta testing. I am not In SA content yet. I am having a ball with SA client!

I am not going to say I love it all. It is just fun. It is new and old at the same time. I dunno about some of you... I could use something different.

Too be honest. I enjoy toying around with the interface in a familiar environment. My houses! Don't get me wrong I have ventured into quite a few hot areas on Siege using SA client.

I have not tried PvP yet... Except for the dieing and getting looted part. *chuckles* Gotta love those Siege folk.

As far as the bias as to who gets in early... That is nonsense in my humble opinion.

While I am guessing there are a few experienced and tested . I am just guessing, I would go back to an experienced, dedicated and valued tester every time. It only makes sense.

Otherwise... I reckon they invite what they want to test. You folks did read the whole thing right? You know... That agreement thing?

Trust me. There will be a couple of stress tests on a test shard and an open beta in the future. This is not my first rodeo... I could be wrong. I Do not speak Mythic.

If you are chosen on the next round... Please. Test it to your best. Do all things you like to do. If You see something odd... Pass it on to Mythic.

If you see something you think could be better... Pass it on to Mythic.

Do not expect a personal "thank you". Just know someone is reading it and it will be considered case by case. I still gladly send feed back directly Mythic. For what it is worth... Some one reads it. If it is new it goes one place.

If it is known it goes somewhere else... I am just imagining how I would do it.

If it is goofy, I would print it and put it on the "goofy" bulletin board. Yes... That is me again and how I would go.

Ask yourselves... Are you wanting a test or merely a sneak preview.

Uriah Heep

Grand Poobah
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Like you, Kelmo, I'm enjoying the heck out of testing the new client. Got a few problems, not sure if they are client or me.

I run and stop to cast, I get bounced back a coupla tiles, and aboutthe time the Ev is ready to cast and I target, I bounce back to original position...not a show stopper, but sometime frustrating because of the targetting area change "that location is blocked"

Plants are a pain, the icons and - signs arent lined up, and the watering notification seriously needs brightened up.

Much better job than KR on keeping the house deco intact, and not making it look all funny...the homemade decor stands as is.

Smooth running, in fact so smooth sometimes my char glides sideways and doesn't even have to turn to run! *grins*

I do wish I wasnt sitting on the ossie's head tho =(

I'm not sure what's different about the hotbars in SA as opposed to KR, but in KR, when i drug an icon into a slot, and tried to assign it a key, I was always told that keystroke was already used...but I never could clear it as directed. In SA, I guess nothing is preassigned...4 hotbars set up nicely =)

First impression very positive, and yeah, I would like to see how the expansion is gonna run, hopefully as well as the client, and not as poorly as the invitation process ;)

The mob artwork is fine.

So come on with the SA release, let's get it on!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is a Stygian Abyss beta.
I am in the Stygian Abyss beta.

Dev's, i'm gonna make so many cookies for you :D :danceb::danceb::danceb:


same codes but the forum account creation code is different.


Slightly Crazed
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friggin a, they sent the codes out and still not in. ....*Grumbles about a gun incoherently*


Seasoned Veteran
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Got a beta invite! Sent to my main inbox and I use hotmail.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well frankly I've about given up on testing the beta content. I'm testing the client now which is what I was really interested in to begin with.


Is it too early in the day to be checking for the new invites?
We sent out the last batch on Sunday as there was an error with the invites on Friday. Make sure to check your junk mail folders as well.


UO Forum Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i am to the point now were i could care less


We sent out the last batch on Sunday as there was an error with the invites on Friday. Make sure to check your junk mail folders as well.
Well, leaves me out again :(

Will there be another round this week? Starting to give up hope also.
Registered with all 4 accounts and nada. And yes, I definitely have
checked all my spam folders.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not in again.
But I'm having a ball with SA client and sending in bugs.

Question.... i have someone asking me about the expansion beta. They got the invite and they already have the SA client installed from previous week. Do they follow the link and download another SA client again? Two clients? How do they actually get into the beta part of the expansion? They register and then see a new test shard?


Hmmmm..not as many people posted this time about getting an invite
this time.


We sent out the last batch on Sunday as there was an error with the invites on Friday. Make sure to check your junk mail folders as well.
Are you aware of an issue with bad codes generated?
When I enter the code on the registration update page (upgrade), it tells me the code is "unavailable". I did a copy-paste from the email, so no possible typo.

What does it mean by "unavailable"???
I did not share information with anybody and did not try to use the code on another account or anything like this.

PM me if you want me to give you the code I was sent (Monday batch).


I kinda got the same thing. I was emailed a code this time but I got this..

Error! The code you entered is unavailable. Please check what you entered and try again. If you need more help, contact us at: (866) 543-5435 (toll free) within the continental U.S. only.

I was told that it was probably a code that was sent out on a earlier round to me , but I have only got the one email.. :bored:

LoL guess not all of us are meant to be testers. :)


I kinda got the same thing. I was emailed a code this time but I got this..

Error! The code you entered is unavailable. Please check what you entered and try again. If you need more help, contact us at: (866) 543-5435 (toll free) within the continental U.S. only.

I was told that it was probably a code that was sent out on a earlier round to me , but I have only got the one email.. :bored:

LoL guess not all of us are meant to be testers. :)
Argh, well, their loss!! I provided feedback for SE (In person while we were still having focus groups with devs at their office in CA), for ML and SA but maybe it's time I retire from that job!!