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Weapons In The SA Client Paperdoll

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I thought it might be interesting and perhaps informative for some to see what equipped weapons look like in the SA client's paperdoll.

So far, I've only gone through the archery weapons, but will add the other weapons as I get through the process of trimming the screen prints down to size and putting them into a Photoshop layout.

If these images are too small for you, please think about downloading the client and seeing them first-hand. I'm pretty sure the majority of folks will agree that the artwork for equipped weapons is pretty darn good. I know I enjoy looking at all the details and wish that these images did a better job of conveying what they really look like on your screen.




Wow, thanks Tina. They all look awesome, and actually like real weapons.


These are just some notes...

According to those pictures the Bardiche and the Halberd currently have the same paper doll graphic. So do the War Axe and Axe. So do the Gnarled Staff and Quarter Staff.

I don't see the Black Staff.

I wonder why all the bows are held in the left hand except the Elven Composite Longbow. That isn't consistant.

I feel that the War Cleaver looks more like a Scimitar than the current Scimitar.

I kind of miss the having the pole arms being held like a staff or walking stick. (Halberd, Q-Staff, Spear...)

Oh yeah, thanks for the display!

Old Man of UO


I wonder why all the bows are held in the left hand except the Elven Composite Longbow. That isn't consistant...
Great info Tina Small! I thought this was going to be another or a long listing of rants, but am pleasantly surprised and impressed.

As far as the bows, all of the crossbows are also held in the right hand, the rest in the left hand. This is all correct if you are right handed, EXCEPT the composite longbow should be held in the left hand. This from a RL archer...

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The macing weapons info has been updated by adding a black staff and a different view of a tessen. I overlooked the black staff last night because I only made screen shots of weapons you could craft. If anyone can think of other non-craftable weapons that are not included and that have different graphics than those shown, let me know and I'll add them.

The tessen image I used originally was one my blacksmith made out of brown cloth. Out of curiosity this morning, I went to a different house and pulled out a looted one that has the regular yellowish-orange color in the 2d client (i.e., it had 50% physical damage) and looked at it in the SA client. Different color than the one made out of brown cloth, of course! So, that shot has also been updated with one that better represents what you'd usually see in the SA client.


If anyone can think of other non-craftable weapons that are not included and that have different graphics than those shown, let me know and I'll add them.

Is the Sledge hammer the same pic as the smith's hammer in SA? I think they are in the Legacy client.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Pitchfork! How could I forget that one?

I'll find one of those and a sledge hammer and repost. Fortunately "sledge hammer" doesn't start with a "b." Had a good laugh when I realized that all the macing weapons had to move over one slot to add that one. LOL


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If anyone can think of other non-craftable weapons that are not included and that have different graphics than those shown, let me know and I'll add them.
The Redeemer two-handed sword :)
In the KR paperdoll it looked like a jester suit :dunce: for a long time, then it was finally replaced with the longsword graphics. Dunno what it looks like in SA.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Pitchfork is now included, as well as the sledge hammer. (And yes, it looks just like the smith's hammer in the SA client paperdolls.)

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
The Redeemer two-handed sword :)
In the KR paperdoll it looked like a jester suit :dunce: for a long time, then it was finally replaced with the longsword graphics. Dunno what it looks like in SA.
Okay, I'll have to hunt one down on Great Lakes, since that's where the model lives. LOL


The Redeemer two-handed sword :)
In the KR paperdoll it looked like a jester suit :dunce: for a long time, then it was finally replaced with the longsword graphics. Dunno what it looks like in SA.

It still has longsword graphic.

Im not a model...but heres my best male rendition :)



Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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They hold sais incorrectly. :)

Felonious Monk

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pitchfork! How could I forget that one?

I'll find one of those and a sledge hammer and repost. Fortunately "sledge hammer" doesn't start with a "b." Had a good laugh when I realized that all the macing weapons had to move over one slot to add that one. LOL
Does the Heavy Ornate Axe share the same art as the the Ornate Axe?



Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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How so? I just looked at it and it appears they've got it correct, at least for one of the basic stances.
Knuckle should face forward. She looks like she's about to stab someone...which you don't do w/ sais.

Edit: speaking of, its kind of ironic that sais are included as fencing weapons and have the "armor pierce" special. They'd more appropriately fit the macing skill...and they don't pierce armor, or anything.


Grand Poobah
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the female paperdoll is so much better than the male's, god. The male looks like he is hunched over and 57 years old.

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
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The wand is the last uncraftable. Note that there are four types of wands, but I'd assume they all look the same on the paperdoll.