It is amazing how difficult is to spend money for me using the UOGamecodes web site.
My credit card is fine and dandy to pay for my UO account, to buy the most various things but when it comes to placing an order at the UOGamecodes web site I simply cannot.
It ALWAYS give me a "Processor Error #31" ............go figure what it means.......
Cannot be my credit card as I use it with no problems for other things.
Then what is it ?
I tried on different days but no. No luck.
Is there any UO Customer Support rep who can help me with this ? Please PM me.
P.S. No, I do NOT want to place my order over the phone.
My credit card is fine and dandy to pay for my UO account, to buy the most various things but when it comes to placing an order at the UOGamecodes web site I simply cannot.
It ALWAYS give me a "Processor Error #31" ............go figure what it means.......
Cannot be my credit card as I use it with no problems for other things.
Then what is it ?
I tried on different days but no. No luck.
Is there any UO Customer Support rep who can help me with this ? Please PM me.
P.S. No, I do NOT want to place my order over the phone.